Hmmmm. A Doctor Who episode entitled In the Forest of the Night. Once I hear that, my brain immediately goes back in time (see what I did there?) to St. Mary’s Catholic School and Sister Joan Grace making my whole class memorize the William Blake poem, The Tyger which contains the line “In the forest of the night.” Of course, I got an A. My 12-year-old memorization skills were the shiznit. I can still recall the first two stanzas of that poem. I also recall trying to rhyme ‘eye’ with ‘symmetry. I may have been a goody-goody. Sigh

From the teaser, it’s obvious they took the name for the episode from that poem. Thank God! Because the other option would be a vampire novel of the same name written by a 13- year-old named Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. Evidently she was using her shiznit skills to much better effect than I did at that age. Double sigh.

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