
Wilson, adapted from the graphic novel of the same name is about a misanthropic nare-do-well trying to make good and redeem himself.  Woody Harrelson, who plays the main character, has some experience in this arena, and it’s where he shines.

Harrelson played a handless loser bowling champion in Kingpin.  He played a bad-ass loner surviver in Zombieland, and an alcoholic former champion in The Hunger Games series.  He’s good at losing.  In fact, in my opinion, his portrayal of loners, losers, and deadbeats is his best work.  And, this looks like no exception.


The hilarious Laura Dern joins Harrelson in this new quirky outsider dark comedy.  They were directed by Craig Johnson, and the screenplay was written by Daniel Clowes who wrote the graphic novel.

Wilson will be in theaters March 24, 2017

Jenny Flack
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