Just days after we learned of Zoe Kravitz joining The Batman as Catwoman, another villain has entered the mix. Reported by Variety, we’ve learned that Paul Dano has joined as The Riddler. How many villains will this film have?

Just yesterday we heard that Jonah Hill had turned down a role to be in the film. With the announcement of this casting, it’s being rumored that Hill was selected for The Riddler but turned it down. While we have no confirmation of that, it would be interesting if that were to be the case. Frankly I think he’d be an interesting Penguin but that ship has apparently sailed.

Director Matt Reeves confirmed the casting on his Twitter with the hashtag #EdwardNashton attached to a gif of Dano. The name in the hashtag is a notable alias used by The Riddler, whose real name is Edward Nigma (or Nygma). (It’s because he’s an enigma – Get it?) Riddler made his comics debut in Detective Comics #140 in 1948 and has been a staple of Batman’s Rogues Gallery ever since. What kind of version of this character will we see Dano portray? A burly tough guy? A nerdy wimp? A man with an Earth shattering ego? It’s exciting to think about.

What do you think of the casting? Are you looking forward to it? Let us know! Be sure to come back to Geek Girl Authority for more DC movie news. The Batman flies into theaters June 25, 2021.

RELATED: Zoe Kravitz Cast as Catwoman for Matt Reeves’ THE BATMAN