PlayStation 4 Pro

Talk about an underwhelming PlayStation Meeting.  Don’t get me wrong, the gameplay footage that was show is truly gorgeous but most of this could have been revealed through a press release as opposed to a snore inducing stage show.  At any rate, Sony officially surprised no one when they announced their new PlayStation 4 Pro and new standard PlayStation 4.

Let’s start off with the old yet new again, the PlayStation 4.  There isn’t much to say here, it’s slimmer, it has more efficient power usage, and it’s the same old hardware including the 500gb hard drive.  That’s it.  This slimmer model will be the new standard, meaning that once the bulky, original consoles are off the shelves, they’re off for good.

Now, onto the PlayStation 4 Pro, it’s not  the start of a new generation, just one that is harnessing the hardware power that we currently have.  It will be VR ready from the moment it comes out of the box, it will play all the current PS4 games, which is all great news.  What it’s going to  excel at is graphics.  It’s been developed to take full advantage of 4k resolution and HDR monitors which, frankly, makes me drool more than a little bit.  In addition it will have a 1tb hard drive, doubling the storage space of the standard models.

You don’t need to have a 4K, HDR monitor to enjoy a Pro as it will still upscale the graphics allowing a better graphic experience even without high tech gadgets.  However, if you want to experience it in all its glory, you will need to upgrade your monitor at some point.

There are still more questions but we do know the PS4 gaming community will not be split.  There will be no divide between the Pro and standard models both old and new, they will still have the same online community, be able to play all the same games, and players will be able to play in game together no matter the PS4 model they own.  Which is a huge relief considering the divide that exists between the current and previous gen console owners for both PlayStation and Microsoft.

As an added bonus, every single PS4 will be HDR compatible via a firmware update coming next week.  So you don’t have to run out and get a new console yet.

PlayStation Pro will be available November 10 for $399.

The new standard PlayStation 4 will be available September 15 for $299.


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