Warner Bros. just released the first trailer for Joker today. This is the Joker film staring Joaquin Phoenix and it’s kind of creepy, but in a good way.  

We meet Arthur Fleck (Phoenix) in the beginning of the trailer as he is talking to his therapist. He says his mother (Frances Conroy) always told him to smile and put on a happy face. As the trailer moves along, we see that times are hard for Arthur the clown. He’s beaten up and humiliated and wonders why the world is so crazy.  There’s even a shot of Thomas Wayne (Brett Cullen) talking about how Gotham has lost it’s way. And I’m not sure, but I think the boy in the trailer may be Bruce Wayne. The cruelty of the world eventually turns him into the villain we all know and love. Arthur decides that his life isn’t a tragedy, but a comedy.  

This is actually pretty cool. I have to admit that I was skeptical. The recent DC movies have been more predictable than cinematically tantalizing. I can tell that this film is setting itself apart from anything we’ve seen from DC in the past few years. And being one of my favorite DC villains, I have to say I’m very excited to see how he measures up to the best. I get more of a Heath Ledger vibe. Creepy all the same, but maybe a more charismatic than Jared Leto. He’s going to be fun to watch. Just watch the trailer. You’ll see what I’m talking about.   

Todd Phillips directed the film. Joker stars Robert DeNiroZazie BeetzMarc Maron, Bill Camp, Dante Pereira-Olson, and Douglas Hodge.

Joker centers around the iconic arch nemesis and is an original, standalone story not seen before on the big screen. Phillips’ exploration of Arthur Fleck (Phoenix), a man disregarded by society, is not only a gritty character study, but also a broader cautionary tale.

RELATED: JOKER Wants You to Put on a Happy Face in Debut Poster

Joker is set for release on October 4th, 2019.



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