Gaming Amazon Prime members rejoice! Amazon quietly announced all Prime members will enjoy 20% off all pre-order and new release video games.  Seems pretty straight forward right?  Well, it is, but as with everything, there are some questions.  So, without further ado, here are some FAQs:

20% off new physical video games during pre-order through two weeks after release.
Clearly digital versions are not part of this promotion, that’s ok, I still buy a lot of stuff physically. Such as all my Blizzard games. C’mon, I like the collector’s editions.

Discount will be applied automatically at checkout.
We won’t see the discount until we step through the checkout process. Alright, makes sense.

But what about if a game is already discounted? Fear not! We have the answer for that as well:
Prime members get at least 20% off list price on new physical video games during pre-order and two weeks after launch. If the game is discounted less that 20%, Prime members get the full 20% at checkout. If the game is already discounted more than 20%, Prime members get the lower price.

Offer valid when supped and sold by Amazon.
If you decide to buy anything from any seller that isn’t Amazon, you are SoL.  You know what I’m talking about, all those Marketplace vendors.  Only games sold and shipped directly through Amazon will be eligible.

Offer will be automatically extended to all existing Prime member pre-orders.
If you have an order already in the system, you don’t have to do anything, the discount will catch up to you when they charge you at launch.

I know 20% isn’t huge, but damn, this is the kind of thing that will entice me to pre-order more games instead of purchasing them after they come out and either waiting for a sale or a price drop. Hey, I’m a working woman, I don’t get games for free and I can’t afford every single game I want as it comes out, I like to eat. However, this will diminish the gut punch feeling I get when I do order my Blizzard Collector’s Editions.

I call this a win/win.

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