
While yes we’ve seen the trailer for the upcoming, so-called final installment in the Wolverine film franchise out of Fox Studios, Logan, there’s still something about the almost daily pictures put out by the wponx Instagram as well as the twitter of director James Mangold. The trailer is for the movie, but the pictures almost stand apart as works of art all on their own. It’s really as if mutants were at one time real and this photographer is doing an artistic retrospective on the last of their kind.

Today’s artistic entry comes from Mangold’s twitter and shows Hugh Jackman in the role Wolverine. He’s staring lost into a mirror in some impoverished hovel. He himself is lost, a shell of his former self, with terrible looking scars all over his chest.

The photograph, like so much else of the imagery we’ve seen for this film, immediately calls to mind the modern classic, Old Man Logan — a title that’s been linked to this film for over a year now.

More than anything, this image communicates a very specific weariness but also has within it a strong fire to push forward. After all, there may be very few mutants left in the world, but Wolverine is still one of them and he’s not really one for crumbling.

Matt Key
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