~Matt Key




Well well well.

Here we are. Finally.

Last night’s Season Finale for AMC’s series Preacher has finally gotten us to where the first book in the series started — Jesse Custer’s (Dominic Cooper) church has blown up and now he, his girlfriend Tulip (Ruth Negga) and his vampire friend Cassidy (Joseph Gilgun) are on the run to find an absent God. In an interview with Deadline, Executive Producer Sam Catlin said of the explosion, “A sinful, Sodom and Gomorrah-type town, blowing up on its sh*t — it’s all a direct result of the absence of God.”

Yes. There is no God in Heaven because that God ran away, and Jesse aims to find him. That’s where the comics start and the entire first season was designed just to get us to that point and introduce the main three characters to us. As Catlin says, “In the first season we really wanted to establish Jesse’s relationship to God and lack thereof. He is disillusioned and losing his congregation from the beginning. We needed to put Jesse’s journey into context, and his mission for next season.”


So, there’s all of that — almost every character from the first season is gone, completely. Which opens things up (finally) for characters from the comics. The exciting one is Herr Starr, the second in command of a super secret and ancient organization called “The Grail” — Grail Industries in the series. They are the keepers of the bloodline of Christ because Jesus went on to have kids, and grandkids, and grand grandkids, etc. That family line is under the protection of The Grail and Herr Starr is, more or less, the primary guardian.


Catlin says we’ve actually already met Herr Starr, in episode three of this season, titled “The Possibilities,” where Tulip meets with a friend after coming across some paperwork from a company called “Grail Industries.” That friend, Danni, then brings that to a man dressed in a white suit as he enjoys what seems to be a snuff film then leaves. As Catlin says, “the figure in white, and fanboys will know who that is. They’ve already seen the character briefly.”

So, now we’ve got the Saint of Killers, we’ve got the two angels from Heaven, we’ve already had Quincannon and now we’re getting Herr Starr. It’s only a matter of time until we get the Allfather D’Aronique, Jesus DeSade and Frankie Toscani.

This is an exciting time to be alive nerds. If you’ve read Preacher, you know why we say that. If you haven’t read Preacher — go read it right now so you can understand why we’re so excited.

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