
Netflix has released the first official trailer for season 11 of the beloved cult series, Mystery Science Theater 3000, starring Patton Oswalt, Felicia Day, Jonah Ray, Baron Vaughn, Hampton Yount and original host/creator Joel Hodgson and it looks wonderful!

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First of all it’s super exciting to see that it’s still put together by cardboard. The esthetic is perfect and definitely takes you back to when you first watched the series.

Robot Roll Call will happen on The Satellite Of Love, April 14th for a 12 episode run.

To gear up for the premiere, Netflix has released a whole slew of old, fan favorite, MST3K episodes that you can watch, right now. It also looks like there will be some news, for those who backed the kickstarter campaign that brought this whole thing together. Joel Hodgson tweeted this:


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