GEN V Recap: (S01E04) The Whole Truth

Melody McCune

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Tek Knight wears a white button-down shirt with a tie and vest while standing in a classroom and looking perplexed in Gen V Season 1 Episode 4, "The Whole Truth."

DISCLAIMER: This recap of Gen V Season 1 Episode 4, “The Whole Truth,” contains spoilers. Proceed at your peril. 

Welcome back, supes! “The Whole Truth” is all about Tek Knight learning the truth of the Luke/Brink tragedy and his fascination with holes. Gotta love the wordplay. This outing is a solid follow-up to episode three’s explosive end. We get narrative movement, plenty of comedic moments, steamy romance and another mystery unfolding that ties in with the primary conflict. 

So far, I’m digging this show. It’s not quite as strong as its predecessor yet, but it’s fun. It feels more grounded in the real world to me. While not quite as memorable as The Boys, these characters feel more rounded and nuanced. 

Ready to delve into “The Whole Truth”? Let’s get to it. 

RELATED: Check out our recap for Gen V Season 1 Episode 3, “#ThinkBrink”

We open with Dr. Cardosa (Marco Pigossi) examining the body of the soldier Emma killed. You know, the one whose eardrum she exploded. However, he’s not the only casualty — Emma left a field of corpses in her wake. Dean Shetty (Shelley Conn) urges Cardosa to find Sam and the supe responsible before Vought hangs them out to dry. Meanwhile, Marie (Jaz Sinclair), Andre (Chance Perdomo), Jordan (London Thor) and Cate (Maddie Phillips) look for Emma. They assume Sam already got away. Marie and Cate scold Andre for going rogue and persuading Emma to go on this dangerous mission. Eventually, they abandon their search.

Next, Emma (Lizze Broadway) wakes up still in her small form. She’s covered head to toe in blood. Sam (Asa Germann) observes her. He reveals they’re in a derelict drive-in movie theater that he and Luke used to escape to as kids. Sam wants to call Luke for help, but Emma finally reveals that Luke is dead. While Sam sobs on the floor, Emma vows to support him from here on out. 

Sam wears a blue jumpsuit while standing in a dimly lit abandoned building while looking off screen in Gen V Season 1 Episode 4, "The Whole Truth."
GEN V Season 1 Episode 4, “The Whole Truth.” Photo credit: Brooke Palmer/Prime Video.

Then, we see a preview of Tek Knight’s (Derek Wilson) latest show on Vought+. Now, he’s at God U. to investigate what happened to Luke/Golden Boy and Professor Brink. What was the motivation behind Luke murdering Brink and then committing suicide? Tek greets Shetty in her own office. She orders him to steer clear of the Top Five, which includes Andre (Number One), Marie (now Number Two) and Jordan (Number Five). Tek drops a well-placed Johnny Depp dig, which I appreciate. Most folks know Tek is infamous for his unbridled brutality with his interview subjects. 

RELATED: TV Review: Gen V Season 1

Meanwhile, Andre shows up at Cate’s dorm room while high as a kite. They cuddle together on her bed. He tells her about Polarity’s knowledge of The Woods and how he warned Andre to avoid it. Hmm. Outside, Marie enlists the aid of Rufus (Alexander Calvert) to help find her sister Annabeth and Emma. Jordan watches their interaction from afar. Rufus is a bona fide creep, though. Suddenly, the screen cuts to black. Marie wakes up in Rufus’ room. Rufus stands before her in a silk robe, his dick out in the open. Uh-oh. This is about to go into sexually violent territory. 

Thankfully, we hear Jordan knocking on his door, ordering him to open it. They arrive right as Marie literally explodes Rufus’ penis. Boom. If there’s one thing The Boys and Gen V love, it’s male genitalia. Whether someone’s climbing into one, riding one, getting choked by a giant, sentient one or exploding one. Marie and Jordan depart Rufus’ room. Jordan chastises Marie for asking Rufus for help. The pair argue in their enemies-with-sexual-tension way. The chemistry is there, y’all. 

Later, Tek Knight begins his interviews for his series. He starts with Andre and Polarity (Sean Patrick Thomas). Wilson is so funny in this role. He kills it — perfect comedic timing, no notes. Andre cracks under the pressure of Tek’s questions, especially when the latter declares that Andre and Cate were having an affair before Luke’s death. Andre tells Tek and Polarity off before storming out. We also see Jordan in their male form (Derek Luh) and Cate getting interviewed. Tek accuses Jordan of wanting to be top dog while Cate tries to utilize her powers on Tek. Tek threatens to remove her hand if she takes off her glove. 

RELATED: Catch up on the diabolical madness with The Boys recaps!

Meanwhile, Emma finds clothes at the abandoned drive-in and somewhat cleans off the blood and eardrum bits. She and Sam bond over their inherent weirdness. These two are cute. I approve of this pairing. While grabbing food in the back, Sam hears voices. He tries to keep them at bay. At Godolkin, Shetty approaches Marie and asks her why she missed their lunch. Marie wonders if Shetty wants to discuss something with her. The Crimefighting course begins, and Shetty announces a special guest speaker: Tek. Tek asks for a volunteer on whom to perform a mock interrogation. 

Emma, Marie and Cate stand in a kitchen while trying to defuse a dangerous situation in Prime Video's Gen V Season 1 Episode 4, "The Whole Truth."
GEN V Season 1 Episode 4, “The Whole Truth.” Photo credit: Brooke Palmer/Prime Video.

Instead of selecting a student with their hand raised, he chooses Marie. He analyzes Marie’s behavior down to the seemingly involuntary eyeball twitch. Marie finally tells the “whole” truth: she acknowledges Jordan as the true Guardian of Godolkin. They fought Luke and saved Marie. Marie storms out after her session with Tek. Shetty pulls Tek aside after class and confronts him for interrogating someone from the Top Five against her wishes. Tek realizes he can’t pin the blame for Luke’s and Brink’s deaths on any of these kids. Thus, he’s going after Shetty. Plus, he knows about The Woods and how Sam escaped. Uh-oh. 

Next, Sam spots television’s Jason Ritter on a TV screen as he sits next to a puppet version of The Deep. The letter “K” is emblazoned on the screen (they live on Avenue V, too). Jason and The Deep (who talks from his gills) persuade Sam to kill Dr. Cardosa. Cardosa is responsible for Sam’s torture and for, well, all of it. Thoroughly convinced, Sam bursts out of the drive-in and leaps away, leaving Emma alone. She calls out after him. 

RELATED: The Boys and Its Brilliance: Diving Into the Show’s Social Commentary

Meanwhile, Andre stands in front of his father’s statue on campus and crumples its head like a piece of paper with his mind. Cate asks him what’s wrong, but he simply embraces her. Jordan confronts Marie after class, wondering why Marie would admit to that so late in the game. Later, Jordan barges into Marie’s room, still irritated that Marie would embarrass herself in that manner. But isn’t Jordan getting due credit what they always wanted? It’s pretty damn obvious that they have feelings for Marie. 

Sure enough, when they’re close enough to kiss, Jordan morphs into their male form to makeout with Marie. I’m guessing they did this because they didn’t know if Marie was bi. She has chemistry with both genders, so I think Jordan remaining a woman would’ve been fine with her. When things are getting hot and heavy, Emma bursts into the room. However, she doesn’t have time to sort out what’s transpiring between Marie and Jordan. She reveals Sam’s plan to kill Dr. Cardosa. They need to stop him. 

Dr. Cardosa stands in a dimly lit room with his hand on his hip in Gen V Season 1 Episode 4, "The Whole Truth."
GEN V Season 1 Episode 4, “The Whole Truth.” Photo credit: Brooke Palmer/Prime Video.

Then, we see Tek meeting with Dean Shetty in the woods. She wanted to meet somewhere private, where there are no cameras. Shetty proceeds to whip out documents from Tek’s latest hospital visit. As it turns out, Tek has a small brain tumor that will inevitably become fatal. It’s responsible for Tek’s peculiar behavior changes, including his predilection for f*cking anything and everything. If there’s a hole, Tek’s, um, in it. She reveals footage of him going to town on various objects, including a skull, a hole in a tree and some bagels/doughnuts. Kudos to Derek Wilson for really going for it here. 

RELATED: The Boys Season 3 Review: Bold, Bloody and Profoundly Diabolical 

Shetty claims if Tek tries to bury her, she’ll ensure everyone sees this footage. It’ll damage his reputation. Tek agrees to stand down. Later, Tek wraps up his time at God U. with a monologue for his show. He states that this is an unfortunate situation. Nobody’s to blame for Luke’s and Brink’s deaths. Amid his monologue, Tek becomes distracted by a hole in a tree. After they finish the scene, Tek excuses himself for some alone time. Hee hee.

Next, Cardosa arrives home for dinner, noticing the table is set, and his husband cooked his mom’s recipe. Unfortunately, Sam corners Cardosa’s hubby and daughter. Cardosa jumps in front of his family, pleading with Sam to leave them alone. Suddenly, Andre tries to trap Sam with the refrigerator. Marie, Emma, Cate and Jordan are also there. Emma hopes to talk him out of killing Cardosa. When that doesn’t work, the powers come out to play. Sam sends Andre flying across the room. Marie utilizes her blood bending to seize Sam around the neck. Jordan fights him in both forms. 

Finally, Emma emerges as a giant, holding Sam in place. Yes, she ate a bunch of food to make herself big. My girl’s got versatility. Emma vows to help Sam however she can. Marie supports her friend’s statement, promising Sam they’ll make this right. However, killing Cardosa and his family isn’t the way. Suddenly, we see the screen cut to black again. Marie and Jordan, the latter of whom is in their female form, are in bed together. Marie wakes up. She wonders how the hell they got there. Meanwhile, somewhere, Tek tries to f*ck a hand dryer in the bathroom. Sometimes, you gotta get creative. 

RELATED: Catch up on the collegiate supe shenanigans with our Gen V recaps!

Who do you think is responsible for the blackouts/memory gaps — Rufus or Cate? Will Cardosa and his crew recapture Sam? How many other objects has Tek tried to screw? Only time (and more episodes) will tell.

Gen V drops new episodes every Friday on Prime Video

Melody McCune
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