~Matt Key
One of the brilliant minds behind next year’s hotly anticipated Marvel film, Deadpool, sat down with our very own Geek Girl Mama, Audrey Kearns, to dish about his career, Ryan Reynolds and the movie that’s finally being made about the Merc with a Mouth.
That brilliant mind is none other than Rhett Reese, one half of the writing duo that brought us Zombieland and G.I.Joe: Retaliation. He gave us some great insight into the writing process for Deadpool. For instance, in speaking about how Deadpool breaks the fourth wall, he believes you’ve got to find your inspiration, firstly, in the comics and see how Wade Wilson does it. Of this, he said:
“Great thing about Deadpool is there’s really no rhyme or reason to when or how he breaks the fourth wall. Sometimes he’ll reference the fact that he’s in a comic, sometimes it’ll be a direct plea to the reader, sometimes it’ll just be to himself, like an aside in a Shakespeare play or something. It’s really no holds barred.”
He then went on to say, “We had (breaking the fourth wall) at the back of our head, that at any time we could go to it and we just let ourselves, at any given moment, if we thought it was funny, to have Deadpool essentially turn to camera and say whatever he wanted to say.”
So it sounds like our Deadpool movie will have plenty of fourth wall breaking moments done in all the ways we love to see from the comics. Reese cautioned that they wanted to do it enough times to make it a thing, but that they had to find a balance because they “don’t want to just saturate the movie with it because it does take you out of the movie a little bit every time.”
Reese went on to address why they chose Ajax, a more relatively unknown villain played by Ed Skrein, over the better known villains like T-Ray or Slayback. Reese confirms that they did, in fact, talk “about names like Killebrew and names like Slayback,” and that in fact their original pitch had “Warpath in it as sort of an antagonistic guy, but not really a villain.” However, they still moved on from those guys because they loved Ajax’s “sadistic quality and his imperviousness to pain and what that implied about him. Just the fact that someone that doesn’t feel pain maybe doesn’t really feel anything.” This ultimately, as Reese says, “…lands very hard on Wade Wilson and creates the fun antagonism.”
With lines from Wade Wilson in the trailer like, “do right by me so I can do right by somebody else,” it’s easy to see how that antagonism could really come in to play. Wade Wilson is a surprisingly sympathetic guy, at least initially, and in love with Vanessa (played by Morena Baccarin), then this soulless, unfeeling monster comes in to his life and changes everything.
All of that to say, it sounds like we’re all getting exactly what we’ve always wanted from a Deadpool movie. At the very least, it’s been left in some very good hands.
Listen to Audrey’s entire interview with Rhett Reese here!
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