Wynonna Wednesday: Let’s Talk About WYNONNA EARP Episode 412

Melody McCune

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Still of Kat Barrell and Dom Provost-Chalkley in Wynonna Earp.

Welcome back to Wynonna Wednesday, Earpers! This week, I want to delve into episode 12 of Wynonna Earp‘s fourth season, “Old Souls.” The season finale! Our posse of dipsh*ts celebrated the eternal love of WayHaught with a haught to trot wedding, revealed emotional revelations and confronted a new witch. Emily Andras, thank you for promptly ripping my heart out and stomping all over it in the best way possible. Hold on to your butts. Grab some whiskey and doughnuts. Let’s get to Earping. 

RELATED: Read all Wynonna Wednesdays here!

The performances!
WYNONNA EARP — “Old Souls” Episode 412 — Pictured: (l-r) Tim Rozon as Doc Holliday, Melanie Scrofano as Wynonna Earp — (Photo by: Michelle Faye/Wynonna Earp Productions, Inc./SYFY)

Everyone brought their A-game to “Old Souls.” Dominique Provost-Chalkley and Kat Barrell made me feel all the things with their incredibly poignant and breathtaking nuptials. As per usual, their work was viscerally raw and grounded in honesty. WayHaught’s joy was palpable even through a TV screen. They radiated love. Provost-Chalkley and Barrell’s chemistry is simply electrifying. It’s been delightful watching that chemistry evolve over time. 

But if I had to pick episodic MVPs, I’d choose Melanie Scrofano and Tim Rozon. My god. I’m always impressed with their beyond-stellar performances, but “Old Souls” ascended them to a higher plane. What beautifully intricate, vulnerable work. Like Provost-Chalkley and Barrell, these two have always shared intense chemistry. A bottom of the deep, dark well connection that’s undeniable.

Scrofano and Rozon in “Old Souls” was a masterclass in acting. Not only did Wynonna and Doc end the episode with their wholehearted commitment to each other, but Scrofano and Rozon committed to each other as scene partners. 

The story!
Still of Melanie Scrofano in Wynonna Earp episode "Old Souls."
WYNONNA EARP — “Old Souls” Episode 412 — Pictured: Melanie Scrofano as Wynonna Earp — (Photo by: Michelle Faye/Wynonna Earp Productions, Inc./SYFY)

Now, we open with a flashback from 1968. A woman emerges from a chapel in a blood-soaked wedding dress. She slaughters everyone therein including her husband and herself. Flash forward to the present in Purgatory. Waverly (Provost-Chalkley) opens a box that contains her wedding dress alongside Wynonna (Scrofano). It’s the same one from the flashback. The inlaid sapphires begin to ominously glow. It’s a haunted wedding dress, y’all!

Next, Wynonna is entranced by said dress and decides to try it on herself. Unfortunately, she can’t remove it. She asks Doc (Rozon) to assist her in taking it off. Waverly appears with Wyatt Earp’s saddle in hand. She gives it to Doc as a gift. Then, she asks him to be her Best Man. Wynonna will be standing in as Nicole’s Maid of Honor because besties 4eva. 

Later, Wynonna and Doc head over to the vintage store where Waves purchased her magical murder dress. The proprietor, Brigitte (Charlotte Sullivan), eerily welcomes them into her establishment. She’s also a witch. Brigitte reveals that the dress cannot be “killed” unless you kill the wearer. Or you can collect silkworms and paint them by hand. Weird options abound. 

Waverly and Nicole notice that Wynonna and the dress are missing. Not to mention, their buttercream wedding cake and countless other decorations have been destroyed. Jeremy (Varun Saranga) tries to place the blame on the caterer, Damon (Tenaj Williams). He accuses Damon of being a demon, but really Damon’s just gay. Jeremy felt the false “demon alert” in his groin. Hey, sometimes the crotch region is wrong.

Then, WayHaught constructs their first murder board (Aw!) and cracks the ensuing case wide open. They learn about Brigitte and how she was left at the altar in the 1920s. She cursed the wedding dress. Thus, whoever donned it would embark on a murder spree. It’s unavoidable. Jeremy walks in on some haught barn sex. 

Later, Doc is searching a stream for silkworms, but to no avail. Wynonna procures a letter from his pocket that’s addressed to her. Apparently, he’s skipping town. Doc asserts that he needs to move on. The Earp curse is gone. He’s no longer a vampire bound by the Ghost River Triangle. The Clantons are kaput. Even BBD has fled. He’s free to go wherever he pleases. 

Now, the pair return to Brigitte’s store with “common earthworms” painted with nail polish. Brigitte rejects their offering. Thankfully, Waverly barges in fully armed with a silk banner. She incapacitates the witch and restrains her. Booyah! Wynonna admits that she initially tried on the dress because she wanted to “feel normal.” She’s now able to remove it. 

Next, Waverly decides to sport Mama Earp’s wedding dress instead with some modifications. The wedding is in full swing. Nicole asks Nedley (Greg Lawson) to walk her down the aisle. Wynonna escorts her sister down the aisle as well. We see Jeremy officiating the ceremony. A slew of chairs is labeled with the names of friends and family who couldn’t attend for a myriad of reasons. Dolls’ name is front and center. Cue the waterworks.

After the emotional ceremony, Rachel (Martina Ortiz-Luis) takes the mic and belts out a beautiful rendition of “Wildwood.” Our crew dances, eats cake, drinks and is generally merry. Rachel asks Nedley if Billy (Billy Bryk) can join them on their fishing trip. Doc departs. Wynonna finds him packing his belongings. She tearfully tries to persuade him to stay. But Doc needs to move forward, with or without her. 

Then, Wynonna returns to the Homestead Doc-less. The Earp sisters share a powerful scene wherein Waverly convinces her older sibling that it’s okay to leave. She can pursue what she wants. Go get him, girl!

After a series of mishaps and false starts, Wynonna is now en route to snag her cowboy. She takes her motorcycle and deftly shoots the wheels on Charlene, Doc’s car. The pair confess their love for one another, starting with a much-needed “I love you” from Wynonna. In that bottom of the deep, dark well way. 

They hop on her motorcycle and embark on a fabulous adventure that includes a trip to visit Alice in Montana. Their daughter. Jeremy’s promoted to Deputy Chief of BBD and he has a date with Damon. Waverly and Nicole sit on the porch and revel in their marital bliss. They’re finally home. Instead of Nicole seeing Waverly Earp smiling at her from the porch, she’s now sitting on said porch with her wife. Let that sink in. 

An ode to our posse of dipsh*ts!
Still of Greg Lawson in Wynonna Earp episode "Old Souls."
WYNONNA EARP — “Old Souls” Episode 412 — Pictured: Greg Lawson as Randy Nedley — (Photo by: Michelle Faye/Wynonna Earp Productions, Inc./SYFY)

Wynonna Earp exists in a league of its own. Instead of adhering to the “bury your gays” trope, they “married their gays.” And it all started with that bulletproof vest. Then, “The Unkillable Gay Squad.” Andras is dedicated to ensuring that queer representation stays present and in the safe zone. She gave Waverly, Nicole and Jeremy the space to flourish. That’s so very important. 

There really is something for everyone. For me personally, Wynonna’s journey struck a chord with me. She spent so much of her life putting others first. Being the selfless hero she needed to be. Tossing her own needs and wants on the backburner. I can relate to that. Of course, for her, it came from a place of shame and an inability to see her own worth.

Like Wynonna, I grew up with an abusive parent. I know what it’s like to think you’re undeserving of happiness and love. It’s still a daily struggle for me. I felt immense gratification when Wynonna threw caution to the wind and chased after what she wanted — Doc. It was a stark reminder that love is there for the taking. That we deserve to be happy.

I think, besides the themes of found family and unconditional love, giving yourself permission to be happy is one of the cruxes of Wynonna Earp. Every person in “Old Souls” found their “happy.” Waverly fully embraced her identity and found prevailing happiness with Nicole.

Nicole came “home” and discovered a family that accepted her for who she was. Wynonna succumbed to the happiness she incessantly avoided. Doc found life and love beyond the well. Jeremy was promoted to a position of power and harnessed that innate confidence in himself to be authoritative. Not to mention … Damon!

Rachel, like Nicole, found her family and new love. Nedley “adopted” three kids and embraced his role as a father figure to Purgatory. Mercedes, although she wasn’t in the season finale, is undoubtedly relishing her vampire status and coming into her own power. 

Wynonna Earp is one of the few genre shows that allows its characters to be happy. It’s so easy, especially in sci-fi/fantasy, to rely heavily on the dramatics of it all. To relent to the high-stakes aspect of living in a world fraught with supernatural, otherworldly peril. I believe this show is inherently a character-driven drama. The fantastical elements are secondary to the people. It’s a wonderful way to keep the series grounded in truthfulness and connect us to these characters. Our posse of dipsh*ts could easily exist in the real world. 

While the fate of our sh*tshow is currently walking the tightrope, I’ve no doubt that Andras has more stories to tell in this universe. If given a new home, Wynonna Earp will continue to push the envelope and elevate the genre in which it sits. Regardless, the Earper fandom is an unwavering one. They will stalwartly march into the fray and fight for Wynonna. (If you’re looking for ways to help the Bring Wynonna Home campaign, here’s a good place to start.)

So, here’s to our posse of dipsh*ts. Our found family. Our home. A show that uplifts its characters and wholeheartedly loves its fandom. We love you too. We’ll always be all in. 

Stray observations!
Still of Dominique Provost-Chalkley and Kat Barrell in Wynonna Earp episode "Old Souls."
WYNONNA EARP — “Old Souls” Episode 412 — Pictured: (l-r) Dominique Provost-Chalkley as Waverly Earp, Katherine Barrell as Sheriff Nicole Haught — (Photo by: Michelle Faye/Wynonna Earp Productions, Inc./SYFY)
  • At the end of the episode, Wynonna is wearing the same shirt she wore in the series premiere, “Purgatory.” 
  • Nicole mentions in her wedding vows that she promises to hold Waverly’s hand until “the firelight grows dim.” This alludes to Nicole’s first episode in Season One, “Keep the Home Fires Burning,” when she meets Waverly at Shorty’s. 
  • Rachel sings “Wildwood” by Fleurie, which is the song playing when Waverly and Nicole shared their first kiss in “Bury Me With My Guns On.”
  • The name tags killed me. I loved how the Powers That Be decided to put Dolls’ name tag in the front. He recognized the love forming between Waverly and Nicole before anyone else. He was an avid supporter from the get-go. 
  • I loved that Doc rode on the back of Wynonna’s motorcycle. So often we see it the other way around — the guy drives while the girl sits in the back. It’s a powerful shot that’s so very Wynonna Earp. Incessantly turning tropes on their head. 
  • Wynonna told Doc she was “all in” to see their daughter Alice. This hearkens back to Doc’s emphatic vow of “I am all in” from the Season Two episode “Everybody Knows.” 
  • I loved the parallels between Wynonna’s entry into Purgatory versus her exit. In the first episode, she returns to a severely darkened Purgatory. However, in “Old Souls,” she leaves on a bright, sunny day. One (me) could argue that these represent Wynonna’s emotional states at the time. She was reticent to return to Purgatory in the series premiere. In the Season Four finale, she left with Doc filled with hope and finally at peace with her demons. In a way, killing demons with Peacemaker helped Wynonna make peace with her inner ones.
  • Waverly saying “Thank goodness” in her wedding vows was such an interesting detail. Of course, she’s half-angel, so stating “Thank God” might be a bit strange for her. Or perhaps it’s a latent inability to “speak the Lord’s name in vain.” The “God” concept is something we have yet to address on Wynonna Earp
  • That final shot murdered me. The mailbox and signage. It perfectly encapsulates what this show is about: family. 
  • Andras’ cameo as the voice on the phone telling Jeremy he’s been promoted was brilliance personified. 
Still of Varun Saranga in Wynonna Earp episode "Old Souls."
WYNONNA EARP — “Old Souls” Episode 412 — Pictured: Varun Saranga as Jeremy — (Photo by: Michelle Faye/Wynonna Earp Productions, Inc./SYFY)
  • “This isn’t a secret wife, Nicole. This is the matrimonial icing!” –Wynonna 
  • “Okay. He can come. But, there’s only going to be one kind of tent we’re pitching on this trip.” –Nedley 
  • “Baby, if you left me at the altar, I would f*ck shit up. I might kill Nedley!” –Nicole 
  • “I thank goodness every day for that bulletproof vest.” –Waverly 
  • “My biggest fear used to be that you’d never come back. That you’d never get to know the real me. But now I know you always will, Wynonna. Not only because you’re the f*cking hero we need when we need you. But because this is your home.” –Waverly 
  • “I love you in that bottom of the deep, dark well way.” –Wynonna 
  • “I’m where I’ve always wanted to be. Home. With my wife.” –Nicole 
  • “They say life is short, but it is long and it is lonely. So, if you manage to find a group of souls that will tolerate you, and elevate you and one who will especially love you. Well, that is all it’s about. That is what the fight is really for.” –Doc 
  • “The second I saw you I had a feeling in my crotch!” –Jeremy 
  • “I promise to hold your hand when the firelight grows dim. And that my love never will.” –Nicole 

RELATED: Catch up on all the sh*tshow antics with our Wynonna Earp recaps!

What was your favorite part of “Old Souls”? Sound off in the comments below! I’ll be back for more Wynonna Earp shenanigans next week when I reveal my predictions/theories for a potential Season Five. Until then — tacos are tasty. 






Melody McCune
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