WYNONNA EARP Recap: (S02E09) Forever Mine Nevermind

Melody McCune

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DISCLAIMER: This Wynonna Earp recap contains more spoilers than the number of coordinated throw pillows Wynonna owns. Proceed at your own risk, and make your peace. 

Welcome back, Earpers! Have you recovered from this week’s Wynonna Earp yet? I myself needed quite a few smelling salts before coming to. So many revelations and revenants! We were given Widows, Dolls The Lizard Man and demons with forked tails. Creepy animated porcelain dolls. Emily Andras and company have graciously blessed us with many wonderfully macabre supernatural creatures. Just how I like my genre shows. 

Alright, Purgatory residents, shall we make a trip to Shorty’s for a bottle of Jack and doughnuts? 

We open with Waverly (Dominique Provost-Chalkley) and Wynonna (Melanie Scrofano) engaging in a bit of hand-to-hand combat. Dolls (Shamier Anderson) is supervising them as Wynonna shows her younger sister some key fighting moves. You know, in case the killer widow brides of demon Cloodie decide to attack them again. Wynonna manages to execute perfect back flips while housing another human inside her, and I occasionally get winded walking up stairs. Our Earp heir, ladies and gents, making pregnancy look like a cake walk. 

Meanwhile, Dolls decides to grant Team Black Badge the night off. Wynonna has a prior engagement and needs the Homestead to herself. But first – more training for Waves. 

Then, we see Doc (Tim Rozon) meander into an antique shop. He approaches the shopkeeper (Robert Verlaque) and asks about libations – particularly whiskey. Gotta love an antique shop that also doubles as a bar. While the shopkeeper pours Doc a glass of whiskey he comments on Doc’s ring, asking him if he’s willing to part with it for a generous sum of money. Doc immediately refuses any offer the shopkeeper might make.

Antique shops turned bars are my new favorite thing.

Next, the gentleman procures a beautiful painting of a girl in a field outside a house that resembles the Homestead. Doc is instantly taken with it and tells the man to wrap it for him for a later time. After Doc leaves, we see a forked tail sprout behind the shopkeeper. Demons are afoot, I tell you!

Later, Dolls is in the basement at Shorty’s being tended to by Rosita (Tamara Duarte). Her serums seem to be doing the trick on our Dolls. They’re helping to keep his fire-breathing Lizard Man self at bay. He asks Rosita if he can have a six month supply on hand, so he wouldn’t have to visit every week. Rosita reminds him that each serum dosage is only good for a few days. Dolls decides to give her a gift card to a spa, to thank her for her hard work. Maybe he can take Doc in for a much needed massage. Oh Dolls, you little rascal. Rosita relents and hands him a case containing multiple serums. 

Then, Wynonna is sitting at the bar upstairs, chatting with Rosita while the latter pours drinks. Rosita asks Wynonna if she’ll be having a natural birth, to which our Earp girl responds that she’ll need all the drugs she can get. Rosita offers to concoct her a drug that’ll make her feel like Chris Evans is feeding her chocolates. Can I have that drug too? Anyway, Doc makes his entrance, and Wynonna reveals that he’s going over to the Homestead for dinner. We see Rosita’s face fall as the duo leaves the bar. Aw, I like the new girl. She can stay. 

Later, Jeremy (Varun Saranga) is watching cricket with Dolls and Waverly. Apparently, Dolls is really invested in the sport and Jeremy will do anything to get on the former’s good side professionally. More JeremDolls scenes, please. That is my official ship name for them. Then, Nicole (Katherine Barrell) enters and informs our trio that a body has been found, one that could encroach on Black Badge territory. As of right now, Waverly and Nicole are still embroiled in a fight. My heart breaks into a million pieces whenever I witness unhappiness in La Casa de WayHaught. 

This is me after I spend a few minutes in the sun…

Next, the now quartet ventures to the scene of the crime – that of someone who was burned alive, almost beyond recognition. However, Nicole knows the body is that of Tucker Gardner, the most annoying of all Gardners. 

Then, back at the police station, Beth Gardner (Meghan Heffern) stands over Tucker’s burnt remains. She tries to take him home, but Jeremy and Dolls remind her that his body counts as evidence in an ongoing investigation. Suddenly, Beth faints into Dolls’ arms (the most acceptable way to faint, in my book). She wakes up to a smiling Waverly. Our Waves offers to help her in any way possible, even if it’s just a shoulder to cry on. Nicole walks in on their interaction and reminds the two that Tucker was a little terror. He had a dangerous obsession with Waverly. Her remarks widen the rift between her and Waves. Once again, my heart is broken.

Beth Gardner better leave my WayHaught alone.

Later, at the Homestead, Doc unveils his latest purchase to Wynonna – the painting from the antique shop. He comments on how it appeared much better in the store. Wynonna feigns her excitement over it. Then, Chef Earp commences preparations on her Dinner Special. After setting down a pot of what appears to be macaroni and cheese (a surefire way to my heart), Wynonna gets down to brass tacks on why she asked Doc over. She reveals that the third seal the widows are searching for is on his person. 

Meanwhile, a forlorn Waverly sits at the bar in Shorty’s while Rosita pours them each drinks. They chit-chat about their relationship issues. Rosita’s hesitancy at Doc having dinner with his baby mama, Waverly’s argument with Nicole. Then, Waves confesses her desire to skip town for the night. Rosita swoops in to save our girl by granting her her wish. She really is a fairy godmother. 


Then, Wynonna continues to dump new information on Doc. Not only is the third seal located on his person, it’s the ring he wears that grants him eternal life. Wynonna’s newest goal is to destroy said seal and unleash the demon Cloodie, so she can kill him and finally break the Earp curse. Doc thinks she’s lost her marbles. 

Talking about unleashing demons is not a fun thing to do.

Next, we see Waverly and Rosita are at the spa that the latter has a gift card for, thanks to Dolls. They’re lounging in a hot tub, sipping on fruity water and champagne. Waverly is constantly in overdrive, thinking about the widows and finding the third seal. Rosita gently chides Waves into relaxing and taking care of herself for once. Then, we see that someone is watching our pair from afar. A peeping tom, perhaps?

Ladies night!

Meanwhile, Wynonna tries to convince Doc to let her take his ring, and end the curse once and for all. She also corrects him when he refers to his ring as the key to his immortality. Doc is ageless, not immortal. Right? The two bicker on the merits of Wynonna’s plan. He feels like she’s being thoughtless of how this will impact his life – he’ll probably age and die like a normal human now. Then, Wynonna reveals that when she had her vision quest she saw someone at the well that attempted to help free him – Bobo Del Rey. However, Doc’s pride got the best of him, and he wouldn’t give in to what Bobo was asking for. 

Then, their argument quickly escalates, and words are spewed that are difficult to take back. Doc insists that Wynonna give him her car keys so he can leave, but she’s unable to find them. He decides to make the trek back to Purgatory proper himself. Doc will try anything to distance himself from Wynonna. No more fights, please! I can’t have my favorite pairing bickering away. 

Later, Beth is at home, performing a little locating spell on a map. She’s trying to locate that pesky seal, and seems to have hit the jack pot. Not if our Black Badge team has anything to say about that!

Next, Jeremy and Dolls are in the basement at Shorty’s, inspecting the seal that was found within. Dolls begins rummaging through Rosita’s things, hoping to glean information. Jeremy urges Dolls against such a thing, and reminds him that he’s one of the good guys, which warms my heart. These two need all the scenes together. While Jeremy is ascending the stairs he punctures his hand on the wooden railing. However, it appears he has more than a mere splinter, but an actual claw nestled inside the skin of his hand. Jeremy recalls that Beth wore a bandage on her finger tip. Bingo! Widow Numero Uno has been successfully identified. 

Meanwhile, Wynonna is attempting to block Doc’s path out the door. She even belly bumps him with her own baby bump, which makes me giggle. Looks like Little Earp is taking after Mama Earp – a fighter through and through. Then, Doc reveals the sad story of how his mother perished, and how he can no longer stand small spaces (like in wells, for instance). Wynonna listens intently, and once again I’m entranced by the pure magic Scrofano and Rozon have together. Please, give them all the awards. Suddenly, they hear a noise upstairs and each brandish their guns. Doc heads upstairs to investigate. 

Later, our spa girls are steeped in gossip, and the champagne is flowing freely. Waverly’s phone is abuzz with several text messages, all from Nicole. Rosita urges Waves to grow a “backbone” in this scenario, and the latter sends Nicole a scathing message that may have had too much backbone. Then, the two share a kiss while Rosita is talking about the science of champagne bubbles. While I love Rosita, my heart broke for Nicole. However, I’m glad this moment spurs Waves into action on patching things up with Nicole.

Rosita steps away to get dressed, and later Waverly goes searching for her. She is shocked to find her unconscious on the ground, with Tucker Gardner (Caleb Ellsworth-Clark) standing over her. That fiend! Also, poor Rosita…

The Frostbitten, Once Thought Dead Gardner Sibling returns.

Meanwhile, Dolls and Jeremy are on a mission. Said mission requires breaking and entering into the Gardner’s home. Jeremy attempts to give our Dolls a pep talk, but alas Dolls is in tactical mode. He throws off his earpiece so Jeremy can no longer pester him. We see Dolls enter the outside cellar door to the house. 

Then, back at the spa, Tucker covers Rosita’s body with a towel. I refuse to believe she’s dead – she’s much too cool to succumb to something so “doom and gloom.” Tucker ushers a stunned Waverly from the scene and vows to take care of her. Tucker himself has marks of frostbite on his nose, ears and fingers, claiming he braved the snowy weather to get to her. 

Later, Doc descends the stairs and declares that nothing strange is lurking on the upper level of the Homestead. Wynonna puts her foot down, reminding him that, being the Earp heir, everything related to the curse belongs to her, including Doc’s ring. He taunts her, telling her to “come and get it.” Fist fight! 

Next, Tucker reveals that he faked his own death. Waverly gently tries to persuade him to tell his sisters that he’s alive, but he refuses to do so. His fixation is all Waves now. Also, he’s beyond creepy, especially with the newly acquired frostbite. Our Waverly holds her ground though, and stands strong. 

Meanwhile, Dolls descends the stairs into the Gardner’s cellar, and finds two captive bodies – both missing faces. One of them is still, while the other is crawling on the floor in agony. Tucker reveals to Waverly that the demons possessing his sisters essentially took their flesh. Only one of the real Gardner sisters is actually alive. Dolls vows to help the living sister. But first – super cool infrared goggles, baby! Dolls puts them on and heads upstairs to search for the widows. 

Dolls is on the case!

Then, Waverly convinces Tucker to let her call Wynonna. You know, just so she isn’t worried when Waves skips town with Tucker. He allows this, as long as he can listen in. This is something out of a horror movie. 

Later, Dolls is stalking the darkened corridors of La Casa de Gardner, when we hear the voice of Mercedes (Dani Kind) in full-out widow form. Dolls has his gun raised at the ready. Suddenly, Mercedes herself appears in widow regalia. The heat is on, folks! 

Then, we see Wynonna brandishing Peacemaker in Doc’s direction. Tensions mount to an all-time high as Wynonna flat out demands he give her the ring. The curse is hers to break, after all. I’m on Team Wynonna on this one. Suddenly, an animated porcelain doll moves into view directly behind Wynonna. She has our girl’s cellphone in hand and it’s ringing. 

With this ring, I thee…

Meanwhile, Waverly is shocked that Wynonna didn’t pick up the phone. She leaves a voicemail, detailing that due to the fight between her and Nicole she’s leaving Purgatory indefinitely. Tucker watches in glee, practically salivating. Then, he’s knocked unconscious by the clearly alive Rosita. How is Rosita alive? She’s a freaking revenant! Major twist alert! 

Later, Dolls corners Mercedes, who attempts to attack him but doesn’t have enough juice. Jeremy swoops in to help his friend, but is frozen via Mercedes and her widow powers. Dolls chastises Jeremy for not doing as he was told and staying in the car. Unfortunately, Mercedes escapes during this little spat. 

Then, Doc demands that Wynonna shoot him. She reminds him that even if the sisters break the seal, chances are they’ll kill him anyway. He relents, albeit begrudgingly, and tosses the ring at her. Unfortunately, the creepy porcelain doll standing in the background snatches the ring. Methinks this doll was sent by the shopkeeper, and lived in the painting. Doc immediately opens fire on the doll, but only one round from Wynonna’s Peacemaker does the real trick. After the doll explodes, the ring rolls back to Doc. 

Doc realizes that demonic forces are indeed at play, and are attracted to the ring. Wynonna solemnly swears that she won’t attempt to break the seal until after the baby is born, and only with Doc at her side. Doc gets on one knee, making my heart stop a bit, but he simply makes her reinforce her promise. Then, the painting behind them catches on fire. Nope, not demonic at all. 

This is not what it looks like (although a girl can dream).

Later, Tucker reunites with Beth while searching for Waverly, but it’s not a happy reunion. Beth freezes her brother and begins eating him, as you do with your kin. Strongest feeding off the weakest, right?

Then, we see a distraught Mercedes set up an altar to her demon husband Cloodie, and begs him for his help. She pledges her very being to him, even cutting off a lock of her hair and slitting her wrist to seal the deal. She tries the same locating spell that Beth produced earlier. To her delight, she finds what she’s looking for. 

Praying to your dead demon husband? That’s so 1800s…

Later, Rosita and Waverly are sharing drinks at Shorty’s and I guess it really is five o’clock somewhere. Waverly promises not to tell her sister about Rosita the Revenant. Waverly admits, for the first time ever, that she suspects she herself is part revenant. A product of Bobo, perhaps? Rosita convinces our Waves to march over to Nicole’s house and make amends. 

Then, a knock is heard at Nicole’s door. She calls out Waverly’s name, thinking it’s her girlfriend. Unfortunately, Mercedes Gardner is standing on the other side. 


Guys, I always knew Wynonna Earp would be the death of me. Sorry, Doc, I didn’t mean to steal your line. This episode may have topped last week’s, which I didn’t think was possible. Rosita being a revenant was one of the show’s biggest twists. Well, and the possibility that Waverly might be half of one. Once again, Scrofano and Rozon steal the show with their electric scenes. Doc’s undying devotion to Wynonna paired with his sometimes dislike of her is literally the definition of a soulmate. The tension is so thick I need a saw to cut it. 

Do you think Bobo Del Rey is Waverly’s real father? What does Mercedes want with Nicole, and will she hold the other redhead hostage to get it? Does Doc know that Rosita is a revenant? Will Doc and Wynonna finally stay together, as they should? Join me next week for more Wynonna Earp goodness, here at Geek Girl Authority.


Wynonna Earp airs Fridays at 10pm on your SyFy affiliate. 

Melody McCune
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