WONDER WOMAN Is Getting Positive Reviews, Thank Hera!

Erin Lynch

You couldn’t ask for better news. Wonder Woman reviews have been kept relatively quiet but no more! Members of press were able to see the film and there’s been nothing but positive reviews. While the DCEU has been crushed under critical failure with their last two outings, this may be the film to break the mold. 

While some admitted there were flaws, such as 3rd act issues, the film is getting overall great reviews. Standouts seem to be the humor and heart of the film along with praise for star Gal Gadot. Almost unfairly so, this film has a lot riding on it’s shoulders. Being the first superheroine solo film, the first live action film all about Wonder Woman and one of the first films out of the DCEU. It’s a lot. And it’s a powerful step for women in superhero films. One that needs to be good, if not great. 

RELATED: New WONDER WOMAN International Poster Takes Charge

Fans are also getting in on the fun as they recently announced that there would be early fan screenings in select cities. While I’ll be crying in the corner that none of the fan screenings are near me, fans who were able to grab passes will be able to see the film on May 24th. Why Wednesday? Because it’s Wonder Wednesday! Soon, we’ll have fan reactions but for now, the press have spoken and so far it’s all good news.

Check out the comments below and be sure to see Wonder Woman in theaters on June 2nd.



Erin Lynch

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