WOKE Recap: (S01E06) Dap, Peace, F*ck You

Melis Noah Amber

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Clovis (T. Murph) and Ayana (Sasheer Zamata) on Woke

There’s spoilers in this recap of episode six of Woke, “Dap, Peace, F*ck You“ so you know, you’ve been warned.

Last time on the comedy inspired by co-creator Keith Knight‘s comix, cartoonist Keef Knight (Lamorne Morris) learned that Black people invented swing dancing. And Gunther (Blake Anderson) got really high. 

RELATED: Woke Recap: (S01E05) Oaktown Get-Down

This episode’s TL;DR: “I feel like that’s wrong, but I can’t quite verbalize why.”

We begin our episode with Keef and Adrienne (Rose McIver) in the living room. She insists she’s not upset that he black-faced her in his cartoon. It doesn’t matter anyway, since they’re not even together. Keef is pretty sure of two things: Adrienne is upset and no, he didn’t black-face Adrienne, he Rachel Dolezaled her. Just then, new bffs Ayana (Sasheer Zamata) and Clovis (T. Murph) come home. 

The boys play Roshambo Dap, Peace, F*ck You for use of the living room. Adrienne’s having none of it though and drags Keef’s ass outside. But now, Gunther and his Mushroom Buds (Shannon Kook and Donna Benedicto) enter the apartment. Gunther offers to play a round of Dap, Peace, F*ck You against Clovis for use of the living room. 

Woke Geek Girl Authority
Woke — “Dap, Peace, F*ck You” – Episode 106 — Gunther (Blake Anderson), shown. (Photo by: Liane Hentscher/Hulu)

Outside, Adrienne continues to try to curtail Keef’s spiral, while he’s determined to fall deeper down the rabbit hole. She tells him none of the guys she’s dated “like him” have ever been this insecure; he naturally assumes she means Black men. She meant artists. I don’t like how Adrienne immediately got defensive when Keef assumed she meant Black men. She brought up exes and then goes on to tell him her past is none of his beeswax? We do learn in this scene that Keef is from Boston. He then makes a joke about Boston being filled with white women, which sure. But I just found it odd considering that Boston has a higher Black population (25%) than either Oakland (23%) or San Francisco (5%).

Meanwhile, in Gunther’s bedroom…the Mushroom Trio is cuddled up and Gunther’s starting to realize he may have signed on for a three-way. While that sexual crisis is going on, Clovis tells Ayana it’s time for her to spill about her ex. But she’d rather mess with her ex’s Netflix and Hulu algorithms. Clovis is truly over Ayana once he finds out she doesn’t f*ck with Lindsay Lohan. Ayana changes the subject to the fact that Keef’s latest comic states that Clovis hates women. Clovis is all “I love women, just, you know, one night at a time.”

Just then, Adrienne bursts in to asks Ayana and Clovis if they care as much as Keef does about dating people of other races. Ayana philosophizes about fetishization, but ultimately says she dgaf. Clovis thinks that’s rich coming from someone who’s dated two Asian women in a row. Ayana insists that for her, it’s a type, not a fetish because, she, as a black queer woman cannot perpetuate oppressive sex practices the same way the rest of them can. Keef is the scratching head emoji. 

So, Gunther needs the talking stick and though he knows nothing about what’s going on, he sides with Ayana because that’s what you do. Gunther didn’t realize he’d signed up for a threesome when he brought the Mushroom Twins home with him from the party. Where they did drugs, cuddled and braided each other’s hair. Clovis tells Gunther the reason he’s not into the threesome idea is because there’s another dude involved. Insert some hilarious d*ck jokes here. Turns out that Gunther’s disappointed in himself for not being able to get over Mushroom Guy’s maleness; he’s just another person in 2020 San Francisco, right? Insert more jokes about genitalia. Gunther sulks back to his room like a child on his way to timeout. 

Over in Keef’s bedroom, Keef drops the bomb that he just got out of a two-year relationship. Two weeks before meeting Adrienne. She’s not even angry that he didn’t tell her. She’s just questioning why she continues to choose emotionally unavailable men. Keef points out that he is an upgrade from her heroin-dealing ex. 

Woke Geek Girl Authority
Woke — “Dap, Peace, F*ck You” – Episode 106 — Keef (Lamorne Morris) and Adrienne (Rose McIver), shown. (Photo by: Liane Hentscher/Hulu)

Next, we’re back in the living room. Mushroom Girl pops in to ask where the bathroom is and Ayana takes the opportunity to check out her calf muscles. Leading Clovis to quickly realize that Ayana is to blame for her recent break up. He very rightfully teases her to no end. 

And we’re back in threesome land. Mushroom Girl returns from the bathroom and gives Gunther a little kiss before starting to get hot and heavy with Mushroom Guy. After she takes Gunther’s top off, he very awkwardly goes for Mushroom Guy’s nether regions. Mushroom Guy pops off with a “Dude! WTF. I’m straight.” Gunther is all “Um me too, but you clearly made it seem like that’s what this was all about?” Mushroom Girl chastises her boyfriend and orders him to let Gunther “grab his d*ck”. They all make up and get on with it. LOL. But also, consent?

Back in Keef’s bedroom, Adrienne wants to know how the claps and validation at Darque Noir’s salon felt. Um, good. Even if it shouldn’t have. Turns out Adrienne’s been chasing acclaim she won a decade ago. She feels like maybe the stability in her personal life means she’s through and has nothing left to say. PSA to all artists struggling with their mental health or turbulent personal lives: You can still create wonderful art after you seek help; in fact, once you get yourself on a healthier path, your creativity has the room to flourish and you’ll find yourself more focused; please don’t buy into the idea that you need to be unstable to create great art. Anyway, Keef tells Adrienne she brought stability to his life, and they start to have sex. 

Over in the living room, Clovis is still laying into Ayana. Tee hee. He’s calling her a hypocrite and won’t let her rationalize her way out of her “straight up f*cking cheating.” Clovis brags that at least when he hooks up with women, they don’t remember him. I like the banter between these two now that they’re friends and Clovis has stopped being creepy with her. Clovis really needs a female friend in his life. Then come the sex sounds from the other room(s?). Ayana quickly peaces out to get back with her ex—all the sex in the air has gotten her worked up. 

After sexing, Keef and Adrienne realize their fight and makeup cycle is maybe not so healthy. By fantasizing about the future, which involves a baby and a 47-year old man named Beatrice. Keef ends things between the two of them. Adrienne and himself that is. Things end amicably with kisses, but she does tell him not to call. 

Woke Geek Girl Authority
Woke — “Dap, Peace, F*ck You” – Episode 106 — Clovis (T. Murph), Keef (Lamorne Morris) and Gunther (Blake Anderson), shown. (Photo by: Liane Hentscher/Hulu)

Then, Keef plops himself onto the couch with Clovis. They’re very quickly joined by Gunther—he got kicked out of his own threesome. So, our buds watch LiLo’s Parent Trap together—the ultimate threesome. 

I always love a good bottle episode, so it was no surprise that I liked this episode of Woke a lot. It was nice to see a more mature side of Clovis come out. The sexual dynamics and relationship issues the characters faced felt honest for millennials of their specific demographic. Do you think we’ve seen the last of Adrienne? Why didn’t any objects speak to Keef this episode? What’s your favorite Lindsay Lohan movie?

RELATED: Read all Woke recaps here!

Join me next time as I recap Woke here on Geek Girl Authority!

Season One of Woke is streaming on Hulu now.



Melis Noah Amber
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