Why Is Hu Tao the Most Adorable Character in Genshin Impact

Betty Bugle

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If you play Genshin Impact, you’ve probably run into the funeral director more than once or even driven the wonderful Pyro Fighter in your group. If you don’t play the game, you may have seen fanfics and artwork starring Hu Tao. Perhaps together with the handsome, tall guy in the expensive-looking lapserdak (that guy’s also called Zhong Li).

In this short text, let me tell you why Hu Tao is the most remarkable female character in the entire Genshin Impact lore. Just 2 reasons! You can argue with me; you can cite points favoring the incomparable Ning Guan, the charismatic Bei Dou, the extraordinary Raiden, or the lovely Qi Qi. You’re welcome! As many as you like!

And I will share with you how Hu Tao is helping me, a BPD, to survive in this cold world of despair and fatal errors.

Reason 1. On the thin line between death and life

To begin with, Hu Tao is the 77th director of Li Yue’s leading funeral parlour. It’s a position that requires a perfect knowledge of tradition, psychology, and the spiritual world. She looks into the underside of existence every day and helps the dead transition from life to death. 

When people are faced with death or the fear of death, they seek salvation in the meaning of life. For some, it is family or work, fashion or art. For some, it’s service to the Red Cross, religion, NASA, whatever.

I tell you what. I’m 35 years old, and I don’t know the meaning of my life. What is the purpose of humanity? Why do people run somewhere and do something, are they nuts? My personality is like pieces of jellyfish scattered around in a mess. What is the jellyfish’s existence meaning? My existential crisis wants me to lie under a blanket and do nothing.

When I think of death, I feel calm. I am comforted by the thought that this useless shit (i.e., me) will end its existence one day. Then, I won’t have to make something of myself anymore to fit into society. I’ll never fit in anyway.

Hu Tao isn’t trying to fit in! She has one foot in the spirit world and the other in the world of the living. She knows that everything in the world has a cycle of birth and death. Life and death are like games at non Gamstop casinos: you never know if you’ll hit the jackpot or not. Hu Tao doesn’t run for the pot; she just does what she must. 

The lion story shows her fearlessness and disregard for human conventions. Li Yue Ministry of Civil Affairs is guarded by two life-like stone lions. Hu Tao gave them names, washed and brushed them as if they were alive. She doesn’t fit into the world of ordinary people — well, she doesn’t care! 

Reason 2. Respect for tradition and resilience under responsibility weight

However, her disregard for human convention is balanced by her attention to funerary rites. After all, wouldn’t these rituals seem to be just a superstition? Nevertheless, Hu Tao conducts funerals and ceremonies with excellent care. In doing so, she cares for human souls and helps them to cross over and settle into their new afterlife.

Hu Tao read classical texts at 3 and slept in coffins at 6. Then, at 13, she conducted her grandfather’s funeral, and everyone was amazed by her professionalism. Her grandfather, the 75th funeral director, entrusted the important ritual not to his children but to his granddaughter. This proves how well she knows her business.

This is the story of a classic child prodigy who finds everything easy and enters adulthood too early. She is in charge of Li Yue’s central ritual authority. Hu Tao seems to be worth something, doesn’t she?

But if you’ve seen Encanto, you must remember the big sister’s song. Let me quote one verse:

Pressure like a grip, grip, grip, and it won’t let go, whoa

Pressure like a tick, tick, tick ’til it’s ready to blow, whoa

Give it to your sister; your sister’s stronger

See if she can hang on a little longer

Who am I if I can’t carry it all?

Hu Tao got the complete set of heavy things we can’t shoulder. Fear of death? Fear of the spirits? Anxiety, despair, and grief with guilt over relatives or friends who have passed away. No one wants to work in a funeral parlour because it’s scary. So what is left for Hu Tao to do as the successor of a funeral home dynasty?

I want to ask her: does she feel like a tightrope walker in a three-ring circus?

And what does she do, unlike the older sister in the Encanto movie?

Hu Tao knows how to enjoy life. She laughs, steals Qi Qi, writes poetry, and walks in the mountains around the Li Yue capital. She finds those tiny moments of joy and pleasure in life. Hu Tao knows she needs to allow herself some room for fun or relaxation. Otherwise, it’s all too easy to break down under increasing pressure.

Final Thoughts. The perfect balance

Hu Tao maintains a perfect work-life balance. She knows all about death and knows how to enjoy life. Her pets are the little ghost and the stone lions at the Ministry. She wears her grandfather’s hat, too big for her, and dries flowers to decorate it. Hu Tao maintains the balance between life and death. 

Looking at her, I want to believe that one day I, too, will find my meaning in life and get the Vision. So, suit yourself, but I choose Hu Tao as my role model.


Betty Bugle

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