What Kamala Harris’ Historic Win as Vice President Means to Us

Melody McCune

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Kamala Harris, Vice President Elect of the United States. Photo credit: Adam Schultz/Biden for President.

The 2020 general election proved to be historic for multiple reasons. President-Elect Joe Biden received more than 80 million votes. That’s more than any presidential candidate in our country’s history. Biden’s landslide win over the incumbent is worthy of celebration alone. A return to normalcy is close at hand.

But that’s not all we’re celebrating. 

Kamala Harris became the first woman to snag the vice presidency. Not only that, but she’s a woman of color elected to the second-highest office in the United States. A Black woman of Indian descent. What a beautiful victory that is. Her win will undoubtedly light up history books as a bright spot on our nation’s pages. 

Kamala’s win really resonated with us here at Geek Girl Authority. To honor Vice President-Elect Harris, we decided to pool together our thoughts regarding her historic win and what it means to us. 

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Julia Roth 

We were born to make history. I remind myself of this phrase when in times of self-doubt. When I don’t think I’m able to accomplish the things I set out to do. It was this exact phrase that came to mind when I heard the news of Kamala Harris being our next vice president. As a young girl and even into my young adulthood, I was constantly being told that I didn’t belong or couldn’t do a certain job or hobby because I was a woman. But again the world is proven wrong. With Kamala’s election, we can prove to the world that our gender does not define what we’re able to do or not do. It’s through our merit and dedication that we can accomplish anything. 

Dara Gholston 

As a black girl growing up in California, I always believed the sky was the limit. Between my parents and the rest of the village that had a hand in raising me, I’d always been told that I and other black and brown-skinned girls could do anything. As great as that belief was, the reality when I looked at the highest positions of power in the world was that we were still highly underrepresented.

In every history class I had, the little presence of a black or brown face in government came in the form of representatives, senators and governors, which is great. But never any in the White House — let alone a woman. Kamala Harris will be the tangible element that has been missing from little girls’ visions of what truly being able to be anything really means. 

Melis Amber

Kamala Harris is our VP-elect. I can exhale. We can exhale. Finally, finally, finally, someone who’s more like me — more like America — will be in the White House. Little kids will see that you don’t have to be an old white guy to run the country. She’s opening doors. Busting glass ceilings. I hear people say, “Yeah, but is she gonna be any good?” I get that. I know the standard people will hold her to, but I can’t forget the importance of representation. I’m so proud of her. Being a pioneer isn’t easy. The burden on her shoulders is the size of that boulder in Indiana Jones. She’s taken on so much. Thinking about that makes me want to cry tears of sorrow, anger, relief, fear, but most importantly, joy.

Vice President Elect Kamala Harris speaking on November 7, 2020. Photo credit: Tasos Katopodis. Creator: Getty Images.
Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris speaking on November 7, 2020. Photo credit: Tasos Katopodis. Creator: Getty Images.
Kathy Spangler 
When I was growing up, my parents sent me to a camp for teens interested in politics. We had to decipher biased language, write up mock bills and defend them in front of a “court.” Most of the attendants of this camp were boys. When I wrote a mock bill, and when I won the debate in defense of it, most of the boys were angry that I would just dare to be there.
Kamala Harris’ win represents what we want for the future: the normalization of diverse female representation in leadership and matters of state. If we want a woman’s perspective and influence in politics, it’s vital we normalize women entering these important roles and fields to inspire others to do the same. I wish I heard of Kamala Harris back then as it may have inspired a career change to public service. 
Becca Stalnaker 
Kamala Harris is a true inspiration for many reasons, but particularly because she’s setting a new standard. Throughout time, women have struggled to have their voices heard. Having women in positions of power means working towards change. In my opinion, having a woman as vice president is one of the best things that could happen. Kamala presents herself as the strong, no-nonsense and powerful type of woman that I want to be. Having her as vice president means real change and real representation. She’s the shining role model for young girls that’s desperately needed in this society. She has already created so many firsts. I cannot wait to see how many more there will be as she steps into her new role. 
Alex Faccibene 

Kamala Harris’ win renews the promise of the women’s movement as a whole. It makes me hopeful that, as bad as the last few years have been, everything isn’t entirely lost. Women of color have been continually moving this country forward, and this will allow people who haven’t realized that to really see it. We’re told as kids that we can be anything we want, and this historic win proves that for everyone.

Melody McCune 
I spent much of November 7, 2020, weeping tears of unadulterated joy. Breathing several sighs of relief — sometimes consecutively. Celebrating democracy’s much-needed victory. I watched Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris’s speech that night through eyes blurred with tears. Finally, a woman! After the debacle of the 2016 presidential elections and Hillary Clinton‘s unfortunate loss, I was convinced the country’s misogyny and racism would continue to rear its ugly head this election. Yes, an alarming amount of people voted to keep the swamp in the White House. But, even more of our citizenry voted for change. Kamala is the change we need. 
I’m still in awe that we’re going to have a woman of color in the second-highest office in America. Kamala’s proof positive that women can, and should, lead. Her competence, cohesiveness and compassion are what’s sorely lacking in our government. I know she’ll light a fire in Washington that I pray never goes out, even after she’s gone. I hope Kamala’s win imbues girls of all colors with inspiration. With hope. With a newfound sense of purpose. To quote The Boys (I see the irony here), “Girls get it done.”  
What does Kamala Harris’ win mean to you? Sound off in the comments below!

This was originally published on 11/29/20



Melody McCune
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