Back in 2014, when Marvel had their big fan event where they announced the rest of their slate through to 2019, the last big announcement they made was for Infinity War — which we all sort of assumed was coming. However, what we were not aware of was the “Part II” that they tagged on there. In the years between that has now changed; it’s no longer Infinity War Pt. I and Pt. II, it’s now Avengers: Infinity War and Untitled Avengers IV. If you’re even half the Marvel dork I am, then you have trouble sleeping at night wondering what that fourth film will be titled.
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Well, thanks to an interview by Lizo Mzimba at a Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 event held over the weekend. It’s unlikely that he was trying to get this information out of her, but he ended up maybe, just maybe, accidentally getting the title of the fourth Avengers film.
Now, it goes without saying that there is every possibility that what Zoe Saldana, who plays Gamora in the film, says here is a slip and an actual spoiler and you’ll hear the title of Avengers IV and think everything’s been ruined. If you are spoiler averse in any capacity, look ye away right now.
However, if you are NOT spoiler averse and you want to know everything, then continue reading.
Avengers 4 title – Avengers: Infinity Gauntlet says @ZoeSaldana at GOTG2 event. At wknd Marvel said title was still secret #InfinityGauntlet
— lizo mzimba (@lizo_mzimba) April 24, 2017
“I think that the Guardians just shot their part when it comes to Infinity War, the first part, and we all have to go back for Gauntlet later this year.”
In case you didn’t fully get that, what she means by that is that Avengers III is Avengers: Infinity War and IV is called Avengers: Infinity Gauntlet. Also, may I say I totally called that.
Which is bonkers, by the way, because it means that all of Infinity War is a mad scramble to keep all of the Infinity Stones away from Thanos, and then he gets them all in the end and totally wins. Then we have to wait a whole year before we get the next installment.
From there, the entirety of the fourth film will be Thanos WITH the Gauntlet and the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy fighting him with it. Or maybe Thanos throws them all into an alternate dimension and they have to fight their way out of it, like in Age of Apocalypse or House of M. Or, it could also be that the Gauntlet changes hands a few times. In the comics we saw it wrested away from Thanos only for Nebula to wield it for a short time before realizing that godhood is tougher than she thought. Adam Warlock gets it from there.
A little tag on to this story — Adam Warlock was announced to be involved in the Marvel Cosmic Universe sometime in the future.
H/T: Screen Rant
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