‘War of the Worlds’ Series Coming to MTV

Stephanie Cookies

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Art by Jamie Jones
Art by Jamie Jones

Deadline is reporting that the team behind the popular Teen Wolf series is developing a contemporary drama show based on the H.G. Wells classic novel, The War of the Worlds.

Let’s make one thing perfectly clear, they are basing the new series on the original novel, not the radio drama, or one of the many, many, many theatrical adaptations.   Hopefully this means it will stay a bit truer to the original manuscript, meaning aliens invade London and the English countryside.  However, since it’s MTV, I highly doubt this will be the case and the movie will instead take place in LA or NYC.

The novel is almost 120 years old so some updating will be needed, but I hope not too much.  No more details are available at this time since it’s just in development stage.

In case you aren’t familiar with The War of the Worlds, here is a summary from Amazon.

One of the most famous science-fiction stories ever written, The War of the Worlds helped launch the entire genre by exploiting the concept of interplanetary travel.

First published in 1898, the novel terrified readers of the Victorian era with its account of an invasion of hostile creatures from Mars who moved across the English landscape in bizarre metal transports, using deadly heat rays to destroy buildings and annihilate all life in their path. Its power to stir the imagination was made abundantly clear when Orson Welles adapted the story for a radio drama on Halloween night in 1938 and created a national panic.

Despite readers’ increasing sophistication about space travel and interplanetary invaders, The War of the Worlds remains a riveting reading experience. Its narrative energy, intensity, and striking originality remain undiminished, ready to thrill a new generation of readers with old-fashioned storytelling power.


Stephanie Cookies
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