Underrated Horror Movie of the Month: DEAD SILENCE

Becca Stalnaker

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Dead Silence Underrated Horror cover featuring the poster art and two cartoon dolls.

Hello, horror fans! It is time for another edition of Underrated Horror Movie of the Month. If you’re new here, welcome! Every month, on the second and fourth Fridays, I talk about horror movies I feel are underrated and underloved. No subgenre stone is left unturned. The films mentioned span horror history and around the world. In this edition, I dive into the 2007 creepy doll classic, Dead Silence.

About Dead Silence

Jamie Ashen (Ryan Kwanten) receives a strange package containing a ventriloquist doll. Soon after receiving the item, someone brutally murders his wife. The police see Jamie as the only suspect. Since the doll is the only clue to what may have happened, Jamie heads back to his hometown, Raven’s Fair, to hold his wife’s funeral.

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The town, like most small towns, has a local ghost story. Mary Shaw, a skilled ventriloquist, was hunted down by townsfolk after being accused of kidnapping a local boy. When the mob found her, they cut out her tongue and killed her. They buried her with all her dolls, which she called her “children.” Ever since her death, the town has suffered many strange deaths.

A ventriloquist doll with a deep frown and pigtails stares at the camera

Can Jamie and the detective following him discover who or what murdered his wife? Or will he end up another victim? “Beware the stare of Mary Shaw; she has no children, only dolls. And if you see her in your dreams, be sure you never, ever scream.”

Dead Silence also stars Donnie Wahlberg, Laura Regan, Michael Fairman, Bob Gunton, Amber Valletta and Judith Roberts. James Wan directed, and he and Leigh Whannell wrote the story.

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This only film has a 20 percent Tomatometer rating and a 51 percent Audience Score on Rotten Tomatoes.

Fun Facts: This film is from the creators of Saw, and the doll from that movie makes a brief appearance in one scene of Dead Silence. Additionally, replicas of Edgar Bergen’s doll Charlie McCarthy and Jimmy Nelson’s doll Danny O’Day made cameos.

My Thoughts

I love this movie. The atmosphere is eerie and suspenseful, the twist is intriguing and the dolls are creepy. It is everything I want in a film within this subgenre. I eagerly consume every movie I can find about haunted or possessed dolls. Some examples include Child’s Play, Robert the Doll and Annabelle. A few are genuine hits, and others are epic misses. This one is an out-of-the-park homerun.

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First, let’s get into the story. Mary Shaw is consistently portrayed as an imposing figure. Every scene has her shrouded in darkness and only associating with her dolls. After her death, she wants revenge on those who wrongly accused her and ultimately caused her demise. Then, we segue into Jamie investigating his wife’s murder. At first, the two things do not seem connected, but as the story progresses, the connections fall into place.

Jamie looks desperately at his father

The final twist in the narrative is one of my favorite parts of the movie. I’ve noticed some critics have said the twist is predictable. Many years have passed since I watched Dead Silence for the first time, but I certainly did not see the twist coming. Now, it seems a bit more obvious. However, I have seen the film countless times and know it inside and out. Therefore, my ability to see the clues should not be compared to someone seeing it for the first time.

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I am a fan of Ryan Kwanten, who did a spectacular job in this film. Likewise, all of the other actors did well. My least favorite performance is Laura Regan as Lisa Ashen, Jamie’s wife. I can’t put my finger on why, but something about her scenes made me cringe.

The effects are, in short, incredible. The way Mary Shaw’s ghost looks evokes a sense of dread. Another point for the effects team is the dolls. Without saying too much, there is a scene with all the dolls that is freaky. The effects are brilliant.

Final Thoughts

This is an epic, creepy film that is vastly underrated. I recommend any horror lover watch it at least once. Especially if you are a fan of haunted dolls; also, if you have a fear of ventriloquists, approach with caution.

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I can’t talk about this film without mentioning one quick point of interest. The doll that Jamie and Lisa receive at the beginning of the film bears a striking resemblance to Slappy from R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps books.

There you have it, horror fans, another underrated horror in the books. Let me know what you think of Dead Silence in the comments, and don’t forget to let me know which movie you think I should feature next.

Before you go, take a look at the Dead Silence trailer below. Stay spooky and watch more horror movies!


Becca Stalnaker

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