Top 10 Roman/Gerri Moments on SUCCESSION in Chronological Order

Lara Rosales

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Roman walking with Gerri on Season 1 of 'Succession.'

For four seasons, Succession was one of the most talked about shows among television fans. Each episode gave us plenty to talk about whether you understood the business side of the show or not. There was always one central plot-line (who would end up owning the company) with different smaller plots that made the story more interesting.

The truth is that Succession introduced a long list of characters that we should have hated. None of them were good people which in theory means no one would be rooting for them. However, as fans, we always found that one or two characters we could root for or at least labeled as the least worst of all. Among them, many fans included Roman Roy (Kieran Culkin) and Gerri Kellman (J. Smith-Cameron) who became the most unexpected yet loved pairing on the show.

Even though the couple never shared a kiss or had a sex scene in the same room on screen, we were all rooting for them to end up together. Maybe Roman’s last scene with a smile and a martini leaves the road open for the two to reconcile even as the show calls it quits. Maybe what we had for four seasons was it. Whatever the case may be, Roman and Gerri shared some great moments on Succession from the very beginning.

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1. Rocket Explosion (Season 1, Episode 10)

Roman and Gerri talking during Shiv's wedding.

Even though Roman and Gerri’s so-called relationship began in Season 2, there were glimpses of what may happen during Season 1 of Succession. One of those instances was during Season 1, Episode 10, “Nobody Is Ever Missing.” The main focus should be on Shiv’s (Sarah Snook) wedding, but for Roman, it is all about the rocket launch that goes wrong. The moment he watched the live stream of the rocket exploding, he knew he needed the help of someone more experienced.

It is then that Gerri comes to the rescue. Although these two had previously interacted a little bit, this episode sets the tone for the remaining seasons. She first scares him with potential corporate manslaughter, but later confirms there were no major damages and he won’t be charged with anything. From that moment on, Roman knows he can count on Gerri.

2. Would Totally Pounce on You

Gerri buttoning Roman's shirt.

During Succession Season 2, we come to understand there is a twisted, complicated relationship between Roman and Gerri that develops through different moments and conversations. One of the first moments to spark the fire and probably get most of the fans intrigued is during Season 2, Episode 3, “Hunting,” when Gerri comes into his room and helps Roman button up his shirt.

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This simple gesture is huge when you realize that Roman has never in his life been taken care of and is always looking for that approval and comfort. Of course, because he is Roman Roy, he must make a sexual comment and let Gerri know that if he could, he would pounce on her. The great thing about Gerri is that she was never afraid of Roman’s inappropriate comments and in that moment retaliates with: “I actually get that a lot. Usually from men in their 90s.”

But the truth is that the most intimate moment happens when Roman seeks her advice on how to make his father take him seriously. It is then that the professional relationship between these two characters begins as well and Gerri serves as a mentor.

3. Little Slime Puppy

Gerri on the phone while drinking a martini.

Succession Season 2, Episode 4, “Safe Room,” gave us one of the most iconic scenes and quotes the show could have introduced in four seasons. It is a known fact and a topic of jokes that Roman is incapable of having sex. However, we witness the phone sex with Gerri in which he doesn’t seem to have any issues. She belittles him and that is what gets him going — something that becomes common in their relationship.

The iconic quote in question comes when Gerri calls him “You little slime puppy.” After the episode aired and everyone became crazy about it, J. Smith-Cameron shared in an interview that she had improvised that line. A key moment in the Roman/Gerri relationship on Succession came from the cameras continuing to roll and Smith-Cameron deciding to improvise. That decision marked a before and after for both characters.

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4. Completely Inappropriate

Roman in Gerri's room.

In the episode following the phone-sex scene, Roman finds himself in Gerri’s room. To us as viewers, it becomes obvious very quickly that he is looking for more. Whether he really likes her at that point, he simply enjoys being belittled by her, or a combination of both, we don’t truly know. However, Gerri plays into his fantasy and she seems to enjoy it just as much (or so we think thanks to the smirk on her face when Roman goes into her bathroom).

Even though Gerri hides behind comments such as “This is unacceptable. It’s completely inappropriate,” she continues to feed into Roman’s needs. She knows exactly what to say to get him excited, what kind of orders to give him, and how to enjoy herself as well.

Looking at their relationship, Roman and Gerri aren’t the typical couple audiences fall for. There is a level of complexity and toxicity that needs to be explored in-depth. However, the chemistry between the characters (and Culkin and Smith-Cameron themselves) jumps out of the screen and makes us want to see more of them. In the end, it seems as if Gerri is the only one who understands and values Roman.

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5. Rock Star and The Mole Woman

Roman talking to Gerri.

Throwing it back to the old Tumblr days, most fans used to tag their favorite ships as “OTP: [something something].” That something something was usually a key quote, phrase, or moment that happened between the two characters. If we all found ourselves back in those days, we would probably tag Roman and Gerri as “OTP: rock star and the mole woman.”

During Succession Season 2, Episode 7, “Return,” Roman is looking for reassurance (yet again). It seems as if every time he needs to feel worthy, he turns to Gerri. This time around he does it because he believes it is the strongest alliance he can form. We don’t know if it’s simply because she is supposed to become CEO (on paper) or because he truly does feel safe with her. Whatever the case may be, he suggests they unite forces and become the rock star and the mole woman.

As they say goodbye, “Goodnight mole woman/goodnight rock star,” we don’t know if Gerri will walk into this alliance because it benefits her or because she has truly come to care about Roman.

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6. Marriage Proposal

Gerri listening to Roman's proposal.

Whenever there is a Roman and Gerri moment on Succession as viewers we have to dig deep into what Roman is saying to figure out what he means and what he is joking about. Usually, in his jokes, there is more truth than in his serious statements. Gerri comes to learn this as she spends more time with him and figures out that he uses sarcasm as a mask and a coping mechanism.

One of those moments happens during Season 2, Episode 8, “Dundee,” when he asks Gerri if they should get married. He explains marriage as: “You know not that, like an equivalent thing. Like I abduct you, and force you to live with me,” to which Gerri points out that it is not equivalent. Once again, he is reinforcing the idea that he wants to team up with her. It is probably in this alliance that Roman feels the safest he has ever felt in his life.

7. Badly but Gladly

Roman looking at Gerri.

When Succession returned for Season 3, Episode 1, “Secession,” it was announced that Gerri would become acting CEO. In the meantime, she is stranded in a hotel room with Roman who takes this as an opportunity to flirt with her yet again. “I’ll lay you badly, but I’ll lay you gladly,” he says, referring to his inability to perform in bed and the constant jokes around it.

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Although Roman constantly insinuates he wants to sleep with Gerri, we never see the two of them have sex or even kiss on screen. The mystery of what happens beyond those flirting moments, text exchanges, and phone sex is what makes this relationship so captivating. Do they really like each other? Do they care about one another? Or are they simply using each other to survive in a world of chaos?

8. Weird About Gerri

Gerri being confronted by Shiv.

Nothing on Succession ever goes smoothly and a bomb always has to go off. So it was a matter of time until Roman and Gerri’s relationship imploded and things got even more complicated. The implosion comes in Season 3, Episode 8, “Chiantishire,” when Roman accidentally sends Logan (Brian Cox) a nude that was meant for Gerri.

Of course, Logan finds this inappropriate. But there are two things that shock us fans. One is Shiv’s reaction, taking advantage of the moment to fall in her father’s good graces. She says Roman is weird about Gerri and everybody knows it. That doesn’t do justice to what Roman and Gerri’s relationship truly is.

The second thing is Logan’s audacity to call Gerri ancient as if he wasn’t older than her. It is understandable that he doesn’t want his son to flirt with her, but there is no need to become ageist or sexist. However, this moment also stands out because Logan calls Roman a sicko. Once again, none of these comments do justice to what these two characters share.

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9. The Haunting Voicemail

Roman and Gerri talking during Connor's wedding.

One of the best Roman and Gerri moments on Succession comes during one of the most shocking episodes. Season 4, Episode 3, “Connor’s Wedding,” brings the death of Logan Roy. Everyone who watched the episode was surprised to see this character die so early on in the season. However, it is what allowed each character to follow their final storyline.

For Roman, it is what triggers his downfall and then his freedom. At first, we can feel the guilt he feels, believing he might be the one to have killed his father. Before his death, Logan asked Roman to fire Gerri. This is a breaking point in his relationship with the woman, and he takes out his anger during a voicemail to his father in which he calls him a c**t.

However, Gerri is unaware of this and completely shuts off her feelings for Roman. She proceeds to ignore him and only addresses him when extremely necessary. Still, the glances between these two characters continue throughout the season even during their hardest times.

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10. Could Have Got You There

Roman and Gerri at the tailgate party.

Succession Season 4, Episode 7, “Tailgate Party,” marks the end of Roman and Gerri’s relationship at least on screen. After angrily firing Gerri, Roman has to face the reality that she is no longer coming back. On the contrary, she is ready to make her demands and leave out on top with what she deserves.

However, before saying her final goodbye, Gerri proves that she actually did care about Roman and about his future. She tells him, “I could have got you there,” because she believed their alliance would work and she would be able to give him the future he deserved, he dreamed of. They go their separate ways and from that moment on they don’t interact again.

But the end of Roman Roy gives us Roman/Gerri shippers the hope that something else may happen after the screen turns black. Both characters are free and can do what they want. As Roman sits at the bar with Gerri’s drink of choice and a smile on his face, we are hopeful the two may reunite.

This article was originally published on August 16, 2023.

Lara Rosales

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