There’s One SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY Cameo You Never Guessed

Erin Lynch

a sabacc scene from solo a star wars story

The latest film in the Star Wars franchise had a lot of fun moments. Solo: A Star Wars Story included lots of little easter eggs (and some not-so-little easter eggs) strewn throughout the film. But when it comes to cameos, there was one that none of us saw coming. And it has to do with Game of Thrones.

In the latest episode of The Star Wars Show, creative executive Pablo Hidalgo continued to show fans a look behind the scenes at Solo. This week he was in Corellia, talking about the stunts they mastered and some minor characters. For example, the heavily CGI hounds, one of which was played by Saxon. Saxon, you may know, as playing Nymeria from Game of Thrones. That’s right! The big, beautiful direwolf had a role over at Lucasfilm.

RELATED: George Lucas Directed a Scene in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY

It’s little cameos like this that are the most frustrating and fun. We would’ve never found out about it unless production told us but now that we know, it’s such a fun inclusion. You’ll have to see Hidalgo talk to Saxon’s trainer plus give him some much deserved tummy touches. Check out the video below; the segment starts at 3:13. Solo: A Star Wars Story is still in theaters. 


Erin Lynch

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