The Wild Hunt For THE WITCHER Casting Begins

Erin Lynch

It’s been relatively quiet on the camp of The Witcher but we finally have some news. And some real good news at that! According to showrunner Lauren S. Hissrich, casting for the show has begun! Announced on her Twitter on Friday the 22nd, they showed a glimpse at some scripts for Geralt, Yennefer and a character some English fans might recognize but not with his casted name of Jaskier.

Hissrich explained that usually casting directors will pick specific scenes but the writer’s room decided to write scenes exclusive for casting. They were “written to illustrate the precise tone, vibe, depth, and emotional resonance [we] need from Geralt and friends”. She made it a point to say that the scenes will be spoiler free in case anyone sees casting tapes for the characters. Another fun note is that the casting is open internationally, so maybe we’ll get to see some new faces in the roles. Though Matthew Lewis of Harry Potter fame already expressed interest. And I mentioned that English fans might not recognize the name Jaskier. That’s because the name we know him as is Dandelion! So our strumming storyteller will be there.

RELATED: THE WITCHER TV Series Adds Marvel Writers

Later in the week, Hissrich dropped a bit of a hint as to how the show would go. Saying “The bad guys are sometimes the good guys, and the good guys sometimes disappoint the hell out of you. That’s [expletive] life, and it IS [expletive] insane, and THAT’S what we’re writing about. If you’re into that, stick around. We’re breaking Episode 105, and it’s killer.” Which leads me to believe that Geralt will be doing a lot of things people may not be overly fond of. Sometimes those are the choices he has to make and they’re not always pretty ones, as fans of the game series will know. 

I’m very much looking forward to the show. I’ve only played Witcher 3 so my knowledge of the world isn’t as deep as those who read the books or played the other games. But I enjoyed it immensely. So much so I’m currently refusing to finish because I don’t want it to end. These characters are wonderful and to see them on the small screen under Netflix‘s banner will be so much fun. The writing team seems pretty transparent so it just fuels the excitement I have for this series. The next big news will be who they’ve cast so we have a lot more to look forward to!

What do you think of the news? Are you excited to hear casting has begun? Let us know! Be sure to come back to Geek Girl Authority for more updates from Kaer Morhen. The Witcher may air in 2020.


Erin Lynch

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