Now that everyone knows where they are on The Walking Dead: World Beyond, it’s time to implement plans. In “Quartervois,” Will (Jelani Alladin) and Felix (Nico Tortorella) come up with an escape plan for Leo (Joe Holt) and Hope (Alexa Mansour). Huck (Annet Mahendru) discovers more of Elizabeth’s (Julia Ormond) secrets.
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After Felix told Will that Silas (Hal Cumpston) was at the “call-out” station, Will came up with a plan to get everyone back. The plan is for Felix and Iris (Aliyah Royale) to get “captured” so they can go inside the research facility. The group will get Silas’ help securing transportation. Once inside, Iris and Felix will get Leo and Hope and meet Silas at a designated location during the guard change at 2pm. Afterwards, they will pick up Will, Elton (Nicolas Cantu) and Percy (Ted Sutherland) and head for Portland.
The first thing they do is talk to Silas. He’s a little hesitant to help because he’s starting to fit in at the call-out station. Plus this is the group that exiled him for a murder he didn’t commit. Ultimately, Silas agrees for two reasons. One, because of what happened at Campus Colony. And two, because of Iris. Silas has always had a thing for Iris and would do anything for her. She gives him instructions and tells him to leave if they aren’t at the rendezvous point exactly at 2 pm. She also gives a picture she drew of them original four.
Next they inform Indira (Anna Khaja) of their plans. Asha (Madelyn Kientz) offers to take them to the CRM as if they caught them. Indira is concerned for their safety and asks Felix if this is really what he wants. Felix says it is, even after everything they lost. Now it’s the CRM’s turn to lose.
At the research facility, Dennis (Maximilian Osinski) checks in on Huck. She thanks him for letting her borrow the truck and for trusting her. Turns out that these two are married, so Dennis has to trust her. Huck observes that a lot has changed. There’s a newspaper article about the CRM requesting an emergency civilian oversight that’s getting a lot of push back. Huck wonders if the civilians even trust them anymore.
Hope has a dream that the CRM killed her dad. She finds him in his lab and he’s with Lyla (Natalie Gold), another researcher and Hope’s professor. Her professor told her dad about her suggestion to use yeast in Leo’s fungal research to accelerate the decomposition of the dead. They tested several samples of yeast and found three that they can modify to work. Hope is amazed but she’s there to talk to her father. She tells him that she saw Iris and Felix and they are okay. Hope decides to come clean to her dad about everything.
Felix says goodbye to Will. Iris says goodbye to Percy, even though he’s insisting on going with her. They load up in a wagon driven by Dev (Abubakr Ali) and Indira. Elton and Percy sit by a fire after they leave. Elton says he likes that Iris and Percy are together. Percy gives Elton a crazy look and then rides up to the wagon with Elton’s tuffy suit on.
Percy is there to join Iris and Felix, but Felix tells him to go back. Iris asks if he wants to go to help her or to kill Huck. Percy admits he wants to kill Huck, but he wants to make sure Iris is safe more. Before they can come to a decision, the CRM shows up to take Iris and Felix … and now Percy as Elton away.
Iris, Felix and Percy are put in a holding facility as Elizabeth watches them on the security cameras. The CRM questioned them separately and their story lines up with what Indira told them. Elizabeth sends for Huck to join them.
Huck is in her mother’s office, looking for evidence that her mom had something to do with the destruction of Omaha and Campus Colony. She opens her mom’s safe and finds transmission sheets that prove her worst suspicions. When Huck leaves, the CRM guard stops her.
Elizabeth goes into the holding area to say hello. They’ve been in holding for 10 hours, after being manhandled by the CRM. Elizabeth asks to see Felix’s ankle. He has fresh bandages on the ankle so Elizabeth assumes Indira patched him up. Felix pretends to not know who Indira is. He says they stopped at a retirement home and found medical supplies. Iris asks to see her dad, but Elizabeth says it’s a process.
When Huck arrives, Elizabeth confirms Felix’s story about the medical supplies. She asks Huck if she thinks Felix and Iris are security risks. Huck says no, but Elizabeth wants to keep a close eye on them anyway. Elizabeth says their trust will have to be earned. Trust is everything between people. She then asks Huck why she was in her office where she was found. Huck says she went to ask her mother to go to lunch.
Hope’s revelations makes Leo even more angry about their situation. They both think they are trapped. They get a phone call and race down to the holding rooms where Iris is reunited with her family. Hope gives Percy a weird look and Iris pulls her into a hug saying she will explain everything.
Silas asks Dennis to borrow a truck to clear out a river bed of empties and tow to a dump site. Dennis is impressed that Silas knows how to drive. He hands over the keys and access card. Dennis is happy with Silas’ work the last two days.
Elizabeth tells Huck that she’s leaving again soon. Huck apologizes for questioning her mother. She says she’s readjusting to being her again after lying to so many people in Campus Colony. Elizabeth says she’s hard on Huck so that when Huck has her own kids, she can teach them to make tough decisions too.
Felix and Iris tell Hope and Leo about their plan, but it raises a lot of concern. Especially since they don’t have a lot of time to think about it. Leo has a lot of questions, mostly about going to Portland. The reason they chose Portland was to warn them about the CRM. And if they all get caught they leverage Hope and Leo ‘s work for their safety.
Iris says this is the only chance they have to be a family again. Hope says they wanted to have the option to choose their fate and this is the only option. Leo agrees but he wants to say goodbye to Lyla. He says she’s the only person inside the facility that they can trust.
Back at the community, Asha admits to Elton that she’s not sick but her mother is. Her mother is the only person keeping them safe, even if she has to make deals with the CRM. There are other leaders in the community who have a different opinion about how to run things. She has to protect her mother’s secret to keep her in charge. Elton understands and agrees to keep quiet. He thinks like they do. They’re all idiots for hoping.
Leo frantically looks for Lyla, but runs into Huck instead. She pleads with Leo to talk to her. He gives her one minute. She shows him the CRM transmissions proving the CRM took the empties to Omaha. The numbers on the transmission sheets are test subject numbers. She says some of the people killed in Omaha and Campus Colony are being used for research in their facility. Huck asks for Leo’s help to find out what’s going on and who’s involved so they can stop it.
Silas arrives at the rendezvous point fourteen minutes ahead of schedule. He stops the truck and waits. Everyone is in the apartment waiting for Leo. Will and Elton wait at their check point. They have about eight minutes. Silas gets out of the truck and is immediately surrounded by the CRM.
In a post credit scene, Lyla returns to her lab as a CRM brings in a new test subject. The test subject is Barca, Elizabeth’s former assistant who questioned her motives last season. Lyla says she knows this is her last chance to get her research right. She asks the attending soldier to let Elizabeth know she will do her best. The soldier, with a familiar voice, informs Lyla that Elizabeth has been reassigned to serve the General indefinitely. From now on, Lyla will answer to her. When the soldier lifts up her face mask, it’s Jadis (Pollyanna McIntosh). So where’s Rick (Andrew Lincoln)?
RELATED: Read All of The Walking Dead: World Beyond Season One Recaps Here!
The Walking Dead: World Beyond airs Sundays on AMC. You can also watch new episodes early on AMC+.
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