THE SIMS 4: COTTAGE LIVING Expansion Is Coming Soon

Kathy Spangler

The Sims 4: Cottage Living

Four days ago, well-known fans of The Sims and content creators, known as “Simmers” and “EA Game Changers,” received a mysterious postcard in the mail. It featured a scenic stone bridge overlooking a river. The front read: “Greetings from Henford-on-Bagley.”

Thankfully, the back of the postcard revealed more information.

Sims 4 Postcard for new expansion pack
The postcard reads: “Dearest friend, We are so pleased you’re joining us in Henford-on-Bagley! I’m sure you will enjoy the quaint countryside life. Do come visit us at our Garden Stall when you arrive! – A & A Crumplebottom. PS I heard the mayor talking about a worldwide tourism video for Henford-on-Bagley premiering June 10 at 8:00 AM PT on! How exciting!”

You guessed it! This was an upcoming announcement about the next The Sims 4 expansion pack by EA Games and Maxis. There was a trailer on the way! The trailer released early to these well-known Simmers, and they recorded their reactions. Excited fans flocked to the reaction videos, attempting to figure out what the new pack was about. Theories ranged from cars to fairies, but the trailer revealed something almost as magical: The Sims 4: Cottage Living.

Cottage Living Build/Buy Mode and CAS

Simmers who prefer building, or builders, often build at least one humble (or huge) cottage to add to their online gallery. Now, they will have more tools and items to do so! Pond tools, new thatched roofing styles and brand-new lots are included in the magic. There will also be rustic items to choose from such as cottage kitchen decor, tables, chairs and activity objects! 

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Simmers who prefer working in CAS or Create-A-Sim the most will be nicely rewarded for their wait as this pack includes new hairstyles and new clothing, especially for male Sims. New small clothing items will also be available for one of the most exciting gameplay additions The Sims 4: Cottage Living has to offer.

The Sims 4: Cottage Living Henford-on-Bagley postcard (front)

Cottage Living Gameplay

Simmers who prefer gameplay are already excitedly counting their hard-earned cash for this pack since gameplay might be this pack’s greatest strength. The trailer showcased an array of wonderful features that Simmers often beg for. The most notable additions are farming, family cooking, embroidery, canning and even new animals, excluding the cats and dogs already featured in The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs expansion pack.

The animals include chickens, cows, llamas, bunnies and foxes for your standard animal husbandry, but also for loving on them. Sim kids in the trailer are hugging baby chicks, bunnies and even the llama can stand a hug or two before spitting at your Sim. Chickens are the only animal that can be bred, and the eggs produced will surely keep your farm family fed and happy. Even children can join in on the joys of cooking when they’re not working on their beautiful embroidery. 

Living Off the Land

Farming can become a way of life for the Sims in Henford-on-Bagley, especially when it comes to the Finchwick Fair. The Finchwick Fair invites farmers across the world to come to share their most auspicious aubergines, luscious lettuce, wicked watermelons and pumped-up pumpkins with the rest of the world. Who doesn’t want to achieve the Best Produce Award and recreate Stardew Valley’s yearly farming competition?

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There is so much to unpack in the new expansion pack, and we can’t wait for its arrival! The new pack is set to arrive on July 22, 2021, and if you are pre-ordering, there are three objects to download such as a bicycle with a flower basket, a new “gnome” to place in the garden and a beautiful lantern-lit tree! The trailer below shows players what they can look forward to in the coming weeks. Will you be purchasing the new pack? Why or why not? Let us know in the comments below and on social media!





Kathy Spangler
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