The Night Agent Season 2 wasted no time getting into the action of the show. Peter Sutherland (Gabriel Basso) is on the run (again), and Rose Larkin (Luciane Buchanan) has out-hacked numerous government agencies to track him down first. Season 2 Episode 2, “Disconnected,” introduces both backstory and a new plot thread to the mix.
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By any measure, the events of Season 1’s climax were extremely traumatic for everyone involved. Like her or not, Catherine’s (Amanda Warren) reservations about putting Peter into the field without sufficient time to process and deal with the experience are valid.

The Night Agent, “Disconnected”
Flashback to nine months ago. Catherine meets Peter’s helicopter at the landing pad. She asks about his processing in Germany, where he had his tattoos removed and grew a beard. They’re in Bangkok investigating a CIA breach at the local branch. She immediately expresses her skepticism at his ability as a night agent, citing his accelerated training and the fact he’s only there because President Travers (Kari Matchett) insisted he be admitted.
Peter assures her he can do this. She takes him to meet Alice (Brittany Snow), who will oversee his training on the case. Alice gives him a new phone. Before she destroys the SIM card in his old phone, he asks if he can save some contacts. She guesses he’s worried about losing contact with Rose Larkin (Luciane Buchanan), having read his file. Her strong suggestion is to make a clean break. After a moment’s thought, he agrees, throwing away his SIM card.
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Alice assures him that Catherine may come off as tough, but she cares, and that’s a rarity in their field. Peter asks her if Catherine tried to talk her into quitting when she started as a night agent. She replies that Catherine recruited her.
New York City
In the present day, Peter and Rose run down an alley, escaping the bald assailant who killed Alice in Bangkok. Other members of the bald man’s team arrive in a car. Rose and Peter duck through a door into an abandoned building. Two members of his team approach the door. The short-haired woman directs one of her teammates to go around the side of the building to cut off any exits.
Peter and Rose emerge from a door on the other side of the building and roll a dumpster in front of the door. They run around the side directly into the man sent to cut off their escape. Peter fights him and knocks him out with a garbage can lid. He and Rose run out of the alley and jump in an Uber. Rose pays off the driver to take them to Peter’s van.
At the apartment, Peter wants to know how she tracked him down. She explains about using her algorithm to figure out where he was based on spotting him in the background of the selfie in the urgent care clinic. He demands details. She points out someone was just trying to kill them. Again.
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Peter’s old wound is bleeding. While he cleans it up, Rose tells him about asking around at the clinic and the shelter, meeting Ethan (Graham Harvey) and learning about Peter/David swiping his phone. He asks why she came looking for him in the first place. She replies that she hasn’t heard from him in 10 months, and then she gets a call from a stranger about him. She tells him she reached out to Travers and met Catherine.
When Peter protests he doesn’t want to get Rose involved, she points out that she already is. She asks about stealing Ethan’s phone. Peter shows her the file on Warren Stocker (Teddy Sears), Ethan’s father. He plans to capture Warren to learn who he sold his intel to. He tells Rose about the Bangkok op going bad — how they were ambushed by the same man who was just shooting at them, how they knew about the extraction point, and how the man killed Alice.
Next Time, Don’t Wear Heels
Peter shares that he doesn’t know if Catherine is involved or how Night Action was compromised, but he wants to figure it out and can’t trust anyone. They decide to get some sleep. Peter gives up the bedroom as it’s a safer place for Rose. Before they say good night, Peter tells her it’s good to see her again and advises that the next time she goes chasing after someone, she not wear heels. She acknowledges the wisdom in that and goes to bed.

In the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations, Noor Taheri (Arienne Mandi) delivers a research file to an official. Ambassador Abbas Mansuri (Navid Negahban) calls her over and directs her to assist the kitchen staff. She acknowledges this and leaves. Abbas addresses the room, and everyone immediately falls silent and pays attention. He reminds them their behavior reflects on the mission and their country. With the U.N. General Assembly convening soon, they will be even more scrutiny than usual.
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While he goes on to describe the perimeter the mission’s members are restricted to under threat of detainment, interrogation, and deportation, Noor moves among the staff with a tray of tea. She approaches the new head of mission security, Javad Rahmani (Keon Alexander), who notices her as he takes his cup.
Abbas ends his speech by introducing Javad and dismisses everyone to their work. Javad turns to talk to Noor, but she’s gone up to Abbas’s office. Her co-worker, Haleh (Anousha), comes in and tells her she works too hard, slipping in a comment about Javad noticing her. She encourages Noor to get to know him.
Abbas enters, holding a garment bag, and asks Haleh to take his clothes to be cleaned. Haleh reminds him she needs to take notes for a briefing in 10 minutes. Noor offers to take it in on her lunch break. He appreciates the offer.
Stalking Stocker
A passing train wakes Peter up. Rose is already dressed and at the table, working on her computer and monitoring his video feed of Ethan’s front door. She shows him the hits her algorithm was able to pull up of Warren Stocker around the city over the last week. Peter’s impressed, assuming this is what her new company is doing. She admits she wrote most of the code but she’s just an employee.
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He wonders why she’s not doing her own thing like she’d planned. She retorts that he’s missed a lot in ten months. He apologizes for not calling. When she asks why he didn’t go to President Travers when the op went bad, he says he needs to know what Stocker sold and to whom. He also needs to establish who at Night Action has been compromised.
Rose asks what being a night agent is like. He replies with a metaphor about car parts. Looking at the video feed, Rose asks about the house he’s watching. Peter explains the house used to be Warren’s before his divorce. Recently, Warren had passports made for Ethan and himself. Peter believes Warren plans to take Ethan and flee the country.
Ethan, his mom, and his stepdad come out the front door to go to his playoff basketball game. Peter prepares to leave alone, but Rose refuses to be left behind. Even though he says he can’t protect her, she insists she’s safer with him than alone. Getting in the van, Rose notices the supplies Peter has in the back.
Taking a Shot
Warren is waiting for Ethan to come out with his team at the basketball game. He pulls him back into the locker room and tells him that they have to skip the basketball game and leave right away if they want to spend any time together. Ethan’s stepdad, Frank (Matt Dellipina) comes in looking for Ethan and Warren sends Ethan outside to wait for him. Warren and Frank argue, and when Frank goes after Ethan, Warren attacks him.
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Peter and Rose arrive at the gym. They head for the locker room and find Frank on the ground. Rose tells Peter to go after Warren and Ethan while she gets help for Frank. Peter runs out but can’t see them anywhere. Ethan’s mom, Patricia (Jules Willcox), sees Frank and Rose. Frank tells her it was Warren. Peter tells her he’s with the FBI.
Rose pulls out her computer and shows Patricia the places her program’s pinned Warren’s movements. Patricia points out a location on Long Island as a meet-up point Warren had arranged when they were married. Rose discovers a small airport in the area. Peter remembers that Warren’s a pilot. He gives Patricia and Frank directions on what to do next while he and Rose chase down Warren and Ethan.
Noor’s Intentions
After dropping off the clothes, Noor walks to a fruit stand, where she picks up some strawberries. Looking over her shoulder, she sees a man looking at her. Once he makes eye contact, he moves away, and she follows after a moment, slipping on sunglasses.
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They meet in a nearby warehouse. He’s a CIA handler. Noor’s offered the CIA Iranian intel in exchange for safe passage for her mother and brother out of Iran before her brother reaches the age of conscription. The handler says the file she’s given him is not useful, so they won’t be helping her family escape Iran. Before he leaves, she tells him there’s a rumor the ambassador is meeting someone from the American intelligence community. It could be a U.S. leak. The handler tells her to get proof.
Weaver Closes In
Catherine arrives at the locker room to talk to Patricia about Warren. Patricia asks if “David” and Rose have found Ethan. Catherine shows her a picture of Peter, and she confirms that it’s David.
At the private airport, Warren tells Ethan they’re going somewhere safe and that David is not his friend. He gets a small plane ready to fly. Just as he’s getting Ethan into the plane, Rose runs in, calling out that she needs help. She gets Warren to come close, and Peter jumps him.

Rose leads Ethan away while Warren and Peter fight. Peter subdues Warren and leads him out with his hands bound, and dumps him into the back of the van. Peter tells Ethan that his father’s done some bad things. Ethan is upset to learn Peter lied to him. Peter tells him he knows exactly what he’s going through and is sorry.
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A taxi arrives for Ethan and Rose. Ethan refuses to talk to Rose. Peter runs out and promises Ethan that his dad will be safe. He thanks Rose for her help. She looks concerned and asks him to stay true to himself. She doesn’t want him to do anything to Warren that he’ll regret later. Peter promises he’ll explain everything once it’s all over.
She tells him she’ll fly back to California once she’s dropped Ethan off. Peter recommends she take the night bus out of Chinatown to Boston and fly out of Logan Airport. He says it’ll be safer. She nods, and they hug.

Constant Surveillance
At the mission, Noor sneaks into the ambassador’s office after hours and looks for intel, but Javad interrupts her. They start talking and learn they’re both from Isfahan. He offers to escort her back to the residences. She demurs, but he insists, citing the perils of American streets. She thanks him and agrees.
In the van, Warren asks Peter if he’ll ever see his son again. Peter doesn’t reply.
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In her car, Catherine receives a call from the CIA and FBI heads. They tell her there may be a U.S. Intelligence leak that could be connected to her case. She’s skeptical that Warren would return to the U.S. to sell intel.
At the Iranian mission residences, Javad and Noor arrive, talking about things to see in New York City. They say good night near her door. Javad also tells her that her work is important and he’s sure her family is proud of her.
Rose’s taxi pulls up outside Ethan’s house. There’s a tearful reunion with Patricia. Rose directs the driver to the Chinatown bus. Catherine starts her car and follows the taxi.
Best Intentions
In her room, Noor video chats with her mother and brother in Iran. She tells about the wonderful things available in New York and what they could see if they visited.
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In the warehouse, Peter has a conversation with Warren and convinces him to talk. Just as Warren tells him he sold intel on an old CIA project called Foxglove, a sniper shot takes him out. Peter gets out of the sniper’s sightline. Something pounds on the warehouse’s shutter door. Warren’s phone rings and then stops.
Rose approaches the bus queue in Chinatown. The bald man from Bangkok rolls by in a black SUV.
Warren’s phone starts ringing again. Keeping an eye on the snipered window, Peter dashes in and grabs it. Back in his hiding spot, he answers it, “Hello?”
The Night Agent is now streaming on Netflix.
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