The Next DEAD BY DAYLIGHT Chapter Brings Silent Hill’s Pyramid Head to the Fog

Julia Roth

Silent Hill's Pyramid Head in the new killer in the upcoming chapter for Dead by Daylight.

The tiny foil hats have been spinning these last few weeks leading up to the Dead by Daylight anniversary stream. Some believed that the next chapter would feature Pennywise from Stephen King‘s It while others thought it would be someone from Silent Hill. Well Silent Hill fans you were right! We will see the addition of Pyramid Head as the new killer and Cheryl Mason as the new survivor. Behaviour didn’t just launch the new trailer during the live stream though. They also shared the character’s perks and that players can access the build right now on the public test realm. This chapter also brings us a new map titled Midwich Elementry School. They pay homage to the original Silent Hill game with a nearly complete recreation of the school zone.

With the addition of the Executioner to Dead by Daylight comes new abilities. The first of which is his ability to call upon the dark forces of Silent Hill. He can attack with a ranged ability that can be used to strike through walls or even scare survivors. He can also use this ability to dig into the ground and create a trench in the level. Survivors will either need to move around these or go through them and become tormented. Cheryl Mason as a survivor is perfect. She is a large figure in the Silent Hill franchise. One of her key abilities will actually give players the chance to control the entity for the first time in-game. The in-game demo during the stream showed her using it to block a generator to slow its regression while she went to do something else.

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Another new addition that we will see with this chapter comes in the form of legendary outfits. When worn it completely transforms the character into someone else. The first outfit will be for Cheryl Mason. When worn she will transform in Lisa Garland, the nurse in the very first Silent Hill. It will be interesting to see how they continue to build on these outfits and what other characters they can introduce into the game through them. Personally, I believe that a chapter for Silent Hill fits perfectly into the Dead by Daylight universe. The game capitalizes on creating a tension-filled environment for survivors as they race against the killer to power the exit gates. During the trailer when the iconic siren from Silent Hill began to play I knew we were in trouble in the best kind of way.

Dead by Daylight is available to play right now on PC through Steam, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch. The Silent Hill chapter is available to play now on the PTB and is set to release on live servers in June 2020.



Julia Roth
Catch Me

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