THE MANDALORIAN Season 2 Trailer Proves to Us That This Is the Way

Julia Roth

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Din Djarin, in his full amor, and Grogu stand in front of a wall in a sunny, desolate town in The Mandalorian.

With just a few short weeks until the release of The Mandalorian season two, we finally have our first teaser trailer! Disney and LucasFilms released the short teaser this morning, giving us a look at a short bit of the upcoming plot. Season one came to a close with Mando (Pedro Pascal) and the child making their way out into the galaxy to find the child’s true home and Moff Gideon (Giancarlo Esposito) using a Darksaber to break out of his destroyed tie fighter. Clearly, we were left with so many questions!

The trailer still lacks a clear description of the plot, but it does toss in the word Jedi. This isn’t surprising, as The Child has shown signs of being able to use the force, we have seen a Darksaber in use and we are also getting Ahsoka Tano (Rosario Dawson) and Bo-Katan (Katee Sackhoff). In the trailer’s opener we hear the conversation between Mando and the Armorer (Emily Swallow) as she tells him of songs that describe battles between Mandalore the Great and Jedi sorcerers.

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Returning The Child to the enemy isn’t something Mando wants to do. But, as Armorer elegantly puts it, this is the way. This line kicks off the action portion of the trailer, complete with space battle, gun fights and all things Star Wars. The best part of the trailer? When The Child clearly understands that Mando is about to unleash a can of whooping. Seeing this, he closes his little pod for safety. Mando makes it very clear that wherever he goes, The Child goes too. So big bad guys beware!

The Mandalorian season two trailer is lacking when it comes to new characters to the series. We get a glimpse at Cara Dune (Gina Carano) and Greef Karga (Carl Weathers), but we don’t get to see Dawson, Sackhoff, Esposito, Timothy OIyphant or  Temuera Morrison. We do get a peek at an unnamed character hiding on the docks. She seems to just disappear in the crowd. During this scene, the Armorer is talking about the Jedi. It heavily implies that she might be one of those Jedi. But we don’t get to see anything else and will have to wait to find out more.

The Mandalorian season two kicks off on Disney Plus starting October 30, 2020. How excited are you to finally be getting back to this epic space adventure? Let us know in the comments below and on social media!



Julia Roth
Catch Me

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