Millennial Misremembers: THE KIDS IN THE HALL

Melis Noah Amber

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Millennial Misremembers: The Kids in the Hall; the cast of the Kids in the Hall

Hey there! Welcome to Millennial Misremembers, where I look back at the content I consumed in my childhood. You know, those works we fondly remember but maybe weren’t that cool? This time, I’ll be diving into The Kids in the Hall.

The Kids in the Hall premiered with a 47-minute pilot special in October of 1988 on CBC and HBO. The show premiered with “Season One, Episode One,” a whole year later, on both networks. That’s the episode I’ll be rewatching. 

Now, the actual kids of The Kids in the Hall have been a sketch comedy troupe since 1984! Lorne Michaels of SNL “discovered” them and put the show together; the rest is history. 

* Warning — unfortunately, this article includes discussions of Black face. * 

What I (mis)remember

I was a bit of a Canadaphile back in the day. I’m not ashamed to say that Kids in the Hall and Degrassi were a big part of why I almost went to the Great White North for university. If I believed in regret, I’d probably regret that I didn’t end up going. 

I wasn’t the only member of my household obsessed with The Kids in the Hall. My brother and I were probably super annoying about our shared love of it. He was a freshman my senior year of high school, and we had drama class together, so we performed sketches from this show together.  They were not … appropriate. Nor did our classmates understand them.

The one I best remember was us as two Vaudevillians who secretly kinda hate each other, and then one admits to the other that they’re “f***ing” the other’s wife. We got a lot of stares that day. Beyond that, we often pretended to “crush” each other’s heads as one of the kids’ recurring characters does. 

RELATED: Read more Millennial Misremembers!

Also, I think the fact that this show was a bunch of men dressing in drag, sometimes kissing one another and featured a gay man, Scott Thompson, kinda exploded my young brain. In a good way. Thinking back on it, I’m sure a lot of The Kids in the Hall went over my head, but it felt like a safe space. A safe space I could enjoy with my brother. 

So, naturally, I could not have done this Millennial Misremembers without including my brother! Upon the rewatch, I’ll explain each skit briefly and then insert screenshots of our live commentary. I’m on the right, and he’s on the left. 

Let’s rewatch!

The cold open is Mark McKinney and Thompson dressed in 80s teenage girl garb, screaming on the phone. They’re super excited because they’ve called each other simultaneously. Their phones didn’t even ring! 

Millennial Misremembers: The Kids in the Hall: 1) I think the fact that the audience is laughing at them just because they're in drag is not a good sign. 2) Yup '89 was a long time ago. who's your favorite if you had to pick. 3) I def had a crush on Dave Foley, but I think Kevin is probably the funniest 4) Oh yah I remember that between Kevin and Scott

Then, we get the theme song! 

Next sketch! We’ve got Bruce McCulloch as a masked squash player who calls himself “The Eradicator.” He runs around trying to intimidate his opponents. Joke’s on him, though, ’cause he sucks at the sport. 

Millennial Misremembers: The Kids in the Hall: 1) Why is he sometimes the Eradicate O R and sometimes E R? 2) He's an enigma 3) Do you find this sketch funny? 4) Haha I mean it has a certain episode one charm to it

Moving on, McKinney plays the headmistress of a ballet school. Here, he breaks a young, talented girl’s heart by telling her Kevin McDonald‘s fumbling ballet dancer has more spirit than her and will take her place at the academy.

In a great twist, the sketch ends with McKinney’s character laughing and saying it’s all a joke. These guys are good at completing their skits. 

Millennial Misremembers: The Kids in the Hall: 1) strange that Kevin has the naturally highest voice, but also the worst drag voice. 2) HAHA right? Mark is def the best at drag. 3) Yeah dude that's a specific well-thought out character right there 4) I like Marla - this girl is a great straight man. 5) she's probably 45 now. 6)  OMG you're right 7) yeah I was not expecting the turn around. got 'em

Next up! The head crusher. I don’t know how to describe this, so here’s a picture: 

Millennial Misremembers: The Kids in the Hall; a hand pretending to "crush" someone's head from a distance.

That’s basically the whole concept. 

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Millennial Misremembers: The Kids in the Hall: 1) I'm crushing your head! 2) Yay!! Wooo! Wretched bike courier! 3) I pity you and I crush you!

Then, Dave Foley takes the stage to tell us some important news. During rehearsals, the kids have discovered the cause of cancer. McCullough then joins Foley to apologize for having caused all that cancer. He won’t do it again!

Millennial Misremembers: The Kids in the Hall: 1) Why does Dave's suit fit so poorly? 2) Do you think it's deliberate? 3) I'm not sure but he definitely looks like a kid playing dress up. 4) Like a ... kid ... 5) HAHA OK. You got me. 6) He he he

Next sketch! Things get strange in the way only a Thompson sketch can. He has a nightmare of slicing a pear. He wakes up in bed with McKinney (as a woman), who asks him if he had the pear dream again. She comforts him. Then he wakes up with McCullough, who does the same. Repeat, but with Foley (as a woman) and McDonald at the same time.

Finally, Thompson wakes up next to a pear. This time, he comforts the pear. 

Millennial Misremembers: The Kids in the Hall: 1) LOL. Now we have Scott Thompson bringing the gay. 2) Haha I was thinking the same thing. Love it already. 3) omg this is like an absurdist play. 4) yeah I'm not really sure I understand the premise. 5) I'm not sure it matters? There are people in bed together who shouldn't be. 5) A man together with a man??? 6) A man with a pear!

And then, oh dear god, no … I’m not even going to recap the following sketch. Just read our commentary. 

Millennial Misremembers: The Kids in the Hall: 1) omg 2) Oh no! 3) is this black face 4) Black face! No! 5) omg no 6) I was just about to say that this show aged surprisingly well 7) yeah. crap. 8) what can you do it's part of our history

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Millennial Misremembers: The Kids in the Hall: 1) OMG this is like so, so bad. 2) I wanna skip this one so bad. 2) I know, but that's not how this works. 3) yeah gotta sit with it. 4) I'm really curious how their new show is. 5) I will take a wild guess and say that there will be no black face. 6) OMG now they're making fun of EDs and like, he's a Black jerk on top of it?  8) I feel bad for saying the last one didn't have a premise. No premise is better than ... whatever this is.

That’s finally over. The episode ends with the head crusher smushing a small child’s head, only to regret it. 

Millennial Misremembers: The Kids in the Hall: 1) LOL the folding chair tho. 2) At least the head crusher has morals? 3) What is his accent? 4) yes he's a good man under it all. haha good q 5) Mark is the most Problematic. 6) at least in this one!

Does it live up to the nostalgia? 

Millennial Misremembers: The Kids in the Hall: 1) That was ... a lot. 2) Haha still better than a lot of comedy shows written by 5 white guys in the 80s I'm sure and hey, eradicator doesn't looks so bad now. 3) I think it's just that I've idolized them almost. 4) I know how that feels. Rivers Cuomo still tours singing a song sexualizing an 18 year old girl. Jackson Browne assaulted his wife. Don Mclean is an A-hole. the world is chaos 5) Yeah I know. It's just ... is nothing sacred?

Millennial Misremembers: The Kids in the Hall: 1) So, besides the play Mr. Lincoln, what did you think of KITH? 2) It had some good highlights. But sketch: ballet. 2nd: bruce apologizing for creating cancer. I think it's probably like snl or any other sketch show where the "greatest hits" are the best way to enjoy them. You? 3) I'd agree with your ranking -- and would put the weird pears as third

Millennial Misremembers: The Kids in the Hall: 1) ahaha yeah I can agree with that. I'm effing your wife. Just wanted to type that. 2) YUP. I will never forget that. And I think there's a reason certain sketches have stayed in our minds, whereas we'd totally forgotten about other ones cough cough Black Face cough cough. So the biggest question I always have to answer is -- does it live up to the nostalgia. 3) Oh damn. I mean I think it's more complex than that but kinda?

Millennial Misremembers: The Kids in the Hall: 1) What do you think? 2) lol that's generally what I find. Maybe I should change my end question. 3) hmm. Yeah cause I think things will always seem better in memory because you remember the way it made you feel more so than what was said or done

Millennial Misremembers: The Kids in the Hall: 1) Any last thought before we wrap up? 2) Haha, I mean I think that's it. I googled "kids in the hall black face" and the first result was a 2020 Scott Thompson interview where he defends it so there's that lol. 3) Oh Jesus no. 4) But yeah that's my last input probably hahaha either way this was fun. love you.

All that said, it was super fun to have this bonding moment with my bro! I’m still cautiously excited to watch the reunion season of The Kids in the Hall next month. It’ll be nice to see their irreverent humor with what is, hopefully, an updated sensibility.


Melis Noah Amber
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