THE GREAT Recap: (S03E03) You the People

Melody McCune

Peter, Georgina, Grigor and the cast dance at a party in The Great Season 3 Episode 3, "You the People."

DISCLAIMER: This recap of The Great Season 3 Episode 3, “You the People,” contains spoilers. Proceed at your peril. 

Huzzah! “You the People” is another fun outing that highlights the power dynamics, both politically and marriage-wise, between Catherine and Peter. I love that we’re subverting the societal norms of this time by putting Catherine in the traditionally “male” role while Peter fulfills a typically “female” part. It’s ripe for comedy and entertaining narrative possibilities. Written by Tony McNamara and directed by Sheree Folkson, “You the People” finds Catherine trying to unite Russia to hilariously disastrous results. 

Additionally, Peter’s confession regarding his childhood sexual assault is utterly heartbreaking. Nicholas Hoult delivers a layered, grounded and vulnerable performance as we see Peter’s capriciousness fall away to reveal his trauma and pain as the root of his behavior. 

Ready to delve into “You the People”? Let’s get to it. 

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We open with Peter (Hoult) checking to see if his horses are screwing yet. Dissatisfied with his guard’s answer, he retreats to his chambers, where Catherine (Elle Fanning) paces back and forth feverishly. She’s nervous because today’s the day she hosts the NAKAZ, a conference wherein peasants, merchants and nobles can assemble to air their grievances. Catherine worries it might be an utter failure. Peter’s pretty sure it will fail because he doesn’t believe in listening to the people, but he also feels it’ll be okay. I love how they mirror each other in this scene when neither detects the other’s sarcasm—our psychotic soulmates. 

Aunt Elizabeth (Belinda Bromilow) is disappointed to find Catherine and Peter not making another baby. She’s bewildered by the resurging feelings and memories from being in these very quarters. If you recall, Peter and Catherine moved back into Peter’s father’s apartments. Of course, Lizzy fondly remembers her time with Peter’s dad — so much so that she hyperventilates. Meanwhile, Dr. Vinodel (Julian Barratt) tends to Tatyana (Florence Keith-Roach), who is still healing after Georgina shot her in the stomach. Tatyana notices her arm is paralyzed after consuming some medicine Vinodel gave her. 

Catherine, Aunt Elizabeth and Archie stand next to each other outside the palace in The Great Season 3 Episode 3, "You the People."
The Great — “You the People” – Season 3 Episode 3 — Catherine (Elle Fanning), Aunt Elizabeth (Belinda Bromilow) and Archie (Adam Godley), shown. (Photo by: Parisa Taghizadeh/Hulu)

Vinodel chalks it up to the magic of medicine. It’s an art, not a science. Arkady (Bayo Gbadamosi) stares out the window at the line of peasants, merchants and nobles outside the palace, wondering why they need to entertain “the people.” Then, he spots someone unsavory: Simitz (Mark Tandy), an enemy of Peter and the group. Catherine and Elizabeth join Katya (Jane Mahady), reciting passages from Catherine’s NAKAZ handbook. Catherine greets her subjects despite most of them not recognizing her. 

RELATED: Catch up on all the huzzah-worthy goodness with our The Great recaps!

Next, Peter lounges with Hugo (Freddie Fox) for a boys’ spa day. We see Hugo has a third nipple, but I’m unsure if that’s relevant to the plot except to say, “Ew, incest.” It’s okay, Hugo — Peter has a sixth toe. Peter wants his two horses to fork because he plans to create a new breed of European horse. My murderous boy’s motivated as all get-out. Grigor (Gwilym Lee) arrives and talks about how strange it is to be back in Peter the Great’s apartments. Hugo and Peter attempt to persuade Grigor to fluff the horse because there’s no copulation happening, which simply will not do. 

Suddenly, Arkady storms into the apartments and reveals the return of Simitz. Peter’s entire demeanor changes to one of steel. He grabs a blade and leaves in a hurry, with Arkady and Grigor hot on his heels. Hugo asks for context; however, Grigor replies it’s only for his best friends to know. Ouch. I sense some competition between Hugo and Grigor/Arkady. There’s enough Peter for everyone, fellas. After Katya reassures Catherine that Orlo would be proud of what she accomplished, Marial (Phoebe Fox) drops by to wish the empress good luck. Instead of currying favor, Marial changes tactics: no servile flattery for her, only petty insults. 

Peter, Grigor and Georgina standing next to each other at a party in The Great Season 3 Episode 3, "You the People."
The Great — “You the People” – Season 3 Episode 3 — Peter (Nicholas Hoult), Grigor (Gwilym Lee) and Georgina (Charity Wakefield), shown. (Photo by: Christopher Raphael/Hulu)

Then, Catherine hosts her first NAKAZ session, enthusiastically calling to order a conference of Russia’s best. She encourages the peasants to speak their minds and hopes they’ll all work together to find solutions for a brighter tomorrow. Unfortunately, it’s off to a rough start as Catherine introduces her first measure: to outlaw murder. No murder? Preposterous! The nobles and merchants are vehemently against prohibiting it. Surprisingly, the peasants are also pro-murder. 

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Peter storms through the courtyards, shirtless, while brandishing his dagger. Grigor walks beside him while Arkady surreptitiously kicks Hugo aside to keep up with the duo. However, Peter changes his mind, citing Catherine’s wroth should she learn he spoiled her day with bloodshed. What a great husband. Meanwhile, the conference isn’t going well. It’s descended into abject chaos. Georgina (Charity Wakefield) stages a health incident to distract the masses while Velementov (Douglas Hodge) shoots at the air. Catherine suggests they take a break. 

Back in Peter the Great’s apartments, Hugo swoops in to become Peter’s favorite again. The two embrace, and Hugo reassures his pal that Peter will kill Simitz. Then, the scene morphs into two shirtless bros just bro-ing out and being bros. I’m not complaining. Arkady and Grigor are perplexed by the display. Catherine urges Elizabeth and Archie (Adam Godley) to help further her mission. They don’t believe she should’ve started with the “no murder” thing right out of the gate, but they’ll assist regardless. Archie will take the peasants, and Elizabeth will persuade the merchants. 

Aunt Elizabeth, Catherine and Katya stand next to each other outside the palace on a sunny day in The Great Season 3 Episode 3, "You the People."
The Great — “You the People” – Season 3 Episode 3 — Aunt Elizabeth (Belinda Bromilow), Catherine (Elle Fanning) and Katya (Jane Mahady), shown. (Photo by: Parisa Taghizadeh/Hulu)

Meanwhile, Velementov informs Catherine of his illness. He’s still coughing up blood. She demands he visits Vinodel and takes time off to rest. Velementov insists working is his life. He hopes they can keep his health status between the two of them. Aw. This moment would be a touch sweeter if he weren’t so creepy. That said, Hodge plays this character to perfection. After her chat with Velementov, Catherine finds her handbooks strewn about the corridors with obscene filth sketched in them. 

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Later, Peter stress eats a raw pheasant, as one does, while Catherine flops onto their bed in exhaustion. Peter’s angry eating is, as the kids say, a “mood.” Peter reveals Simitz is here, and he must kill him despite Catherine outlawing murder. Catherine protests; however, she grows quiet when Peter divulges the real reason he has to murder Simitz. The man sexually assaulted Peter and his friends for his dad’s pleasure and entertainment. Poor Peter. Catherine embraces her husband. She feels his pain, but she doesn’t think that pain will dissipate if he goes through with murder. 

Grigor finds Marial packing for an evening getaway. She feels she and Grigor need to be free of the palace for a while. Georgina interrupts to reveal Grigor must accompany her to a party in Catherine’s and Peter’s apartments. Grigor is, after all, still George’s husband. Before Grigor departs, he tells Marial he loves her and vows to kill Simitz. Speaking of, Catherine meets Simitz for the first time. He begs for mercy and hopes to make amends with Peter. He’ll do anything Catherine says. She brings him to Peter so they can mend fences. Although, realistically, Peter will try to kill him (as he should). 

King Hugo and Queen Agnes talk to each other on the dance floor at a party in The Great Season 3 Episode 3, "You the People."
The Great — “You the People” – Season 3 Episode 3 — King Hugo (Freddie Fox) and Queen Agnes (Grace Molony), shown. (Photo by: Christopher Raphael/Hulu)

Next, Peter grabs Simitz by the hair and holds a knife to his throat. However, he doesn’t kill the man. Catherine’s gotten under his skin. When Peter sits in utter defeat, Hugo’s there with drinks at the ready. Meanwhile, Elizabeth meets with one merchant in her chambers. She noticed he was particularly against Catherine’s new “no murder” rule. Elizabeth poisons him and claims the only remedy is a bite from her snake — so long as he agrees to support Catherine. Oh, Elizabeth. You are devious. Naturally, he vows to support the empress and takes the antidote via snakebite. 

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Then, Archie brings the peasants together to deliver a fire and brimstone speech that scares the peasants into supporting Catherine. Godley doles out superb work here. Archie’s impassioned monologue is equal parts hilarious and terrifying. Also, it appears he kinda gets off on the torture aspect of what he’s saying. That’s our Archie. Grigor and Georgina walk to the party, where the latter proposes they sleep together. However, Grigor’s Team Marial now, George. Sorry. Peter and Catherine party it up on the dance floor. George continues her charade about being Catherine’s most ardent fan. Even our empress sees through the ruse. 

Marial’s servant takes her to chat with someone: Pugachev (Hoult). He’s alive! Good ole Pugy’s healing in the servant’s quarters. He prefers not to reunite with Peter or Catherine. Meanwhile, Grigor, Hugo and Georgina attempt to convince Peter to take the path of revenge and kill Simitz. But the horses! Hugo asks Agnes (Grace Molony) if he can use their aphrodisiac on the horses, although it might mean he won’t get it up for her in the future. Only Peter’s happiness matters. 

Peter sits at the base of a tree and smiles in The Great Season 3 Episode 3, "You the People."
The Great — “You the People” – Season 3 Episode 3 — Peter (Nicholas Hoult), shown. (Photo by: Parisa Taghizadeh/Hulu)

Grigor turns down George again, while Peter finds himself unable to sleep. George encounters Peter in the corridor and tries to get him to sleep with her. Peter rejects her, citing his love for Catherine. Our empress made an honest man out of him (for the most part). The following day, Grigor informs Peter about the faces Simitz made at him and Georgina while Peter’s two horses finally fork, thanks to Hugo’s aphrodisiac. However, Peter doesn’t care about that now. It’s time to murder Simitz for realsies. 

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Catherine reconvenes the conference. She notices how eager the peasants are to bow to her, courtesy of Archie’s speech. She proposes something exciting from Peter’s emperor wishlist: a monkey for every village. Naturally, the masses cheer. So, it’s not outlawing murder, but sometimes, baby steps are required. Meanwhile, Georgina lures Simitz into the woods, where Grigor and Peter await them. Grigor shoots Simitz for Peter so the latter doesn’t have to lie to Catherine.

However, Peter, unable to stand idly by, slashes Simitz’s throat. Then, George straddles him and smashes his head with a rock. Everyone feels a huge weight lifted off their chests. As it turns out, Simitz tortured everyone at the palace. Good riddance to him. 

Peter, Georgina, Grigor and the cast dance at a party in The Great Season 3 Episode 3, "You the People."
The Great — “You the People” – Season 3 Episode 3 — (Photo by: Christopher Raphael/Hulu)

Marial sits next to Catherine after the conference. She claims she has something to tell the empress. I assumed it might be that Pugachev is alive, but Marial changes her mind once she realizes Catherine’s still frosty toward her. Instead, she congratulates Catherine on sanctioning a monkey for every village. That evening, Catherine and Peter lie in bed together. Peter’s thrilled about Catherine adopting one of his unused policies. He tells her Grigor shot Simitz but doesn’t specify his involvement in the murder. Peter simply tells Catherine to get some rest. Ah. There’s the lie. 

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How long will the monkeys last in their respective villages? Is Peter’s omission regarding his involvement in Simitz’s murder the start of more marital turbulence for our fave lovebirds? How long will Georgina keep up the “I love Catherine” ruse? Only time (and more episodes) will tell. 

The Great Season 3 is now streaming on Hulu

Melody McCune
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