DISCLAIMER: This recap of The Great Season 3 Episode 1, “The Bullet or the Bear,” contains spoilers. Proceed at your peril.
Huzzah! The Great is back, and I couldn’t be happier. “The Bullet or the Bear,” written by Tony McNamara and directed by Matthew Moore, is a fantastic opener for what’s sure to be a cracking season. Every aspect of this episode fires on all cylinders, from the bitingly cheeky humor to the compelling performances and the gripping narrative. “The Bullet or the Bear” sets the stage for Catherine’s greatest challenge yet — running a country while tending to her marriage.
Orlo’s death is shocking. Catherine’s anguish over his death will eat away at her, but it’ll be tenfold if she discovers she accidentally killed him. Of course, if anyone discovers his mauled corpse, they surely won’t find a bullet hole.
Interestingly enough, none of the “traitors” had to choose a bullet or the bear because, in the end, they all swore allegiance to Catherine. Whereas, Orlo claimed he couldn’t support the empress and inadvertently got the bullet and the bear. I’d call it poetic if it all wasn’t so heartbreaking. On a similar note, I’m saddened the series killed off one of its only main characters of color. I understand the narrative significance of removing Orlo from the equation, but it still stings.
Ready to delve into “The Bullet or the Bear”? Let’s get to it.
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We open with Catherine (Elle Fanning) and Peter (Nicholas Hoult) in a therapy session. They explain to the counselor why they’re plagued with marital issues. She tried to kill him but stabbed his doppelganger, Pugachev. He forked her mother and inadvertently killed her. However, love prevailed through it all. That said, the past 24 hours have been taxing. So, we rewind to the day before, with Catherine waking next to Peter after she went stabby-stabby on poor Pugsy. She tells Peter she feels strange. I would, too, after a night like that. Peter tries to lift his wife’s spirits by splashing water on her while they bathe. It’s adorable.

Next, while eating breakfast, they briefly air their grievances. By “airing,” I mean shoving them down deep, never to mention them again. It’s time to move forward. Catherine wants to lead Russia to a brighter tomorrow. But before she leaves to “do things,” our fave couple do each other. Let it never be said that Fanning and Hoult don’t have chemistry. While walking down the corridor, Catherine runs into Maxim (Henry Meredith), who demands his wife (Marial) be released from custody. Oh, sh*t, someone forgot about that.
Outside, we see Arkady (Bayo Gbadamosi), Marial (Phoebe Fox), Grigor (Gwilym Lee) and Tatyana (Florence Keith-Roach) standing in the courtyard while two massive bears loom before them. Orlo (Sacha Dhawan) and Velementov (Douglas Hodge) wait for Catherine to arrive. Apparently, the traitors can choose their fate: the bullet or the bear. They can die via firing squad or face mauling from a bear. Should they survive said mauling, they can go free. It’s a Peter thing from when he was in charge. Aunt Elizabeth (Belinda Bromilow) sits in bed post-orgy, profoundly forlorn — devastated by the thought of Peter being dead. Archie (Adam Godley) sits in the next room. He enjoyed watching the debauchery without partaking. Although, by golly, he wanted to.
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Peter wanders into his aunt’s quarters. He’s upset nobody bothered to inform him about the orgy. Elizabeth embraces her nephew, giddy that Catherine let him live. Meanwhile, Orlo and Velementov reunite with Catherine, asking for her direction regarding the prisoners. How does she want them to die? Catherine keeps mum concerning her husband; however, Peter ruins the surprise by waltzing into the room. Orlo is irate. How could Catherine betray his trust like this? They made a blood oath. After Peter departs, Orlo curses Catherine, claiming she hasn’t accomplished anything during her rule. Ouch.
Then, while one woman searches Peter’s mouth vigorously with her tongue, Orlo takes one guard’s gun with the latter’s approval. If Catherine won’t do away with Peter, he will. King Hugo (Freddie Fox) and Queen Agnes (Grace Molony) lament their current situation re: Sweden. With Peter, they could’ve easily persuaded him into giving them what they wanted. It’ll be significantly more challenging with Catherine. However, to their delight, Peter emerges like a phoenix from the ashes. He asks the pair to go hunting with him soon.

Suddenly, Orlo enters the room with his gun at the ready. Agnes trips Orlo, sending him flying groundward. The gun inadvertently fires and shoots one woman in the legs. Hugo kicks the gun underneath a chair before turning to his wife. They proceed to have sex right then and there because nothing gets the juices flowing like accidental gunfire. Peter heads outside to reunite with his buddies. He knows they’ll undoubtedly swear fealty to Catherine now that he’s devoted to her. But he can’t simply free them. They need to earn it. He advises them to choose getting attacked by a bear. Offer it an arm and be done with it—just a light mauling.
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Later, Georgina (Charity Wakefield) sits in her quarters with her gun aimed at the door. She fires on her servant, but, thankfully, said servant ducks in time. Her maid informs her about the palace gossip, which consists of various conflicting accounts. Peter’s alive; Peter’s dead. Who knows? Georgina understands she must ally herself with the winning side. Meanwhile, Catherine chats with Elizabeth and Archie. She wishes to enlist their aid permanently. Perhaps they can act on her behalf. She acknowledges Orlo’s and Velementov’s efforts in getting her to where she is, but now she needs a push. Elizabeth and Archie can teach her to be more assertive.
Georgina barges in with a book. She falls before Catherine, swearing her allegiance to the empress. She’s a changed woman because of our fair ruler. George would even kill for Catherine. Elizabeth suggests she shoot one of the traitors — perhaps Tatyana. George agrees to this wholeheartedly. Is she truly changed, or is this a ploy to save her skin? Outside, Catherine, Elizabeth and Georgina stand together, facing the prisoners. Marial calls out to Catherine, who ignores her. Suddenly, Georgina shoots Tatyana in the stomach. Two guards carry her away while she cries out in pain.

Back in the palace, Peter plays the role of our favorite stay-at-home dad while Mommy runs the country. He has Paul strapped to his chest. Orlo appears from behind, brandishing a dagger. Peter darts away from the blade quickly, even with a child on his person. He orders one guard to open the windows so he can throw Orlo out. However, he merely deposits Orlo on the ground, claiming it’s a new day. He suggests Orlo let bygones be bygones, too. Look at Peter, showing growth. Catherine calls off the shooting for now and sidebars with Elizabeth.
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Elizabeth runs into Dr. Vinodel (Julian Barratt), who’s positively enamored with her after their orgy-fueled encounter. He needs to see her again. Elizabeth claims she can pencil him in a month from now. Her sexual dance card is quite full at the moment.
Meanwhile, Velementov finds blood on his handkerchief after a coughing fit while in the bath. Uh-oh. That’s not good. Agnes pops in for a surprise visit. She flirts with Velementov and places her fingers in his bathwater. She asks him to teach her the ways of war. Just because she no longer has a country doesn’t mean she can’t learn how to fight. Velementov eagerly agrees to tutor her. Afterward, Agnes informs Hugo that her flirtation is successful.

Then, Elizabeth tries to persuade Peter to kill his friends even though he’s attempting to save them. If Catherine lets them go free, it makes her look weak. She even dances to punctuate her talking points. Catherine apologizes to Orlo, but not in the way he’d hoped. He reminds her of the pact they made where they’re currently sitting. So long as Peter lives, Orlo can’t support Catherine. Catherine realizes that as she moves on, she must leave Orlo behind. This scene is heartbreaking, given how close they were.
Next, Peter saves the day, going against Elizabeth’s advice to free his pals. He offers horses for Arkady, Grigor, Marial and Count Smolny (Alistair Green). Initially, the crowd boos him until he trains his gun on one of them. It’s best not to test Peter when he’s brandishing a weapon. Vinodel gives Catherine something to help her sleep so she can forget this day. She slumbers in a closet, as one does. Poor girl just wants to escape. Peter leads the quartet into the forest and urges them to flee the palace. However, Marial reminds him that Catherine won’t like that he helped them escape. So, Peter changes his mind and escorts them back to the palace at gunpoint. Smolny tries to run, but Peter shoots him in the leg.

Later, after a chat with Peter boosts her morale, Catherine concocts a plan. She brings each traitor in, blindfolded, and strikes a deal. She treats with Arkady and Tatyana, who still has a bullet wound in her stomach, offering them their favorite alcoholic beverages. Catherine fulfills a long-held request on Arkady’s behalf while agreeing to join Tatyana for tea time. In exchange, she’ll burn their summer home to the ground and free their serfs. Huzzah!
Then, it’s Grigor’s turn. She reminds him that she loves Peter and he adores her, so they shouldn’t have beef. Grigor will support Catherine simply because Peter does. It’s all gravy. Lastly, she sits with Marial. Catherine will let Marial live her life at court; however, they’re no longer friends. Marial takes this separation incredibly hard, believing she doesn’t deserve to be shut out. But Marial kept Grigor a secret, whereas Catherine told Marial everything. After Marial departs in tears, Catherine breaks down, too. Ouch. This one’s painful.
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Now, we’re back in the present day. The counselor offers to purge the married couple of their past. She sings a Russian song while holding two pigeons near their breasts. Then, she throws the pigeons on the ground, where their necks snap. Hey, Catherine and Peter boast pretty heavy pasts. Later, they walk through the forest with their son. Peter recounts every meal he’s ever had, claiming he’s never forgotten anything related to food. Orlo waits behind a tree, his gun cocked and pointed at Peter. Mind you, Paul’s strapped to Peter’s chest.

Suddenly, Catherine hears a rustling in the leaves. She assumes it’s a deer and fires in Orlo’s direction. We don’t hear a peep. Peter believes the creature is probably smaller than a deer. As they walk by, we see Orlo lifeless on the ground, with a bullet hole in his head. Holy shit. Catherine stops Peter and believes there’s “nothing but now.” They don’t need to fret over the past or worry about the future. They must remain in the present moment. Peter concurs. The two bears from earlier are released into the forest. They discover Orlo’s body and start feasting. RIP, Orlo. This hurts.
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As usual, Nicholas Hoult is pure, unadulterated charisma as Peter, the unhinged madman we shouldn’t root for but do. Elle Fanning imbues Catherine with genuine idealism and wit, with her can-do spirit being positively infectious. Both attack their roles with vim and vigor. Not many onscreen couples boast the electrifying chemistry Catherine and Peter have.
I love how Catherine and Peter have influenced each other throughout the show. It’s pretty evident in “The Bullet or the Bear,” where they even trade places for a time. Peter tries forgiveness and practices restraint, while Catherine hopes to become more assertive and exercise her power. It’s an intriguing character study as they both endeavor to strike that internal balance.
Sacha Dhawan’s performance as Orlo has been a delight for me over the past two seasons. I’m going to miss Orlo. Dhawan brought so much heart and enthusiasm to him. Maybe it was all a dream? One can only hope.
The Great Season 3 is now streaming on Hulu.
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