THE GOOD PLACE Recap: (S03E06) A Fractured Inheritance

Melody McCune

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DISCLAIMER: This recap of The Good Place contains more spoilers than the number of times Eleanor has taken advantage of a good food spread at public gatherings. Always seize the opportunity to indulge in free food. You’ve been warned. Prepare for the afterlife, and enter at your own peril. 

Welcome back, Soul Squad! The Good Place blessed our Thursday night this week with two separate soul saving missions. Eleanor reunited with her mother in Nevada, with the latter living under the alias Diana Tremaine. Meanwhile, Tahani remained in Budapest as she attempted to make amends with her sister Kamilah. Of course, shenanigans ensued, and it wouldn’t be The Good Place without some deep philosophical queries masked in lighthearted frivolity. Philosophy is fun! Side note: apparently being “basic” is now a compliment of the highest degree. We were finally able to see the origins of the popular Eleanor-ism in action. 

Alright, ready to delve into “A Fractured Inheritance?” Just be sure to set aside the cocktail shrimp for Eleanor. She gets rather cranky otherwise. 

RELATED: Relive the entire episode here with our THE GOOD PLACE Recap: (S03E05) The Ballad of Donkey Doug

We open with Eleanor (Kristen Bell) and Michael (Ted Danson) sitting outside the former’s mother’s home in Tarantula Springs, Nevada. Which is a fictional place in Nevada, mind you. I was motivated to do some Google-ing after watching this episode. Eleanor learns that Donna Shellstrop (Leslie Grossman) had to go into hiding after bidding $30,000 on a date with Gene Simmons. Since, you know, most people don’t have that kind of money lying about. Thus, she faked her own death and now resides in Nevada as Diana Tremaine. Eleanor was led to believe Donna was trampled to death while adjusting her toe ring at a Rascal Flatts concert. Seems plausible. Michael vows that he’s now divulged every possible detail of Eleanor’s life in the past few centuries. No more secrets. Secrets don’t make friends, you know. 

Now, Eleanor is taken aback that her own mother would steal the identity she stole. It’s just common courtesy to not steal identities possessed by other identity thieves. Michael reminds Eleanor to set aside her personal grievances with her mother and focus on aiding Donna in getting into The Good Place. Objectivity is key. However, the first thing Eleanor says to Donna/Diana upon the latter opening the door is an accusation of stealing a stolen identity. Donna/Diana Tremaine/Shellstrop is living the high life with her new beau Dave (Andrew Daly). Dave is a swanky architect. Eleanor smells a scam. She accuses Donna of pulling the wool over Dave’s eyes for his money. 

Pictured: Kristen Bell and Ted Danson,

Meanwhile, Tahani (Jameela Jamil), Chidi (William Jackson Harper), Jason (Manny Jacinto) and Janet (D’Arcy Carden) are waiting in line to meet Tahani’s sister. Kamilah (Rebecca Hazlewood) is hosting a massive art show featuring her original pieces as well as an interactive exhibit. We see her serving the public omelettes while donning a chef’s uniform. She blesses her fans with vague words of existentialism. However, Tahani refuses to accept an omelette and participate in the exhibit. Thus, Kamilah orders everyone to leave and thereby shuts down said exhibit. No refunds for you! Tahani apologizes to Kamilah for playing a part in their sibling rivalry, but the latter refuses to accept said apology. 

Next, we see Michael and Eleanor drinking Dave’s famous margaritas. Michael and Dave are bonding over architect life. We also learn that Donna is a stepmom, which makes her alias of “Tremaine” that much more brilliant. The Good Place Powers That Be are experts in subtle humor. Eleanor isn’t buying the whole shebang. She wholeheartedly believes Donna is pulling a scam, and is hellbent on taking her down. Hey, at least Dave’s margaritas are exceptional. 

Later, Jason and Janet are exploring Kamilah’s artwork. Jason has his own philosophical take on each piece, utterly winning over Janet with his charm. Janet reveals the exact worth of Kamilah’s pieces as they peruse the gallery. Jason is enamored with her all-encompassing knowledge. A match made in heaven!

Meanwhile, Eleanor is rummaging through Donna’s stepdaughter’s room for clues that her mother is running a long con. Her stepdaughter Patricia (Stella Edwards) finds Eleanor and Michael in her room. She reveals that Donna has been very kind to her, even purchasing every stuffed animal in Patricia’s extensive collection. Eleanor hopes to dissect a certain teddy bear to see if a hidden stash of cash lurks within. That’s Donna Shellstrop’s MO. Stow away cash, then bail at the first sign of trouble. Michael prevents Eleanor from performing such an operation. Then, he goes into dad mode and orders Eleanor to attend Donna’s PTA meeting at Patricia’s school that evening. You know, support Donna as she runs for PTA secretary. Eleanor begrudgingly does as she’s bid. 


Next, Chidi attempts to coerce Kamilah into accepting her sister’s apology and mending familial fences. However, Chidi is also taken by Kamilah’s charms, and the whole ordeal falls into shambles. She’s a charmer, that Kamilah. Thus, Tahani resorts to desperate measures. Desperate times and all. She takes an ax to Kamilah’s exhibit, fueled by her sister’s verbal taunts. Kamilah didn’t believe Tahani had the stones to follow through with such a threat of destruction. Tahani and Chidi are arrested for destroying property. 

Now, we see Michael and Eleanor are attending Donna’s public bid for PTA secretary. She gives a grand speech at the MGM Grand Elementary School, where the mascot is a lion. Talk about delightful Easter eggs. Donna’s speech is heartfelt, and she even showers her own stepdaughter in praise. Eleanor’s face falls at that. She marches up to Dave afterwards and reveals Donna’s whole charade. Dave admits that he’s known this all along. Apparently, Donna divulged every detail regarding her alias the night after they met. He even knows who Eleanor is. Dave doesn’t mind, because he enjoys Donna’s wild card side. Well, that was anticlimactic. 

Pictured: Leslie Grossman,

Later, Eleanor gets emotional with Michael as she reveals how jealous she is of Patricia. Why does Patricia get the model mother while Eleanor was stuck with the shirty one? Bell’s dramatic chops are subtly brilliant here. I didn’t think my eyes would well up during an episode of The Good Place, but here we are. Michael is dumbfounded by Eleanor’s confession. Then, it is revealed that Donna won the PTA secretary seat by a landslide victory. 

Next, Eleanor congratulates Donna at the latter’s home. Eleanor starts to believe that perhaps Donna has turned a new leaf. However, she discovers Donna’s hidden cash stash inside a laundry detergent box. Bingo! Donna admits that yes, she initially started stowing away bits of Dave’s cash in the beginning, but she’s sincerely fallen for him. Not only that, but she genuinely enjoys living the suburban mom life. Eleanor convinces Donna to fully commit, fully embrace her second chance at a good life. Donna vows to return the money to its rightful owner. The two share a mother-daughter hug, and all seems right with the world. Eleanor’s work in saving Donna’s soul is complete. 

Meanwhile, Tahani and Chidi ponder over Kamilah’s “mediocre” artwork. We see a flashback of the two young siblings battling over whose artwork will be featured at their parent’s opulent dinner. Tahani realizes that their parents pitted the sisters against each other for decades. She also notices a theme in all of her sister’s pieces: the Al-Jamil siblings standing against their parents. Tahani flocks to Kamilah’s side and embraces her sister. Initially Kamilah is resistant, but she eventually succumbs to the sisterly hug. Tahani reveals her understanding of Kamilah’s art, and that their parents are responsible for their rivalry. They were right wankers, yeah? Kamilah orders the police to release Tahani and Chidi. Aw, mended fences at last! 

Pictured (L to R): Manny Jacinto, Jameela Jamil, William Jackson Harper and D’Arcy Carden;

Later, we see Janet is behind the wheel with Jason, Tahani and Chidi. Everyone is heading to the airport for a flight back to Sydney. Chidi reveals an article penned by Kamilah that features Tahani as co-captain of the former’s art exhibition. Tahani is over the moon, but believes the piece’s title should be switched from “A Fractured Inheritance” to “The Buried Hatchet.” Chidi urges her to wait on said phone call. Let time heal all wounds. 

Now, Eleanor and Michael bid their farewells to Diana Tremaine, Dave and Patricia. While en route to the airport, Michael reveals that he hasn’t been fully honest in divulging every last detail to Eleanor. The catalyst for this confession was Eleanor admitting that she’d never told a single boyfriend that she loved them. Michael confesses that, during one of his many neighborhood reboots, Eleanor and Chidi fell deeply in love. She revealed her love to him, and he to her. Love was reciprocated between the two. If this brings Eleanor and Chidi back together, I’m all for this late confession. Love is in the air!

RELATED: Geek Girl Authority Crush of the Week: ELEANOR SHELLSTROP

The Good Place Season 3 is more than good…it’s great (insert picture of Tony the Tiger here). I’m digging this new Soul Squad initiative, since our crew is essentially damned to The Bad Place regardless. However, I’m hoping we’ll be blessed with more afterlife elements in future episodes, since we’re at the halfway point in the season. I want to reunite with Shawn and check in on the Judge. Methinks Shawn is still in pursuit of Michael and Janet. 

Do you think we’ll see Shawn anytime soon? Is the Judge actively trying to catch Michael and Janet? Where is Trevor? Join me next week as I continue to recap The Good Place, here on Geek Girl Authority. 

The Good Place airs Thursdays at 8:30pm on your NBC affiliate. 



Melody McCune
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