THE GIFTED Season Finale Recap: (S01E12/13) eXtraction & Xroads

Noetta Harjo

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Whoa! The Gifted season one brought their A game throughout the series. The season one finale did not disappoint. Let’s recap. The Frost triplets, Esme, Phoebe and Sophie asked the Mutant Underground to help them take down the Hound program.  The Hound program is the brainchild of Dr. Roderick Campbell (Garret Dillahunt).  His objective is to completely wipe out the mutant gene by any means necessary. That includes using drugged up mutants to find other mutants.

Campbell has been working with Sentinel Services Agent Jace Turner (Coby Bell) to find Lauren (Natalie-Alyn-Lind) and Andy Strucker (Percy Haynes White). Turner captured them and Campbell used their powers to enhance the Hound program. Now he is able to combine mutant abilities to be more destructive. He demonstrated this new enhancement on the Fairburn Station.

The Struckers were at the Fairburn Station and were able to get word to the Mutant Underground about the attack. After seeing what the Hounds can do, the Mutant Underground had no choice but to join forces with the Frost triplets.

Read the Latest Recap of The Gifted, “3 X 1”

Part 1 “eXtraction”

Four years ago Roderick Campbell took care of his brother Jack. who suffered from a terminal illness.  He checks in on Jack, but feels helpless.  There’s nothing he can do to prevent his brother from dying.  Later that day Campbell lectures about mutations.  He says that humans are just another species struggling for survival.  He compares Homo Sapiens surviving the Neanderthals to the struggle with mutants today.  Campbell says humans will prevail again.

Present day

The Mutant Underground leaders, Marcos/Eclipse (Sean Teale), John/Thunderbird (Blair Redford), Lorna/Polaris (Emma Dumont), and Clarice/Blink (Jamie Chung) discuss their decision to join the Frost sisters (Skylar Samuel).  Marcos says they agreed out of necessity, but he does not trust them.  The Frosts inform them that Campbell is going public with the Hound program at the Humanity Today summit.  They want to kidnap him from that event.  Clarice questions their motives. They make it known that Clarice has a criminal past and they know who her old friends are.

Reed (Stephen Moyer) and Caitlin (Amy Acker) settle back into the HQ.  John asks Reed  for information about his father’s research.  He thinks the can use it to take down the Hound program.  John tells them they are heading to North Carolina to take Campbell.  Reed says he will see what he can find.

Clarice approaches John about her past. She admits that the Purifiers ran her out of town. Clarice says she was angry and had nowhere to go.  She found a group of mutants that were pushing back against the Purifiers. They were a part of the Brotherhood.  She says she only did a couple of jobs for them and left when she didn’t agree with what they asked her to do.  John gets upset asking why she hid that from them. Clarice says she feels safe with the MU and that’s why she hid it.  John questions whether or not she is really one of them.

Campbell is on a plane to North Carolina. He left instructions with his lab to find Otto Strucker’s research.  His assistant tells him that some of the research is missing.  Campbell tells them to find it.  That research piece is the key to wiping out the X-gene for good. He continues his trip and meets Director Wolcott (Elliott Gray). They make their way to the Humanity Today summit.

Andy Strucker is reading a book about his grandfather, Andreas von Strucker. He says the book is biased because humans wrote it.  He says Fenris was trying to build a better world for mutants. His sister Lauren doesn’t agree. She thinks their grandfather was crazy.  She says they can’t trust the Frosts. Andy says they are the only ones who treat them like adults and maybe the only people telling the truth.  He wants to do something about the hound program. Andy feels some what responsible for what happened at Fairburn.

Tex/Fade (Jeff Daniel Phillips) sees Caitlin and makes a snarky remark about her return.  She tells him that they are on the same side. He says that’s not really true. Caitlin leaves.

Reed and Sage are working on finding anything on Otto’s research. Sage (Hayley Lovitt) tell them that Trask is looking for it as well. They sent Sentinel Services to question Reed’s mom, Ellen (Ellen Bernstein). Caitlin and Reed grab the kids and they take off to get to Ellen Strucker before Sentinel Services does.

Marcos (Sean Teale), Polaris (Emma Dumont), Clarice (Jamie Chung) and John (Blair Redford) arrive at the Hellfire Club HQ, The Gifted,

The Frosts take John, Marcos, Clarice and Polaris to a huge house in North Carolina.  Esme gives them the tour.  She says their benefactors left them with resources to live comfortably.  John assumes their benefactors are the Brotherhood. And he would be right. The house is their base of operations for this mission.

Esme shows Polaris to her room. She tells Polaris that Marcos is holding her back. Polaris gets annoyed with Esme and lashes out by destroying the bed. Esme says she is getting stronger. She says she sees the power of her father in her.

The Struckers arrive at Ellen’s office. When they find her, they explain to her everything that is happening, including what happened to Otto.  Reed explains to her what Trask is after and asks if Otto had another lab where he left his research. Ellen is sad and confused. They tell her to go with them.  Sentinel Services won’t leave her alone if she stays.

Lauren and Andy look out for Sentinel Services. Andy says they need to be ready to fight. Lauren says they aren’t there to start trouble.  They have a responsibility and they don’t need people to be scared of them. Andy says people should be scared.

Senator Montez (David Norona) meets Dr. Campbell at the summit. Campbell immediately starts talking to him about Trask’s efforts to end the mutant problem.  He wants to set up a meeting to hear Campbell’s proposal. Montez agrees.

Polaris, John and Marcos wait by the side of the road for someone special to drive by. Esme and Clarice watch from a car. Esme tries to appeal to Clarice saying they have a lot in common. Clarice is annoyed that the Frosts exposed her past and doesn’t want to hear her plea. A car approaches and Clarice pulls out in front to stop it.  Polaris throws knives at the tires and John tears the door off. Marcos heats up his powers and tells the man that it’s time to go.

Reed tells Ellen about Otto’s family and that Otto used his research to block the X-gene in Reed. He asks again if Otto had another lab. Caitlin gets nervous and says they need to go. Lauren calls Reed to let them know that Sentinel Services has arrived. They rush Ellen out of the building.

Andy and Lauren see the agents approaching and Andy steps out to meet them.  They pull a gun on Andy and order him to put his hand in the air.  Andy claps his hands and the agents fly backwards.  Andy keeps walking towards them and Lauren yells at him to stop.  She says they might be hurt.  Andy doesn’t stop, so Lauren blocks him.  He turns around and pushes back. Their powers collide and they are both thrown back.  Reed and Caitlin come out of the building with Ellen.  Andy and Lauren get up and get in the truck. They leave before the agents can get back up.

Campbell shows Montez the footage of the attack on the Fairburn Station.  Montez is reluctant to support the program, saying they are just now coming of scrutiny for the robot sentinels. Campbell convinces him to take the program to Washington to create new legislation.

Franklin Bennett is a fundraiser for the Humanity Today summit. The Frosts have him tied up. They use their abilities to force him to make a phone call. He is changing his security detail for the summit.

The Frosts provided the MU leaders with suits. John is impressed with their resources. He says he’s all in to work with the Frosts to take down the people who killed Sonia. Marcos says he doesn’t like it. John tells him to keep his eyes on the prize.

Clarice tells Polaris that the Frosts tried to relate to her.  Polaris said they tried to get to her by mentioning her father.  Clarice tells her that it doesn’t matter that her father was a part of the Brotherhood. Her DNA doesn’t determine who she is.

Bennett scolds the Frost for kidnapping him. He says they aren’t fit to breath human air. One of the Frosts makes him stop breathing.  Clarice finds them and stops the Frosts from hurting Bennett.

Reed calls into the Mutant Underground. They dumped their car and wait for a new ride.  Ellen tells him that she’s not sure if Otto had a secret lab.  Reed asks if there was someone Otto might have talked to regularly. There is. Her name is Madeline Risman. Ellen thought they were having an affair. She apologizes to Reed for not protecting him better.

Ellen Strucker (Ellen Bernstein) says goodbye to her family, The Gifted,

Lauren tells Ellen about the Mutant Underground. They tell her that she has to go with them now. Ellen says she will only slow them down. She has some friends that will help her. Lauren assures her that just because they are mutants, it doesn’t mean they aren’t the same people they were before. Ellen tells her they are more than what they used to be and hugs them both.

Senator Montez addresses the conference.  He says he will introduce new legislation to stop the mutants from destroying humanity.

The Mutants make it passed security at the Summit.  Clarice and John prepare to go inside.  John tells her that she did the right thing by stopping the Frosts from hurting Bennett. He says she really is one of them. Clarice kisses him.  Marcos walks up and asks if they are ready. Clarice opens a portal and they leave.

The Struckers return to the MU.  Sage tells Reed that Trask is after everyone that his father knew.  He tells her about Madeline Risman. Sage starts a search for her.

Caitlin asks what’s up with Lauren and Andy. They start fighting again.   Caitlin says they need to stick together as a family.  Andy says he’s the only one who’s proud to be a “von Strucker.”  Andy walks away and Lauren tells Caitlin that something in Andy has changed.

The Frosts leave Bennett tied up and knocked out.  Esme and Polaris watch the crowd of summit goers talk and laugh outside. Polaris cuts the communication on all of the phones.

That’s the cue for Clarice, John, and Marcos to move in. John uses his power to find Campbell.  He’s in the elevator with a few guards.  More of Campbell’s guards are in a room down the hall and they have guns.   

The elevator opens and Campbell comes out. Marcos comes from behind and calls out to him.  He blinds them all with his powers, but there’s a mutant guard that suppresses Marcos’ light.   John fights off the other guards and starts to take Campbell, but a second elevator opens.  It is full of children. Campbell grabs one of the kids and holds a gun in their sight.  He backs into the elevator with the kids and escapes. The rest of Campbell’s guards arrive and begin shooting at the mutants.  Clarice steps out and John has to cover her so she won’t get shot.  Marcos yells for her to get them out of there.

Part 2 “Xroads”

Four years ago, Lorna Dane was put in a mental institution after a Purifier counter protest.  She gets a visitor named Evangeline, who is a lawyer.  Evangeline tells Lorna that she’s with the X-Men. They left a network behind and it needs Lorna.  She shows Lorna that she is a mutant as well. She says it doesn’t matter what your power is.  It matters what you do with it.

Polaris (Emma Dumont) and Esme Frost (Skylar Samuel) wait to complete their mission, The Gifted,

Present day.  Esme and Polaris wait for the others to return with Campbell.  John, Marcos, and Clarice return, but no Campbell.  They leave quickly because the authorities spot them.  Lorna knocks down an electricity power line to get away.

At the summit, Campbell tells Montez about the attack and says they need to go to Washington now to get the legislation started for his Hound program.

Sage informs everyone that the mission failed.  Andy wants to go to North Carolina to help them.  Lauren tells him by the time they get there it will be too late.  She says they need to stay and protect the Mutant Underground.  Andy gets angry and tells her that the humans are coming after them. Reed reminds him that he is a human.  Andy says he knew what he meant. Andy storms off.

Agent Turner shows up at Ellen Strucker’s office building. They have new sets of hounds ready to track the Struckers.  One of the hounds is clairvoyant.  He can see the Struckers leaving the office building with Ellen.  Turner orders them to pursue their tracks.

The Mutants get back to the Frosts’ home.  Esme is angry that they failed their mission. Marcos says they weren’t going to hurt children just to get Campbell.  She reminds him about his own did.  She says Campbell and Montez are on their way to Washington to destroy mutants.  Clarice says they gave them enough justification to make the legislation happen.  Marcos says it’s not their fault. Esme says they hae to find Campbell before he gets to DC.

Polaris thinks about the things that have happened to her recently. Marcos come sin and says they should get out while they can. Polaris is worried about all of the hate that the people at the summit have for mutants.  She thinks they should be more aggressive in their tactics.  Marcos asks if she is having a bipolar episode. She says it’s not about her, but the people who hate them.  She wants to build a better world for her baby. Marcos tells her to have faith.

Andy starts packing his bags. He’s moving upstairs with some friends. Caitlin tries to talk him out of is, but he says he needs some space.

He goes upstairs and starts talking to a couple of teens about what’s happening.  He wishes Polaris was there.  Lauren finds him and says they need to focus on making things better.  Andy says they’re not kids anymore playing X-Men.  They have to use their powers to stop those who want to hurt them.

Agent Jace Turner (Coby Bell) and his team search for the Mutant Underground, The Gifted,

Turner’s team traces the Struckers to a gas station. They know that Ellen left one way and the Struckers went another way.  Turner sends the local police after Ellen.  Sentinel Services will continue to track the Struckers. The hounds track the Struckers to a toxic waste site.  The other agents don’t want to go there. They say many people have died because of that site.  Turner knows it’s a screen to hide the Mutant Underground. Turner calls Wolcott to let him know they found the MU.  Wolcott orders him to use any force necessary to bring in the mutants.

Esme continue to work on Polaris. She says she’s the only one who can make the tough decisions.  Polaris is like her father, whether she wants to be or not.  Polaris says this has nothing to do with her father or the Brotherhood.  Esme says Polaris’ father wanted her to be proud of who is.  And she knows what needs to be done.

The Underground lookout sees Sentinel Services preparing to approach.  He uses his ability to put fear into the team. Turner recognizes it as a tactic to throw them off.  He tells his team they are going in anyway.  The lookout radios base operations to let them know about Sentinel Services. Shatter (Jermaine Rivers) yells for everyone to prepare to evacuate.  Caitlin grabs Fade and tells him to gather the children and leave.  Sage destroys all communication devices.  Lauren finds Andy and says they need to do whatever is necessary to protect everyone.

John calls HQ, but no one answers.  Marcos comes in and tells him that Polaris is gone. John looks for her and says she’s with the Frosts. They confront Esme about where they went. Polaris and the Frosts went after Campbell and Montez.  John gets angry because the plan is to kill Campbell. Esme tries to reason with them saying they need to do this to stop the Hound program.  Marcos gets really angry and says they are going after Polaris.  He threatens Esme if she tries to stop them.  Polaris tells the Frosts that the others will not be okay with what they are doing.  They talk to her about her father again and how he lead the Hellfire Club to help protect mutants. She tells them to get out of her head. 

Caitlin and Tex get the children loaded up in a van.  Caitlin tells him that will be right behind them.  He wishes her luck and takes off.   Reed runs towards her and tells her it’s too late to leave.  They have to get everyone inside the HQ.   Reed works with the mutants to fortify the entrance.  Caitlin says they need to find a way out.  They decide to try and get out through the vault.   Reed addresses everyone and says they will survive if they work together.  Caitlin tells everyone who has combat training to go with Reed and those who don’t will help her in the vault.  One of the stronger mutants is able to remove some of the drawers in the vault, but there is a thick wall behind it.  Caitlin gets Shatter to freeze it and the other mutant is able to break it.   She calls for more help.  Other mutants help Caitlin to remove the pieces of the wall so they can create a path out of the building.

Sentinel Services moves in. Reed can see them. He tells the teens to be ready to attack.  They only want to hold them off.  He sends Lauren and Andy off together.  Lauren reminds Andy that they are trying to save HQ not settle a score.  The mutants push the agents back with water and force.  The agents can’t withstand the power so Turner tells them to fall back.

Marcos, John, and Clarice race to find Polaris.  Marcos is angry that Polaris left, but says she knows exactly what she’s doing.  John asks if she’s having an episode.  Clarice said bipolar episodes aren’t that focused.  Polaris and the Frosts arrive at the airport.  The Frosts tell Polaris that the others are coming to stop her.  She tells them to leave so they know that she’s not doing this for them.  

Montez and Campbell board their plan.  Montez asks Campbell how he got involved in the research. His brother had cystic fibrosis.  That made him want to fight against dangerous mutations. 

Turner and his team regroup and bring out the hounds.  He tells his team that they are not taking any prisoners.  Caitlin’s team starts to break through and they see a light.  She goes to check on Reed and the kids.  The Hounds step up to the doors and start attacking.  They shake the building so hard, all of the mutants are knocked back. Reed tells them all to get downstairs.  Turner realizes that the mutants stopped fighting back.  The hounds move in closer to the entrance.

The mutants clear a path out of HQ just as the barriers are moved.  Lauren tells her parents that she and Andy can get everyone out.  They will have to shred the building to cover their tracks.  Caitlin is worried.  Lauren says it’s their turn to do their part.  Caitlin and Reed hug them and leave through the hole in the wall.

Turner sends all of his hounds into the Mutant Underground.  The hounds start attacking the building while looking around for other mutants.  The only mutants they find is Lauren and Andy.  They are already holding hands.  The hounds start to descend on the Struckers.  The Struckers use their full power to light up the building, killing all of the hounds.  Turner, Reed and Caitlin watch from outside as the building lights up.

Marcos, John, and Clarice catch up with Polaris.  She stops them by moving barbed wire around them.  Marcos tries to talk her out of hurting anyone.  John says the X-men chose her because she’s not a killer. Polaris says the X-Men were wrong.  Marcos tells her he doesn’t care about the X-Men or anyone else.  He only cares about his family.  Polaris says she cares too and that’s why she’s doing this.  He says she can’t come back from this.  Their child has to live in this world.  Polaris says it’s time to make a new world. Polaris uses her power to pull the plane down.  The plane crashes nearby.  John, Marcos, and Clarice are pushed backwards. When the look up, Polaris is gone.

The rest of the Mutant Underground gathers at the rendezvous point.  John, Marcos, and Clarice make it back.  Sage fills them in on everything that happened. She tells them the building has been destroyed. Marcos asks if they heard from Polaris, but they haven’t.  Caitlin checks in on Lauren and Andy.  Lauren feels bad about what they did.  Andy says they had to kill the hounds or they would be dead.   Lauren says she understands, but those mutants didn’t chose to attack them. They had no power over their actions. Reed tells them that they saved everyone.  And for that, he’s proud of them.

Wolcott reprimands Turner for not being able to bring in any of the mutants.  He tells him that too many lives have been spent.  Wolcott says it’s all Turner’s fault because he wasn’t able to keep a mutant criminal in custody. Now they’ve lost a US Senator. Turner gets angry that he’s the scapegoat. He resigns from the Sentinel Services.

The Mutant Underground talk about what they should do next.  Some of them are upset because they lost everything.  Shatter says if they rebuild, it will be destroyed again.  Caitlin and Reed try to encourage them all to not give up. Fade says they aren’t mutants, so they don’t understand.  Sage says everything started falling apart when the Struckers showed up.

Andy (Percy Haynes White) makes a big decision about his future, The Gifted,

Marcos reminds everyone that they knew this would be a struggle, but they can’t give up. Polaris walks in with Esme.  She tells everyone that the Mutant Underground is dying.  Polaris wants to build a world where they don’t have to hide.  She offers to take anyone who wants that too. Esme says they are there for certain mutants.

Fade and Sage stand up and join Polaris.  Sage says it’s a matter of survival.  Andy gets up to join them and Reed stops him. Andy says the Hellfire Club is a part of their family.  Reed says he won’t let him go, but Andy says he’s not asking. Lauren reminds him that they played X-Men because they wanted to be heroes. Andy says they aren’t little kids anymore and the X-Men are gone. They try to stop him from going, but he uses his power to push them back. He apologizes. Andy says he loves them, but they can’t stop him.  He leaves with Polaris.  Everyone watches in disbelief.

Related: THE GIFTED Renewed for a Second Season


That was an amazing ending to the first season.  It wrapped up the issues that were looming over the mutant underground and set up their new beginning for the second season.  I guess my only question is…is Dr. Campbell dead?  They didn’t mention losing him.  I didn’t really understand his reasoning for wanting to destroy the mutant gene.  It makes me wonder if he’s a mutant and regrets it because he couldn’t save his brother.  

I don’t like that the mutants are divided, but the mutants have never been completely on the same page.  As long as they aren’t fighting each other and remember who the real enemy is, then it should be okay.  I’m just worried about Andy.  On one hand, I’m glad he went with Polaris.  They have some valid points about how to fight back. But on the other hand, Andy is stronger with Lauren.   I wonder what it will take to make him return to his family.  Or maybe Lauren will join him.  

I’m so ready for season two. This show has definitely been one of my favorites this year.  I hope it sticks around for a long time.  Keep an eye on Geek Girl Authority for updates and news about The Gifted Season 2!


Noetta Harjo
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