Remember when I said something bad was about to happen on The Gifted. Well, it happened. Sentinel Services captured the Stucker kids, Dreamer and Clarice! The Mutant Underground have to save them and the rest of the mutants being contained in Trask Industries. We know that Lauren and Andy have the same powers as Fenris, Andreas and Andrea von Strucker. Are they just as powerful? Maybe they are more powerful? An even better question, will they ever get to use the power? And what is up with Esme? She was acting really creepy when she was eavesdropping on conversations. I have a feeling something else is going on. Things are getting tense in ‘eXploited.’ Can the Struckers work with the Mutant Underground to save everyone?
Recap the Latest Episode of The Gifted ‘outfoX’
Two months ago, Senator Montez (David Norona) addresses a crowd about how dangerous mutants are. He says they need more mutant laws. He leaves the crowd and talks to his campaign manager. Esme (Skylar Samuels) works for him, she goes by Stacy. She asks if he can sit in on his meeting with Trask. He agrees as long as she’s quiet. Esme hears voices in her head. They are telling her to get out because Sentinel Services knows they are there. Montez gets a call from Sentinel Services that mutants tried to infiltrate his campaign. He says they made some arrests. Esme runs through the crowd to escape Sentinel Services. The voices tell her to find them.
Lorna/Polaris (Emma Dumont) tells the group that they need to hit Sentinel Services to get their people back. Reed (Stephen Moyer) and Caitlin (Amy Acker) say it’s too dangerous. John (Blair Redford) stops, saying Sentinel Services took their people. Polaris says it’s only a matter of time before Dr. Roderick Campbell (Garret Dillahunt) turns them all into hounds. She ready to strike now. Reed thinks they can get everyone by using the system. Marcos (Sean Teale) reminds them they are in this together. He suggests sending scouts to Sentinel Services and Trask to find their people. John agrees. They will also check with their police contacts. He tells them to remember that they are all on the same side.
Andy (Percy Haynes White) and Lauren (Natalie Alyn Lind) are in holding at Sentinel Services. Andy is getting agitated by the whole situation. Lauren tries to calm him down. He gets shocked when his powers set off. He asks what happens next. Lauren says they have to be charged. He tells her that he’s scared. He feels bad for stopping them when they got captured. Lauren says he was right to let go. He saved innocent people. But who will save them?

Sonia/Dreamer is being questioned by Agent Jace Turner. He tells her the last time they met, she scrambled his brain. He didn’t remember losing his daughter and had to relive it. Dreamer apologizes for putting him through that. Turner doesn’t accept her apology. He wants her to pay. It’s personal for him. He says he’s going to put her into the hound program.
Agent Weeks is questioning Clarice. Turner observes from the outside. Clarice is uncooperative and defiant. Weeks says he will make a deal with her, but she refuses. Turner calls Roderick Campbell to let him know that he will transfer Dreamer and Clarice to him. Campbell wants the Strucker children. They had a deal for all of Turner’s prisoners. Turner agrees to give up Andy and Lauren.
Esme eavesdrops on Reed and Caitlin. They are discussing who they can talk to help them get Andy and Lauren back. They want to do this the right way but using the legal system that Reed knows well. Esme looks into Reed’s memories. She interrupts them and says she thinks its a good idea to talk to Agent Turner. She says Turner may be the only one who can remove the mutants from the lab. Caitlin says they will go to prison. Esme says is better than being pumped full of drugs and turned into Campbell’s pets. She says their children in the wrong hands could change everything.
Polaris is worried about Dreamer. Marcos says they are working on the situation. He says not to be hard on the Struckers. They came from that world and they still believe in it. Their kids are in the lab. Polaris says she is thinking about their kid and the world they are bringing it into. It’s not fair.
Dreamer wonders about Lauren and Andy. Clarice says she hopes they are okay. Dreamer talks about volunteering at a shelter for battered women. She says she would use her powers on those women to make them forge the bad stuff. She wishes she could make them all forget what they are going through. Clarice tells her not to think like that. She says her fear almost got her killed. She got out though. Dreamer says it feels different. Clarice reminds her that John loves her. He will figure something out. They just need to hang on.

Caitlin and Reed make a plan to sneak away so they can talk to Turner. The mutants don’t want them talking to anyone. Caitlin asks how they get to Turner without getting arrested. Reed says he has Turner’s home address. Caitlin agrees to that plan. Esme overhears their plan and looks satisfied with what she heard.
Campbell is very excited to meet Lauren and Andy. He knows they are the grandchildren of Andreas von Strucker and believes they have the same power as Fenris. They are put in room made of Adamantium so Campbell can test their powers. Lauren refuses to cooperate. They shock her. Andy tells him to leave her alone. Campbell says he will when they give him what he wants. Andy says he won’t cooperate either. They are at a stalemate.
Caitlin and Reed drive into the city. Caitlin points out that humans continue to live their lives while mutants are being persecuted. She knows they are oblivious to what’s going on because she was. Caitlin asks if their plan will work. Reed says he believes Turner is a good man, he’s just angry. They get closer and Caitlin pulls out a gun.
Marcos and Polaris talk about the security of Trask. Esme interrupts them. She tells them that the Struckers left to talk to Agent Turner. Marcos and Polaris get upset and run to tell everyone else.
Jace tries to unwind from his day. Paula tries to get him to talk about his day. He says he can’t. The doorbell rings and Paul answers the door. She calls for Jace. He finds Caitlin and Reed Strucker at his door with a gun. Reed says they need to talk.

Lorna and Marcos report to everyone else that the Struckers left to talk to Sentinel Services. Esme fuels the fire saying the Struckers think they can convince Turner to get everyone out of the lab. She says even if they convince Turner to move everyone, the mutants are gone. John gets an idea. He says if there is a small chance that Turner moves the prisoners, they might be able to rescue everyone. Polaris says they need a plan. Marcos says they need to contact Shatter first.
Turner tells the Struckers that kidnapping them won’t do them any good. Reed says they aren’t kidnapping anyone. He says at the end of their conversation, they are going to walk away. Caitlin tells them the mutants are being tortured. Jace starts to protest, but Paula tells him to hear them out. Reed says he believes Turner is a good man and he’s a father. He knows the pain of losing a child. The program that Campbell runs is not right. Turner gets angry and says he’s not going to free criminals because the point a gun at him. He says Campbell’s lab has been authorized by Congress.
Polaris and Marcos continue their discussion about how to rescue their friends. Lorna wants to fight. Marcos wants to find a better way. Polaris says the Struckers are trying to get their kids out of a lab so they can sit in prison. She wants to free everyone. Marcos says he won’t accept that, but he’s seen a lot of killing. He doesn’t want that life for them. Polaris says she won’t accept living in fear.
Lauren and Andy wait in the special room. Lauren says they can’t make them do anything. She thinks they way Campbell looks at them is creepy. She thinks if they hold out long enough, someone will come for them. Campbell appears on the screen and asks if they are ready to cooperate. They aren’t. He has Clarice and Dreamer brought into the room. He holds a gun to them and says if they don’t cooperate, their friends will die. Dreamer tells them not to do anything. Campbell tells them to hold hands. Dreamer speaks up again and Campbell shoots her. He asks if there’s a need for more bloodshed.
Campbell turns the gun on Clarice. Lauren is shocked by what just happened. Andy tells her to take his hand. They let their power build and the sensors measure their power. They raise their hands towards the sensors. The power is too much for the sensors to take. Campbell tells the tech to keep going. The room is indestructible. The Struckers melt the sensors and break the wall between them and the lab. The stop and Campbell turns their collars back on.

Reed and Turner argue about if Campbell’s program is right. Turner says it’s legal. He says the Strucker kids are terrorists. And they are alive. Reed asks for how long. Caitlin reminds Turner of when he came to her house with a gun and how scared she was, so she has one last thing to say. She tells them she’s seen what Campbell’s program has done to people. They pump the mutants full of drugs until they are addicted. The mutants go through mental conditioning so they do what they are told. And then are sent to kill everyone they love. She says that’s worse than death. Reed and Caitlin leave. Paula asks Jace what he is doing in the name of their daughter.
Clarice cries for Dreamer. Lauren blames her and Andy for Dreamer’s death. She says Dreamer died for nothing. Andy asks if they will be okay. Lauren says it doesn’t matter anymore. Whatever Campbell wanted, they gave it to him.
The lab tech delivers the test results to Campbell. He says he has what he needs to make weapon that provides a permanent solution to the mutant problem. Turner and his team arrive. Jace tells Campbell they are taking all of the prisoners. He looks at the cameras and notices that Dreamer is missing. Campbell tells him that she didn’t survive an experiment. Turner says they will talk about the incident after the takes the detainees back to Sentinel Services.
John reports that Sentinel Services arrived at Trask with a transport vehicle. They have to make a move now. Marcos says they won’t have much time. The Trask guards will be on them fast. Esme volunteers to go in and read a guard to scout the security. They all prepare to leave. The group gets to Trask. John sees the prisoners get on the transport bus. Marcos and Esme move in to read the guard in the booth.
Reed and Caitlin return to Mutant HQ. Harry is short with them. He tells them that Esme told everyone what they were up to. They tell him that it was Esme’s idea to talk to Turner. Reed asks where everyone is. Harry says they went to Trask to rescue the prisoners. They put it together that Esme manipulated everyone to get them to Trask.
Turner loads up the prisoners. The guards stop the convoy at the gates. The guard wants to double check the transport orders before he lets them through. Marcos and Esme watch. Marcos thinks it will be tough to get through the guards. Esme tasers Marcos and says she has her own plan.
Esme starts putting thoughts in the guards minds. She tells Weeks to turn off the collars. The other guards start shooting one another and then themselves. Weeks shoots Turner in the shoulder and then turns the gun on himself. Esme orders a guard to pull a grenade pin and then get in a car full of guards.
Clarice looks for the keys to the collars so they can remove them. Esme walks towards the bus. Two individuals get off the bus. Esme is a triplet. Trask security shows up. She makes the lead guard turn around and shoot the others. Marcos wakes up and looks around. He runs to the others and shouts “they’re killing them.” He says they are killing everyone. Polaris asks who. The rest of the prisoners exit the bus. Esme and her sisters tell them, “the fun is just starting.”

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I did not see that coming. I knew she was desperate to get her family out, but I didn’t know there were three of them with the same ability. That’s crazy. What kind of weapon is Campbell making? He needed something genetic and is going to recreate it. Is he building his own mutant? I am very excited to see where this is going! But! I have to wait for the next chapter.
The Gifted returns Monday January 1, 2018 on Fox.
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