Go Beyond the TV Series With THE EXPANSE RPG

Tyler Boyce

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The Expanse Beyond the Ring Cover

Last month, The Expanse TV series (once saved by Amazon Prime) finally came to a close with its sixth season. James S.A. Corey and Alcon Entertainment retain the IP and are certainly committed to continuing the story in some form (#SixSeasonsAndAMovie?). However, new content might not be coming soon enough for some fans. If you’re a Screaming Firehawk and a lover of tabletop roleplaying games, then we at Geek Girl Authority highly recommend checking out The Expanse RPG by Green Ronin! Especially because an upcoming sourcebook for the game deals specifically with Laconia and the other 1,372 habitable solar systems that lie Beyond the Ring.

RELATED: Keep up with The Expanse with our recaps!

You might be familiar with Green Ronin for their Fantasy AGE and Modern AGE systems. The Expanse RPG uses a modified Modern AGE ruleset. Hit Points replaced with “Fortune” to give players more narrative control over gameplay. A “Churn” system introduces a way to slowly build the adventure to an epic threat. Last but not least, a space combat system allows you to reenact some of the TV show’s most epic battles.

At the end of 2021, Green Ronin announced Beyond the Ring on its online blog and the news that The Foundry Virtual Tabletop will support The Expanse RPG system. Beyond the Ring moves the timeline from the six months between the Eros Incident and the Ganymede Incident (Season 2 of the TV series) to the protomolecule rising from Eros to form the Ring near Uranus (Season 3 of the TV series). In addition to details about the new political reality in the Sol system, Game Masters can learn details about the Ring itself, the Ring Space and Ring Station within, and the newly-rechristened “Medina Station” (formerly the OPAS Behemoth).

But the real goldmine that TTRPG players should be ready to strike when this book releases? Data and story hooks for the key systems described in the novels (including Ilus and Laconia), in addition to 20 (that’s right 20!) new systems created by the Green Ronin team! Two dozen worlds, but none to your liking? Well, Beyond the Ring also provides the tools to create your own Ring colonies! Develop your own alien biospheres (complete with Ring Builder artifacts). Thus, your players can explore new worlds in as much detail as they want!

No official release date yet for this guide. However, the announcement clearly gives a lot for us to look forward to! What do you think? Are you ready to launch a The Expanse TTRPG campaign as you wait to pre-order Beyond the Ring? Or are you just happy to wait until they announce the movie trilogy to adapt the last three The Expanse novels? Keep your hand terminal within GGA’s tightbeam range for all the latest on your favorite games, shows, and more!




Tyler Boyce
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