Get ready! It’s time for this years best Overheard at Dragon Con quotes! It’s a week after the event and I’m still recovering from Dragon Con! Those that attend the event know exactly what I’m talking about. Dragon Con is a full on, massive, all day/all night, five-day party. This year marks my sixth year at the best con on the planet. It’s a truly unique experience and is like no other con.
I worked and played. I participated in six panels including hosting two of my own shows. My 5 Truths and a Lie storytelling show and podcast had to turn at least 100 people away, most of them dedicated Earpers! We had Katherine Barrell, Dominique Provost-Chalkley, Matt Fraction, Rick Worthy and Deric Hughes spinning yarns. All incredibly good storytellers and the show was hilarious and quite dirty in some part but hey, it’s Dragon Con. I also did a live recording of my Booze and Phasers podcast with Thrilling Adventure Hour’s Mark Gagliardi, Brian Bradley and Matt Soule. Once again, dirty, fun and ridiculous! I’m excited to get those podcasts up!
Dragon Con start earlier this year. I got there on Thursday and the party was already started. Incredible cosplayers, gaming, people watching, early panels and cocktails! When I left Monday, there were still con-goers in cosplay, gamers neck deep in their campaigns, panels and, of course, cocktails. What does this mean? A long list of Overheard at Dragon Con! I’m shocked by the amount but so incredibly happy that people were posting! It was quite a fun challenge sorting through the posts this year because there were so many! Most of them made the list and all of them show the true magic of Dragon Con. Enjoy!
Read all or our Dragon Con 2017 coverage, here!
These first few Overheards have a theme. Jesus. Yes there were quite a few Jesus’ this year. More than usual and they blessed the con with nerdiness and love.
#OverheardAtDragonCon we lost Jesus have you seen him?
— Jamie K ‘Last Jedi’ (@Rockets2Writing) September 4, 2017
Deadpool Jesus is dancing around the Christian protesters. #overheardatdragoncon
— Woman (@veganhalfling) September 4, 2017
“Hey look, Sexy Jesus is giving out free hugs” #overheardatdragoncon
— Christopher Reed (@TehChrisReed) September 4, 2017
#OverheardAtDragoncon @DragonCon (Full elevator doors’ open to Jesus):There’s no room for you here Jesus. Jesus: You denied me three times😂
— Aldy (@PriorCrisis) September 4, 2017
“Man, did you see Jesus Christ tearing up Dance Dance Revolution?! Bastard can dance!” #ThingsIveSaidToday #DragonCon #DragonCon2017
— Golden ✨ (@theonlygolden) September 4, 2017
#OverheardAtDragonCon why does the chicken have a lightsaber?
— Jamie K ‘Last Jedi’ (@Rockets2Writing) September 4, 2017
“Are you asking me to hot glue something onto your HEAD?” #overheardatdragoncon
— (((eb))) (@ewinbee) September 4, 2017
“How did you come up with the idea for a gender-bent uncle Fester?!” #OverheardAtDragonCon
— Less Than Geek (@LessThanGeek) September 4, 2017
Also #OverheardAtDragonCon: “I know we were gonna clean up the conversation, but that was 48 oz. of beer ago!”
— Lazarus (@SergioSirsay) September 5, 2017
I was in the military. I poop wherever I need to poop. #OverheardAtDragonCon
— Gene Pool Variety! (@GPVarietyHour) September 4, 2017
Man: I dont know man, vaginas are weird— aly o (@heyaly21) September 3, 2017
#OverHeardAtDragonCon – If I wake up with cornrows in my beard you’re going to wake up with cornrows somewhere else.
— J Aaron McComb (@AaronSan_OWP) September 3, 2017
Overheard at DragonCon: “If you need a really good onesie, I’ve got you.”#overheardatdragoncon #DragonCon2017
— Amanda Rhaesa (@AmandaRhaesa) September 1, 2017
“Everybody knows you never leave a wine glass next to a wig stand.” #OverheardAtDragoncon
— Castalia (@castalianspring) September 3, 2017
#OverheardAtDragonCon “Yeah, my daughter licked Nathan Fillion.”
— Haley Alisa 🌻 (@halisa393) September 4, 2017
#OverheardAtDragonCon “And then my dick was just like BAM.”
— Ranger Kimmy 🎃 (@TheCutestKimmy) September 4, 2017
#OverheardAtDragonCon – it’s been real, it’s been fun, but I’m going to get drunk and forget you all.
— J Aaron McComb (@AaronSan_OWP) September 1, 2017
“Make sure you clench a little” – friend of a guy in a speedo #overheardatdragoncon
— Reid Richardson (@jreidrich) September 5, 2017
“Have you seen my Molotov cocktail?” #OverheardAtDragonCon
— Jeana Moore (@jeana_moore) September 4, 2017
Wynonna Earp’s Melanie Scrofano got her first taste of Dragon Con zaniness.
#DragonCon according to a CVS employee: “Friday and Saturday we sell out of condoms and Red Bull. Sunday and Monday we sell out of Plan B” 😳
— Melanie Scrofano (@MelanieScrofano) September 3, 2017
Snoring starfish get their own beds at con. @DragonCon #overheardatDragonCon
— Danielle Porter (@dpwac) September 5, 2017
“Dice porn is the BEST porn.” #OverheardAtDragonCon @DragonCon
— ✨Julia ✨ (@bardlygo) September 4, 2017
Dude 1: My everything hurts Dude 2: Must be Monday after DragonCon. #overheardatdragoncon
— Alexandra Abernathy (@_zandra_a) September 4, 2017
@DragonCon #overheardatdragoncon “by the time we where done, the cadavers leg fell off”
— Angry Plain Jane (@angryplainjane) September 4, 2017
#OverheardAtDragonCon “If I ever see another Pickle Rick…”
— GORE DROAT (@Megumibish) September 4, 2017
“I can show a graph of magnetic field lines and get a laugh! Achievement unlocked.” – #DC2017 #SpaceTrack #OverheardatDragonCon
— Kai Feliciano (@kaifeliciano) September 4, 2017
“We are all Kevin Bacon!” #overheardatdragoncon
— LateNightsWithSonya (@BCRSLateNight) September 4, 2017
“Did you see a dinosaur walk pass here?” #OverheardAtDragonCon
— 2U@RoseCityCC (@WeAreSecondU) September 4, 2017
‘I’ve already cried twice today. It’s the last day. I’m so mad at myself for mocking this.’ @DragonCon #overheardatdragoncon
— Chrisoula Baikos (@fotAgrafy) September 4, 2017
#overheardatdragoncon “That is so fucking extra. His costume doesn’t even glow on the show.”
— Brandi M. Munilla (@BLMcE) September 4, 2017
There’s like a mouthful of alcohol left someone drink it. @DragonCon #OverheardAtDragonCon #lastmorning #checkout
— Dacey Mormont 🐻 (@TheBearHeir) September 4, 2017
#OverheardAtDragonCon “if the ceiling leak was a pregnant woman, it’d probably be time to head to the hospital.” #MentalImagesYouDidntNeed
— Katie Anderson (@ZombiesAndZoos) September 4, 2017
So, a large group of cosplaying “Doctor Whos'” is called a “Tardis” of Doctors??? #OverheardAtDragonCon
— Oji Dannelley (@OjiDannelley) September 4, 2017
“We need some lube, hand me a Tastykake.” #overheardatdragoncon
— Agent Dale Koopa (@OhActionBastard) September 4, 2017
“We were going to fuck but we ended up getting lightsabers instead.” #overheardatdragoncon
— Agent Dale Koopa (@OhActionBastard) September 4, 2017
‘HECK YEAH! ‘ Random dude picking up a condom (wrapped) off the sidewalk outside the Hyatt. #overheardatdragoncon
— marghie (@marghie) September 4, 2017
“Everything is ‘lick on’ if you believe in yourself.” #OverHeardAtDragonCon #wait #ISaidThat
— Mab@HawaiiCon (@MabIsTink) September 4, 2017
“Ok, dude it is time to catwalk”@DragonCon— Lindsay Greer (@Lmm0009) September 4, 2017
@DragonCon #OverheardAtDragonCon “My Enchiridion is falling apart!”
— Rusty Herrin (@Bamafan42) September 4, 2017
#OverHeardAtDragonCon “I just googled John Snow White.”
— Jenna J. (@NerdGirlJen) September 4, 2017
Arguments over which Star Trek film is best while standing at/using the urinals. #overheardatdragoncon
— Joseph Hix (@Playswithswords) September 4, 2017
“We were at the end of our gaming campaign, so we decided to just destroy the planet.” #overheardatdragoncon
— (((eb))) (@ewinbee) September 1, 2017
“I have a Slack for my Pokémon Go Group….” #OverheardAtDragonCon #DracongCon #ThingsOnlyNerdsWouldSay
— Adam Portrais (@AdamPortrais) September 2, 2017
“No, I have a poncho for my tail in case it rains” #overheardatdragoncon #DragonCon17 @seelix
— Maria (@MariaCWalters) September 2, 2017
“It’s kind of like getting Fozzie Bear drunk.” @Tesla_1025 #dragoncon #overheardatdragoncon
— Maria (@MariaCWalters) September 3, 2017
— 🐙 Hentai Hero 🐙 (@shiny_lurantis) September 4, 2017
“She popped, locked and dropped but not in the order” @DragonCon #overheardatdragoncon
— Crochet Cosplay (@Crochet_Cosplay) September 4, 2017
“I’m pretty sure I’m more cow than man at the moment” #OverheardAtDragonCon
— DragonCon@Recovering (@DragonCon) September 4, 2017
If you still need more, then visit our 2015 and 2016 editions of Overheard at Dragon Con!
RELATED: The Best of “Overheard at Dragon Con” 2016
RELATED: The Best of “Overheard at Dragon Con” 2015
One last thing, I found my calling this year:
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