THE BATMAN Won’t Be Based on YEAR ONE, So Says Reeves

Erin Lynch

Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne aka Batman in Batman v Superman

My beautiful Bat-friends, we finally have some news on The Batman. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Director Matt Reeves had gone to TCA 2018 and /Film was able to catch up with him and ask about the Bat. He was able to give a bit of an update, including script news and what the film is based on. 

And it’s good news folks, as Reeves will be finishing the script in a week or two! That means we’re getting closer and closer to production news, maybe even beginning filming next year. “We are working on getting our draft [in] the next couple weeks. Right now, my head is totally into the script. Right now, I’m going to be leaving here to go back to work on the script.” And while rumors have been circulating that they’re looking to retire Ben Affleck, the rumors have been “exaggerated”. Those retirement rumors have come around since before Justice League came out. And they certainly didn’t slow down when Affleck stepped down from directing the film and Reeves scrapped his script.

RELATED: THE BATMAN May Be a Noir Style Detective Film. Yes Please!

Instead, the film will be a noir detective film, leading fans to believe that it would be based on the famous Year One storyline. When asked about whether or not it was based on Year One, Reeves outright denied it.

We’re not doing any particular [comic]. Year One is one of the many comic books that I love. We are definitely not doing Year One. It’s just exciting to be focused very specifically on a tale that is defining for him and very personal to him. Obviously we’re not doing an origin tale or anything like that. We’re doing a story that is definitively Batman though and trying to tell a story that’s emotional and yet is really about him being the world’s greatest detective and all the things that for me, since I was a kid, made me love Batman.

He continued, saying that if anything, it’s a culmination of all the different Batman stories told over the years. Which just makes too much sense. Year One is great, but there’s a lot of other great material out there that would be silly not to use. I am really looking forward to hearing more about the film. I feel like we’ve been hearing the same few things over and over again in the past year. I’m really to see what they’re doing! I know we’ve had a ton of Batman films in the past decade. But gosh darnit, I can’t help it! I love me some Batman. I also hope that we can get over the “will he, won’t he” of Affleck in the role. Pull the bandaid! We’ll have to see.

What do you think of the updates? Let us know! Be sure to come back to Geek Girl Authority for more from The Batman. The film currently doesn’t have a release date.


Erin Lynch

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