trevor einhorn

Still of the cast of The Magicians

Ranking the Musical Episodes of THE MAGICIANS

Melody McCune

It’s hard to believe The Magicians aired its final episode ever a mere three months ago. Frankly, it feels more like ...

The Magicians Wizard World Virtual Experience

THE MAGICIANS Cast Reunites for Wizard World Virtual Experience

Noetta Harjo

It’s only been a couple of weeks since The Magicians series finale. The thought of never seeing these characters again ...

Still of Olivia Taylor Dudley, Stella Maeve, Riann Steele, Arjun Gupta and Summer Bishil in The Magicians

THE MAGICIANS Series Finale Recap: (S05E13) Fillory and Further

Melody McCune

DISCLAIMER: This recap of The Magicians series finale “Fillory and Further” contains more spoilers than the amount of ingredients in Josh’s inimitable ...

Still of Hale Appleman and Olivia Taylor Dudley in The Magicians

THE MAGICIANS Recap: (S05E12) The Balls

Melody McCune

DISCLAIMER: This recap of The Magicians episode “The Balls” contains more spoilers than the number of times our protagonists have staged heists ...

Still of Brittany Curran, Summer Bishil, Hale Appleman and Trevor Einhorn in The Magicians

THE MAGICIANS Recap: (S05E11) Be The Hyman

Melody McCune

DISCLAIMER: This recap of The Magicians episode “Be The Hyman” contains more spoilers than the number of times Marina has foiled our ...

Still of Brittany Curran in The Magicians

Geek Girl Authority Crush of the Week: FEN

Melody McCune

Welcome to this week’s installment of Geek Girl Authority Crush of the Week, wherein we shine a spotlight on strong women ...

Still of Arjun Gupta and Riann Steele in The Magicians

THE MAGICIANS Recap: (S05E10) Purgatory

Melody McCune

DISCLAIMER: This recap of The Magicians episode “Purgatory” contains more spoilers than the number of times Margo has sported an eye patch. ...

Still of Olivia Taylor Dudley and Jade Tailor in The Magicians

THE MAGICIANS Recap: (S05E09) Cello Squirrel Daffodil

Melody McCune

DISCLAIMER: This recap of The Magicians episode “Cello Squirrel Daffodil” contains more spoilers than the number of times Christopher Plover was entrapped ...

Summer Bishil and Hale Appleman

THE MAGICIANS Recap: (S05E08) Garden Variety Homicide

Melody McCune

DISCLAIMER: This recap of The Magicians episode “Garden Variety Homicide” contains more spoilers than the number of sweet treats Josh can bake ...

Arjun Gupta in The Magicians

THE MAGICIANS Recap: (S05E07) Acting Dean

Melody McCune

DISCLAIMER: This recap of The Magicians episode “Acting Dean” contains more spoilers than the number of times Penny has received the proverbial ...

Trevor Einhorn, Arjun Gupta, Stella Maeve, Jade Tailor, Summer Bishil, and Olivia Taylor Dudley in The Magicians.

THE MAGICIANS Recap: (S05E05) Apocalypse? Now?! and (S05E06) Oops!…I Did It Again

Melody McCune

DISCLAIMER: This recap of The Magicians episodes “Apocalypse? Now?!” and “Oops!…I Did It Again” contains more spoilers than the number of films ...

THE MAGICIANS Recap: (S05E03) The Mountain of Ghosts

Melody McCune

DISCLAIMER: This recap of The Magicians episode “The Mountain of Ghosts” contains more spoilers than the number of times Julia has saved ...

THE MAGICIANS Recap: (S05E02) The Wrath of the Time Bees

Melody McCune

DISCLAIMER: This recap of The Magicians episode “The Wrath of the Time Bees” contains more spoilers than the number of knives ...

THE MAGICIANS Season Premiere Recap: (S05E01) Do Something Crazy

Melody McCune

DISCLAIMER: This recap of The Magicians episode “Do Something Crazy” contains more spoilers than the number of killer outfits Margo owns. Margo ...

Still of the cast of The Magicians

THE MAGICIANS Season 4 Recap: Here’s All the Magic You Missed

Melody McCune

Magic is back, Fillorians! Well, in about two days. After furiously dissecting the official trailer for Season 5 of The Magicians, ...