Susan Walters

Iris is amused on the Flash

THE FLASH Recap: (S09E08) Partners in Time

Noetta Harjo

Barry and Iris experience a strange time anomaly during a routine mold inspection on The Flash, "Partners in Time."

THE FLASH Recap (S08E16): The Curious Case of Bartholomew Allen

Noetta Harjo

Time is not always friendly on The Flash. In “The Curious Case of Bartholomew Allen,” Barry’s (Grant Gustin) latest encounter ...

THE FLASH Recap (S08E14): Funeral for a Friend

Noetta Harjo

The Flash suffered a devastating loss last week. In “Funeral for a Friend,” Team Flash has a hard time moving ...

THE FLASH Recap (S08E10): Reckless

Noetta Harjo

There’s a lot of science in this episode of The Flash…so bare with me. In “Reckless,” Frost (Danielle Panabaker) comes ...

Jessica Parker Kennedy as Nora The Flash -- "The Girl with The Red Lightning

THE FLASH Recap: (S05E21) The Girl with The Red Lightning

Noetta Harjo

The team is once again trying to stop a disaster on The Flash, “The Girl with The Red Lightning.” Let’s ...

The Flash "Snow Pack"

THE FLASH Recap: (S05E19) Snow Pack

Noetta Harjo

In The Flash, family means everything, even when you’re not seeing eye to eye with your family members.  The “Snow ...

The Flash

THE FLASH Recap: (S05E03) The Death of Vibe

Noetta Harjo

Now that everyone is on the same page…sort of, The Flash has to face a new and more dangerous foe. ...