Sausage Party

Reggie looks at the camera as he wraps his front paws around the shoulders of a garden gnome in Strays.

Movie Review: STRAYS

Kimberly Pierce

Strays shows us how Homeward Bound would look as a raunchy, hard-R comedy. Come see what dogs really do on their "Incredible Journey." Read our review!

Movie Review – SAUSAGE PARTY

The Movie Guys

ALMOST AS MUCH FILLER AS FUN Sausage Party Review by Ray Schillaci The Movie Guys Evan Goldberg, Seth Rogen and Jonah ...

Seth Rogan Hijacks Vanity Fair Staffer’s Tinder Account and It’s Hilarious.

Jenny Flack

Vanity Fair has released a video of Seth Rogan taking over one of their staffer’s Tinder account to promote Sausage Party ...