Salli Richardson-Whitfield

A collage of three pictures from groundhog day/ time loop tv episodes. An image of Captain Batesman from Star Trek next to an image of Steven Universe next to an image of Wynonna Earp.

GGA’s 8 Favorite Groundhog Day-Themed TV Episodes

Melody McCune

Time keeps marching on ... for some. For others, it repeats itself. Check out GGA's eight favorite Groundhog Day-themed TV episodes!

Geek Girl Authority Crush of the Week: JO LUPO

Julia Roth

Welcome to this week’s installment of Geek Girl Authority Crush of the Week, wherein we shine a spotlight on strong women ...

Salli Richardson-Whitfield as Dr. Allison Blake on Syfy's Eureka

Geek Girl Authority Crush of the Week: ALLISON BLAKE


Welcome to this week’s installment of Geek Girl Authority Crush of the Week, wherein we shine a spotlight on strong women ...