Renegade Nell Recaps

Nell stand in the mud, wearing a bedraggled cavalier hat, a rumpled tan long coat over a ragged soldier's uniform and brown boots. Her right hand is down at her side, holding a gun. Behind her a gold gilt and blue carriage is stuck, it's contents strewn on the ground.

RENEGADE NELL Season Finale Recap: (S01E08) Not Some Cheap Trick

Diana Keng

On the season finale of Renegade Nell, "Not Some Cheap Trick," they must stop a plot to overthrow Queen Anne. Read our recap!

Eularia stands with her purple-gloved hands on her hips. Her hair is curled and pinned elaborately and she wears a gown of chartreuse and periwinkle blue with a wide blue collar open to display an ornate bejeweled necklace.

RENEGADE NELL Recap: (S01E07) Stop Printing This Muck

Diana Keng

The news sheets are in their sights in Renegade Nell Season 1 Episode 7, "Stop Printing This Muck," and the truth is out. Read our recap!

Close up of Nell Jackson's face. A bright spark flies around her head, leaving a light trail that winds around behind her neck. Her red hair is in a single braid over her left shoulder and she balances a long-muzzled gun over her right shoulder.

RENEGADE NELL Recap: (S01E06) Snatched By Strollers

Diana Keng

George needs saving in Renegade Nell Season 1 Episode 6, "Snatched By Strollers," while Rasselas learns some hard truths. Read our recap!

Nell peeks through a doorway wearing a cavalier hat and a dark button coat over a red waistcoat. She has a small mustache on as a disguise.

RENEGADE NELL Recap: (S01E05) Excuse Me, I’m a Doctor

Diana Keng

Sneaking into Newgate is as hard as breaking out in Renegade Nell Season 1 Episode 5, "Excuse Me, I'm a Doctor." Find out how in our recap!

Nell, dressed in a blue cloak over a purple gown shows a news sheet to Rasselas who wears a brown long coat over bright green livery and a dark blue tri-corner hat. Nell has her hair pinned up and wears a jeweled choker and earrings. Rasselas carries a wicker basket. Behind them, a blue carriage sits in a wooded area.

RENEGADE NELL Recap: (S01E04) Devil’s Dung

Diana Keng

Roxy discovers a special skill when George's life hangs in the balance in Renegade Nell's fourth episode, "Devil's Dung." Read our recap!

Nell sits at one end of a snug bench, wearing a green and gold brocade gown and holding a blue and white teacup and saucer. At the other end is an older woman with brown hair, a salmon colored gown, and a large white lace pinafore. Between them is a large man wearing a pink brocade suit with voluminous amounts of lace at his neck and cuffs and a curly white court wig.

RENEGADE NELL Recap: (S01E03) A Private Joke With the Queen

Diana Keng

Poynton reveals what he's capable of as Nell faces a dangerous opponent on Renegade Nell Season 1 Episode 3, "A Private Joke With the Queen." Read our recap!

Roxy, Rasselas, Charles, Nell, and George stand before a desk, with sunlit windows and piles of firewood in the background. Roxy wears a white bonnet and an apron over a lady's maid's dress. Rasselas is dressed in lime green livery with gold detail and a black tri-corner hat. Charles wears a suit of ivory brocade with gold detail and a courtly brown wig of curls. He leans on a cane with his right hand. Nell's hair is pinned up with a long curl over her right shoulder. She wears a blue cape over a gown and sports jewelry. George is dressed in an ill-fitting pink and white dress.

RENEGADE NELL Recap: (S01E02) Tracks Less Well Trod

Diana Keng

Highway robbery is the only option on Renegade Nell Season 1 Episode 2, "Tracks Less Well Trod," as our heroes evade capture. Read our recap!

Nell leans back and to the left to dodge a bullet flying to the right. Her hair is tied back and she wears a white shirt and brown vest with a dark patterned neckerchief knotted in the front.

RENEGADE NELL Series Premiere Recap: (S01E01) Don’t Call Me Nelly

Diana Keng

On the series premiere of Renegade Nell, "Don't Call Me Nelly," a young war widow returns home with supernatural abilities. Read our recap!