Modern Family

10 Latina TV Characters That Changed the Game

Lara Rosales

Whether detectives, housewives, high school students, or tech-savvy geniuses, here are 10 of those groundbreaking Latina TV characters.

Hispanic mothers from television

5 Types of Hispanic Motherhood Represented on TV

Lara Rosales

TV has been representing motherhood for decades. When it comes to Hispanic Motherhood, it has given us different types to celebrate.

Perrie Voss and Heidi Lynch.

Avocado Toast the Series’ Heidi Lynch and Perrie Voss Talk Representation and Generational Gaps

Melody McCune

What do you think of when you hear the show title “Avocado Toast the series?” Does your mind conjure up ...

Fred Willard

Comedic Icon FRED WILLARD Has Passed Away at 86

Audrey Kearns

This is sad news. Actor and comedic giant Fred Willard has died.  The news was first released by Jamie Lee ...

VETERAN’S DAY – Celebrating Genre Culture Heroes Who Served in America’s Armed Forces

Renee Lopez

On November 11th, Veteran’s Day, we honor the brave men and women who have served, and are currently serving, in ...

Top 10 TV Moms

The Geeky Film Student Top 10: Favorite TV Moms

Kimberly Pierce With Mother’s Day quickly approaching, it seemed like an appropriate time to look back at the fabulous and colorful ...