mecha anime

from "Granbelm", episode 11

Your Love Is Your Legacy in GRANBELM

Jane Auman

Granbelm has become a show of dramatic ups and downs, something I’m starting to think is by design. We last ...

From episode 5 of "Granbelm"

There’s a Bad Moon Rising in GRANBELM

Jane Auman

Granbelm has remained one of the season’s most compelling rides since its premiere. The first episode opened with magical laser ...

from episode 3 of "Granbelm"

GRANBELM Zeroes in on Its Characters

Jane Auman

If Granbelm‘s first episode led anyone to believe the show would be all action-packed magic-mecha fight scenes, they might be ...

from "Granbelm", episode 1. Article header.

GRANBELM Comes in with Lasers Blazing

Jane Auman

Under A Red Moon Granbelm opens with a shot of a blood moon hanging in the night sky above a ...