LEGO Star Wars

Best Character Interactions in the LEGO STAR WARS: THE SKYWALKER SAGA
Lauren Darnell
The LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is an epic adventure spanning all nine films of the Star Wars saga. ...

10 Best STAR WARS Video Games
Tyler Boyce
Yes, the current canon is only five years old. Yes, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is one of the finest ...

THE LEGO STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL to Festively Premiere on Disney Plus
Melody McCune
Get ready to return to a galaxy far, far away this fall! The LEGO Star Wars Special is aiming for a Disney ...

The Future of STAR WARS in Gaming
Emily Rose Jacobson
It’s hard to believe that we first discovered a Galaxy Far Far Away only 43 years ago. In that time, ...