Collage of books featuring female warriors for International Women's Day

7 Amazing Literary Female Warriors

Alex Faccibene

It's International Women's Day, and we're celebrating with some of our favorite literary female warriors. Did yours make the list?

Sidney Prescott, Mari Collingwood and Ellen Ripley.

7 Best Horror Film Heroines

Becca Stalnaker

Here is a list of the best horror heroines according to one horror movie junkie. These are the badass females in the horror genre.

Georgia South and Amy Love of Nova Twins

10 Women-Fronted Bands and Artists Who Should Be on Your Radar

Melody McCune

We here at GGA love celebrating women in music. Read about our 10 favorite female-fronted bands and artists!

Claire Redfield, Jill Valentine and Sheva Alomar from the Resident Evil Franchise.

6 Horror Queens From the RESIDENT EVIL Video Game Franchise

Julia Roth

Celebrate the horror queens of Capcom's Resident Evil franchise with six of our favorite playable female characters.

Baddass female characters in World of Warcraft.

10 More Badass Female Characters We Love in WORLD OF WARCRAFT

Julia Roth

We are highlighting 10 more badass female characters that can be found within World of Warcraft game environment.

Ladies of horror - Authors

5 Incredible Female Horror Authors You Need to Read

Becca Stalnaker

This article was originally published 3/8/22.  International Women’s Day is here! Women have proven exceptional in science, mathematics, literature, and ...

Yennefer sitting on the beach as she prepares to bury the infant princess during The Witcher series.

Yennefer’s Infertility Battle Is Important, Here’s Why

Julia Roth

Of the many themes used within The Witcher, it was Yennefer's infertility and obsession with finding a cure that stuck with me most.

Nonesuch, Brimstone and Roses and unOrdinary WEBTOON series.

10 More Creative Women Behind Incredible WEBTOON Series

Julia Roth

Let's take a look at 10 incredibly talented and creative women behind WEBTOON series who should all be on your list.

Collage of Marvel female characters: Daisy Johnson, Monica Rambeau, Wanda Maximoff, Peggy Carter, and Gert Yorkes.

Top 10 Badass Marvel Female Characters

Melody McCune

Happy International Women’s Day! It’s no secret that we at Geek Girl Authority love to celebrate women. Let’s face it ...

Collage featuring the women of The Expanse; International Women's Day

7 Deep Quotes From THE EXPANSE Women

Melody McCune

The women of The Expanse dispense profound words of wisdom while kicking all the ass. Here are seven of our favorites.

The covers of The Fifth Season, A Darker Shade of Magic, and Piranesi; International Women's Day

GGA’s 5 Favorite Female Genre Writers

Alex Faccibene

International Women’s Day is here, and it’s the perfect time to celebrate some of my favorite female genre writers! To ...

the women of The Magicians

What I Learned From the Women of THE MAGICIANS

Melody McCune

The Magicians was never short on fierce female characters. We've learned from these women, and we'd like to share those lessons with you.

female horror directors; International Womens Day

Here Are 6 Brilliant Female Horror Directors You Need To Know

Becca Stalnaker

The horror genre contains a multitude of talented individuals. For many years, the genre has been a predominately male-dominated industry. ...

Valeera, Draka and Talanji.

6 Badass Female Characters We Love in WORLD OF WARCRAFT

Julia Roth

Blizzard Entertainment has a long history of creating heavy lore-based games and just as interesting and complex characters. World of ...

Hayan from Unholy Blood, Ellie from Third Shift Society and Aro from The Witch and the Bull.

10 Badass Leading Ladies We Love in Webtoon Comics

Julia Roth

Here at GGA, we are all about singing the praises of our favorite female characters. We love a strong, intelligent, ...