Hilary Tones

Nell peeks through a doorway wearing a cavalier hat and a dark button coat over a red waistcoat. She has a small mustache on as a disguise.

RENEGADE NELL Recap: (S01E05) Excuse Me, I’m a Doctor

Diana Keng

Sneaking into Newgate is as hard as breaking out in Renegade Nell Season 1 Episode 5, "Excuse Me, I'm a Doctor." Find out how in our recap!

Nell, dressed in a blue cloak over a purple gown shows a news sheet to Rasselas who wears a brown long coat over bright green livery and a dark blue tri-corner hat. Nell has her hair pinned up and wears a jeweled choker and earrings. Rasselas carries a wicker basket. Behind them, a blue carriage sits in a wooded area.

RENEGADE NELL Recap: (S01E04) Devil’s Dung

Diana Keng

Roxy discovers a special skill when George's life hangs in the balance in Renegade Nell's fourth episode, "Devil's Dung." Read our recap!

Nell sits at one end of a snug bench, wearing a green and gold brocade gown and holding a blue and white teacup and saucer. At the other end is an older woman with brown hair, a salmon colored gown, and a large white lace pinafore. Between them is a large man wearing a pink brocade suit with voluminous amounts of lace at his neck and cuffs and a curly white court wig.

RENEGADE NELL Recap: (S01E03) A Private Joke With the Queen

Diana Keng

Poynton reveals what he's capable of as Nell faces a dangerous opponent on Renegade Nell Season 1 Episode 3, "A Private Joke With the Queen." Read our recap!