Graham Norton

THE GRAHAM NORTON SHOW: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jeff Goldblum and Thandie Newton Get Personal

Jenny Flack

Graham Norton tends to be really good at breaking down walls with his guests.  Well, consider this a banner week! ...

Chris Pratt and Other Celebrities Attempt British Accents on THE GRAHAM NORTON SHOW

Jenny Flack

The weekend is here, so let’s have a laugh. The Graham Norton Show posted a compilation of its celebrity guests attempting ...

Daniel Kaluuya Talks Screen Kisses and Meeting Oprah on THE GRAHAM NORTON SHOW

Jenny Flack

Daniel Kaluuya and fellow Oscar contenders Allison Janney, Margot Robbie and Alicia Vikander appeared on The Graham Norton Show this ...


Jenny Flack

Playing Spider-Man brings a number of physical challenges.  Tom Holland has met them with ease.  I think we can all ...

Miranda Hart by Mark Harrison

The Case for Miranda Hart to be the 13th Doctor

Leona Laurie

Although I started by putting forth Gwendoline Christie for the 13th Doctor, my real first choice would be Miranda Hart. ...

Keanu Reeves Shares Some Dirt About Another BILL & TED’S ADVENTURE on GRAHAM NORTON

Claudia Dolph

Bill & Ted’s 3 is still in play guys! RELATED: Wick Goes off In New John Wick: Chapter 2 Trailer Keanu Reeves has been ...

catherine tate

Catherine Tate Is In The News!

Claudia Dolph

  Oh Donna Noble, dear Donna we’ve missed you! Catherine Tate is back in the news and it has nothing ...

Your Daily Funny: Watch Jeff Goldblum React to His Own Memes on The Graham Norton Show

Audrey Kearns

This post really needs no introduction other than it’s Graham Norton showing Jeff Goldblum memes in which he is the ...

Top Moments From The Star Wars: The Force Awakens Press Tour

Claudia Dolph

Remember when we first saw that photo of the cast of Star Wars: The Force Awakens together for the first table read? Yea, ...

Kurt Russell Would Have Been A Cool Han Solo!

Claudia Dolph

Oh my god, I love Kurt Russel. He can do no wrong in my book, he’s just always so cool and in ...