garrett wang

Data Scrooge is visited by a Christmas Ghost in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

The Wrath of Dickens: STAR TREK and Charles Dickens

Avery Kaplan

Let's talk about some of the instances of the Star Trek franchise paying homage to one of Earth's greatest storytellers, Charles Dickens.

Michael McKean as the Clown, Tom Wright as Tuvix, Fintan McKeown as Michael Sullivan, and Martin Rayner as Doctor Chaotica. Each from different episodes of Star Trek: Voyager referenced by Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4's "Twovix."

STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS: 6 STAR TREK: VOYAGER Episodes to Watch After ‘Twovix’

Avery Kaplan

Here are six Star Trek: Voyager episodes to watch after the Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4 premiere, "Twovix."

STAR TREK: 8 Visitors to the Black Mountain

Avery Kaplan

Here are 8 Star Trek bridge crew members who visited The Black Mountain, only to return from the dead to tell the tale.

Magical Mystery Trek: 11 STAR TREK Musical Moments

Avery Kaplan

Here are 11 musical moments from the history of Star Trek to celebrate the show-stopping number in *that* Star Trek: Picard episode.

Key art for Star Trek: Lower Decks season three. In the background is an abstract version of the visage of Samanthan Rutherford (Eugene Cordero). In the foreground, the USS Cerritos battles a Klingon Bird of Prey.

STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS Advent Calendar – Part 2

Avery Kaplan

The second week of Geek Girl Authority's Star Trek: Lower Decks Advent calendar has arrived! Is it August 25 yet?

STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION Bridge Crew Members To Appear in PICARD Season 3

Avery Kaplan

In an announcement made on First Contact Day 2022 (Tuesday, April 5), Paramount Plus revealed that the upcoming third and ...

STAR TREK: VOYAGER Cast Will Reunite for 25th Anniversary on ‘Stars in the House’

Audrey Kearns

This is exciting news. The cast from Star Trek: Voyager will reunite in celebration of their 25th anniversary on Stars ...

GGA Ready Room Star Trek News Wrap Up Cover Image

GGA Ready Room: Computer, End Program


Stardate 95810.38 March 18, 2018 Welcome to the final edition of GGA Ready Room! The most recent editions, the 33rd, ...