Fargo Season 4
FARGO Season Finale Recap: (S04E11) Storia Americana
Fargo Season Four went out with a lot of bangs in “Storia Americana,” but somehow the overall effect was a whimper… ...
FARGO Recap: (S04E10) Happy
Fargo takes a couple of unexpected turns in “Happy,” and we are here for them. RELATED: Missed the last Fargo episode? ...
FARGO Recap: (S04E09) East/West
There is a LOT to unpack in the latest episode of Fargo, some of which will likely be easier when ...
FARGO Recap: (S04E08) The Nadir
And finally the blood starts to flow on Fargo. “The Nadir” minimizes its depictions of graphic gun violence by cutting ...
FARGO Recap: (S04E07) Lay Away
Fargo feels like a game of chess in “Lay Away,” but will Loy Cannon (Chris Rock) being the better player matter ...
FARGO Recap: (S04E06) Camp Elegance
“Camp Elegance” is only episode six of Fargo‘s fourth season. There are FIVE more to go. This means that as ...
FARGO Recap: (S04E05) The Birthplace of Civilization
Blood is beginning to flow on Fargo in “The Birthplace of Civilization.” Bills are coming due. Breaking points are being reached. ...
FARGO Recap: (S04E04) The Pretend War
Tension continues to build on Fargo with “The Pretend War.” Too many near misses in this episode, which suggests that a ...
FARGO Recap: (S04E03) Raddoppiarlo
Fargo issues some warning shots in “Raddoppiarlo,” which (according to Google Translate) means “double it.” RELATED: Missed the last episode? Catch ...
FARGO Recap: (S04E02) The Land of Talking and Killing
Fargo continues unfolding its web of killing and interpersonal conflict with a tension-building episode that introduces two of my favorite actors ...
FARGO Season Premiere Recap: (S04E01) Welcome to the Alternate Economy
Fargo is back with a fourth season, and the premiere episode, “Welcome to the Alternate Economy,” sets up the chess ...
FARGO: Season 4 Will Shift Story and Star Chris Rock
Fargo is making some big announcements. The FX neo-noir series, based on the Coen Brothers 1996 film, is bringing actor-comedian Chris ...